Dan D. Lion

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Dan D. Lion is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in The Dandy Lion Pet Shop located on Daisy Drive in Daffodil Gardens.


Dan D. Lion is a plum cat who wears an aqua Plain shirt and maroon High Pockets shorts.

Story Appearances

Daffodil Gardens - Dan D. Lion appears in Ringing the Right Bell Kudos Board Rank-Up Task. His dialogue during this task is as follows:

Ringing the Right Bell

"Oh, it's you, [Toon Name]."
"You see, one of my pets, Dandy the Lion, is in desperate need of a new collar."
"But not just any collar, you see, no."
"You must retrieve the finest of collars of my cute little kitty."
"I've heard those high-level Lawbots have quite lovely collars."
"What were they called again...? They look somewhat like lions."

After recovering A Fine Collar

"Hmm... hmm..."
"No no, this collar won't do just yet."
"For the most part, this is a fine collar, however..."
"There is just one thing that's missing."
"Yes, yes, you noticed it too, right?"
"Oh...you didn't."
"Well, I'll tell you since you've been so helpful thus far."
"This collar lacks a bell."
"Yes, you see, every collar must have a bell, espescially for a cute little kitty like Dandy."
"I have heard that Name Droppers are the secretary type. Perhaps one of them will be in possession of a bell?"

After recovering A Bell

"Well, let's see here...!"
"Oh, well this bell simply won't fit."
"It seems to be lacking in something... oh, but I just can't put my finger on it!"
"Go fetch me a Glass of Water while I think about it."

After fishing up A Glass of Water

"Oh, you got me some water?"
"This water looks somewhat odd, but that's okay."
"I actually had inspiration strike while you were gone."
"I was staring out my window, wondering what to do for my poor Dandy."
"And then, I saw him."
"The most elegant looking Cog I've ever seen!"
"I know that those robots are supposed to be our enemies, but how can I overlook such elegance?"
"Such grace!"
"Such... such... FABULOUSITY!"
"You must do battle with this Cog, and see if you can retrieve even an iota of his elegance."

After recovering A Fine Bell

"You've done it, [Toon Name]!"
"This will surely please my beloved Dandy."
"I suppose you're expecting a reward now, yes?"
"Well, if it weren't for you elegance, I'd still be stuck with Dandy disappointed with me..."
"So, I'll be happy to suffice."