Law N. Mower

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Law N. Mower is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Mow Jellybeans Mow Problems located on Sunflower Street in Daffodil Gardens.


Law N. Mower is a green rabbit who wears a purple Plain shirt and purple High Pockets shorts.

Story Appearances

Daffodil Gardens - In Daffodil Gardens' taskline Law N. Mower appears in the following task: Where the Grass Grows... His dialogue during this task is as follows:

Where the Grass Grows...

"You must be here to finally approve my permit!"
"As you can see, this building is much too small for my lawyer agency-lawn mowing business."
"Do you even know how big the potential is for such a thing!?"
"You're not here to ratify my submitted documents?"
"Nonsense! Then I request you politely leave the premises, or fear... the wrath of a restraining order I'll write up right now!"
"...Those don't actually exist either?"
"Fine. Well, I'm going to need your assistance then."
"If I can't make my building bigger then I'll just have to knock some of the others down a few pegs!"
"Take out some of those tall unsightly Cog buildings that stand around, I need to make my shop look much more important!"

After defeating a 3+ Story Cog Building

"Excellent, is my shop looking bigger yet?"
"You're just saying that aren't you..."
"Anyways, another reason I wanted to expand my shop's size is to allow for a bigger mowing sector."
"There's always grass to level in this flowering playground."
"But if I'm not able to expand myself, perhaps we can outsource..."
"No, no, no, I'm not talking about taking away jobs! I'm talking about expanding our current jobs!"
"Speak with Rocky Raspberry, I've been eyeing his shop for a while now for multiple reasons."
"One, because I'd like to expand my own business there, as it's a beautiful and sizeable building."
"But also because he runs Astroturf Mowers, the only main competition in town!"
"But let's be beneficial, I need you to make him take on my jobs, for a small cut of the mowing profits!"
"Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be attempting to glue more flowers to my shop to make it look even taller!"

After returning from Rocky Raspberry

"He'll do it? ...You mean it?"
"Excellent! My mowing empire is growing!"
"Next I'll have my eyes on expansion beyond this playground, to chop down every last piece of grass that's just slightly too tall!"
"I just really like mowing, honestly."
"And grass of even-height."
"Thank you, [Toon Name]!"
"I will handle it from here. Consider my permits vanished!"
"For now."