Daffodil Gardens Streets

From Toontown Corporate Clash Wiki
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Daffodil Gardens has four streets: Tulip Terrace, Sunflower Street, Daisy Drive, and Petunia Place. Tulip Terrace is unique since it is connected to Sellbot Headquarters, causing it to flood the street with Sellbots.

Streets Cog Levels .exe Sellbotemblem.png Cashbotemblem.png Lawbotemblem.png Bossbotemblem.png Boardbotemblem.png
Daisy Drive 4 - 6 10% 10% 10% 0% 15% 65%
Petunia Place 4 - 7 7.5% 5% 50% 45% 0% 0%
Sunflower Street 4 - 7 10% 10% 10% 10% 60% 10%
Tulip Terrace 4 - 7 15% 80% 5% 5% 5% 5%

Note: Any shops listed below in bold need to be visited at some point during a Task.

Daisy Drive

Map of Daisy Drive

Daisy Drive connects to Wacky Way in Toontown Central.

  • The Fisherman on this street is Fisherman Lily.

Toon Shops:

Petunia Place

Map of Petunia Place

Petunia Place connects to Knight Knoll in Ye Olde Toontowne.

  • The Fisherman on this street is Fisherman Sally.

Toon Shops:

Sunflower Street

Map of Sunflower Street

Sunflower Street connects to Legume Lane in Acorn Acres.

  • The Fisherman on this street is Fisherman Bruce.

Toon Shops:

Tulip Terrace

Map of Tulip Terrace

Tulip Terrace connects to Sellbot Headquarters.

  • The Fisherman on this street is Fisherman Rose.

Toon Shops: