Rocky Raspberry

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Rocky Raspberry is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Astroturf Mowers located on Daisy Drive in Daffodil Gardens.


Rocky Raspberry is a black armadillo who wears a maroon Bottom Stripe shirt and bright red Side-striped shorts.

Story Appearances

Daffodil Gardens - In Daffodil Gardens' taskline Rocky Raspberry appears in the following task: Where the Grass Grows... His dialogue during this task is as follows:

Where the Grass Grows...

"You want me to help Law N. Mower?"
"That Toon I find standing outside my shop often?"
"He just stands there... eyes looking up and down my shop's walls, almost drooling..."
"Until he notices me staring at him, anyways. Then he quickly waves awkwardly and sprints away."
"What can I do for him?"
"Taking on new jobs? I can't imagine he's THAT busy, but I'd be willing to."
"I originally set my heart on mowing astroturf, but business has been a tad scarce lately, it seems like that stuff almost never ever grows!"
"I'll make you Toons a deal, if you clear Daffodil Gardens of some of those excess Cogs, I'll be glad to take on some jobs."
"It clears up a ton of space to mow safely!"
"Come back to me when you guys finish that up, I'll be prepping the mowers!"

After defeating 10 Cogs

"Are some of those Cogs gone?"
"Good, it gets hard to try to mow around them."
"They often avoid the sidewalks but you gotta move around all the little trash bins and things, and it's not easy!"
"You can feel free to let Law N. Mower know that I'll take on any mowing job he sends my way."