Uncle Spud

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Uncle Spud is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Couch Potato Furniture located on Tulip Terrace in Daffodil Gardens.


Uncle Spud is a yellow mouse who wears a purple Bottom Stripe shirt and sienna Shorts with Belt.

Story Appearances

Daffodil Gardens - Uncle Spud appears in the The Couch Slouch Kudos Board Rank-Up Task. His dialogue during this task is as follows:

The Couch Slouch

"Oh, hey."
"Didn't even hear you enter."
"I've been too hung up on losing those blueprints."
"Do you know how long that took me to draft?"
"Not because I couldn't, it only took me 20 minutes."
"Just getting up to actually do it."
"It was going to be the ULTIMATE sofa."
"And those Sellbots stole it from under me."
"What are they even going to do? Sell it?"
"Say, you're strong right? And motivated?"
"Could you maybe go see if they brought it to their factory for production?"
"Or maybe find some clues?"
"I'm gonna lay down for a bit."

After recovering a memo from the Factory Foreman

"Oh no way."
"A memo that mentions the blueprints? Let me see that."
""Dear Cogs,""
""I need someone to retrieve this blueprint design some Toon made.""
""Oh... It will be very important for my office renovation. Yeah...""
""Signed, C. Bravecog.""
"Oh I think I heard of this guy."
"Some Glad Handers were talking about him."
"Son of the Vice President of C.O.G.S. or something..."
"Go see if you can find out more about his whereabouts."
"I'm gonna rest my head."

After recovering a memo from Glad Handers

"They call him "Multislacker?""
"Oh, he's hiding in Sellbot Towers?"
"Well, do you think maybe you could go ask for it back?"
"Don't know if you'll need to put up a fight for it, but."
"I would really appreciate it."

After recovering some couch blueprints from the Multislacker

"Oh boy, those are the blueprints."
"Thank you so much, now I can finish this."
"I will get to this in about 3 weeks."