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Rain is an NPC Toon who can be found kidnapped in Gagsoline Oil Refineries located on Wacky Way in Toontown Central or in the Senior Vice President battle. She will aid Toons during the V.P. Battle by giving them pies in the final round.


Rain is a lavender fox who wears the Resistance Ranger outfit.


Rain is a 1 Gag IOU that boosts the power of the next used Gag by 15 damage. Players will obtain Rain's card directly from her every time they defeat the Senior Vice President.

Story Appearances

Toontown Central - In Toontown Central's taskline, Rain appears in the final task of the Playground: Find The Rain.

Find The Rain

Opening Cutscene:

The Toons walk into a conversation between the Derrick Man and Rain

Rain: "What happens when a frog's car breaks down?"
"Psst, this is the part where you say 'I don't know'!"

Derrick Man: "I don't know."

Rain: "It gets 'toad' away!"

The Toons laugh, and the Derrick Man takes 10 damage from the joke as he notices them

Derrick Man: "Who said that?!"

The Derrick Man turns around, but the Toons hide behind the furniture

Rain: "Have you ever had fun?"
"Do you even understand the concept of 'fun'?"

The Derrick Man turns back around, and begins to walk towards Rain

Derrick Man: "Suits like myself have a very different idea of what you would call 'fun'."
'Fun' is finding an extra staple in your stapler."
"'Fun' is getting a free pen when you sign up for a bank account."

Rain: "Both of those sound really boring."

Derrick Man: "Now you understand how your 'jokes' make me feel."
"Anyways, I have to go deposit another transfer request."

The Derrick Man turns around to leave

Rain: "You might want to take another look at the slip, something might have happened to it."

The Derrick Man enters the elevator

Derrick Man: "I threw out the invisible ink you slipped into my fountain pen."
"You're getting easier to predict, if that's even possible."

The elevator closes

Rain: "I knew the Resistance would come to my aid!"
"Although I must say, you don't look like any Resistance Rangers I know."
"Eh, no matter. Quick, get me out of this cage!"

The Toons approach Rain's cage, but the elevator opens up

Derrick Man: "AHA!"

The Derrick Man bursts out of the elevator and uses his propeller to stand between the Toons and Rain

Derrick Man: "I KNEW I smelled something extra crude!"

The Toons laugh

Derrick Man: "Stop laughing!"

Rain: "We can't help it! You Cogs are so funny sometimes."

The Derrick Man turns around

Derrick Man: "And you be quiet, Toon! I don't need your commentary."
"Anyways, I'm not one to complain about that kind of thing, I just expected something a little different from the likes of-"

The Derrick Man turns back around, only to find everyone has fallen asleep

Derrick Man: "WAKE UP!"

The Derrick Man angrily stomps the ground, wakening the Toons

Derrick Man: "Your 'Resistance' clearly knows about my presence in this building."

Rain: "It wasn't that hard to figure out!"

Derrick Man: "I told you to be quiet!"

The elevator opens up, with Cogs bursting out out it.

Derrick Man: "As I was SAYING, I think it's about time that I send them a message. One that they won't forget."
"Cogs, GET THEM!"

Derrick Man Defeated:

Derrick Man: "No! I can't lose to Toons! I'm in a world of trouble if I that happens."

The Derrick Man turns around to face Rain

Derrick Man: "Hey you! I want to make a deal."

Rain: "I don't like where this is going."

Derrick Man: "Hear me out!"
"You and all the Toons in this room can leave."

Rain: "Great! Well in that case, I'll just see all of us out-"

Derrick Man: "BUT, there's something I need you to do."
"I know that you've been helping Toons in battles against my fellow employees."
"You will promise not to make any such favors in the future."

Rain: "Listen here, Mr. Man, I'm not going to stop-"

Derrick Man: "Promise or I take you all to the Chairman!"

Rain: Rain: "Okay, okay! I promise."

Derrick Man: "Very well. By the way, the name's Boar. William Boar."

The Derrick Man turns back around, the Toons clap

"Oh, don't act so superior!"
"I know what Cogs in the Offshore & Drilling District are capable of. None of you stand a chance."
"Besides, if 'Alton' is to be trusted, then he has your 'Council' wrapped around his finger."
"All of you better be gone when I get back."

The Derrick Man and any remaining cogs fly away

Ending Cutscene:

"Thank you! You saved me from those Cogs!"
"I know that the Resistance wants me to go to Barnacle Boatyard, but I don't think my job is done here."
"The Derrick Man is still menacing the Toons of Toontown Central. And I'm going to stop him!"
"Don't worry about me, I won't get captured again."
"...though you might want to pop in here occasionally. You know, just in case!"
"Now go, before those Cogs come back!"

Rain leaves through the elevator

Daffodil Gardens - In Daffodil Gardens' taskline, Rain appears in the final task of the playground: The Great Market Crash. She is seen when players go to fight the V.P. Her dialogue throughout the boss battle is as follows:

The Great Market Crash

"Hey, Toons! Over here!"
"I take it you Toons are here to rescue me?"

During the first round of the V.P. battle

"Thanks a lot, Toons! Seems like the V.P. is getting worn down!"
"Keep after him! He's on the run!"

Before the second round of the V.P. battle

"Looks like he's trying to get away!"
"Everyone, get up here and stop him!"

During the second round of the V.P. battle

"Good job, Toons! You've almost got him!"
"Alright! Seems like he's all out of Cogs!"

Before the final round of the V.P. battle

"Alright, now we need to attack the V.P. Cog directly."
"Luckily, the Resistance has given me a whole bunch of pies you can use!"
"Jump up and touch the bottom of my cage and I'll give you some pies."
"Press the [Primary Action] key to throw pies once you've got them!"

After the final round of the V.P. battle

"Thank you, [Toon Name]! You managed to take down the V.P.!"
"Thanks a lot for saving me again, by the way."
"For you valiant efforts, I'll give you some IOUs!"
"You can call myself, [Received IOUs] during battle, and we'll come to help you out!"
"Don't worry about me, I'll do my best not to get captured again."
"That goes for Derrick Man, too. I'm not worried about anything him or the V. P. would throw at me."
"Though, if you happen to be in either area, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to pop in and check, just in case!"
"As an additional reward, Unites are special phrases that can be used to heal you and your teammates in a tight spot."
"Toons of the World, Toon-Up!"
"They can only be used once, so choose carefully!"
"You have been awarded [Received Unites]!"
"Now go, before the Cogs get the V.P. back in shape!"

Additional dialogue after the final round of the V.P. battle if the player promotes into a Mover & Shaker

"Also, these promotion papers seem to mention something about "GPS coordinates" to Sellbot HQ!"
"I'll have these coverted to teleport access for you, pronto!"

Additional dialogue after the final round of the V.P. battle if the player is a level 50 Mr. Hollywood

"I see that you have a level 50 Cog suit. Very impressive!"
"On behalf of the Toon Council, thank you for coming back to rescure me!"

Misc. Appearances

  • Rain appears in two short comics posted on the Corporate Clash twitter.
  • Rain appears in a tweet posted on the Corporate Clash twitter in celebration of International Transgender Day of Visibility.


  • Rain was originally a 0-star SOS card until the v1.2.0 update where she was turned into a 1-star.
  • Prior to the v1.2.0 update, when called using an SOS card in battle, Rain would use Sandbags on all Cogs in battle dealing 20 damage to each.
    • This made her a surprisingly effective SOS card, due to how Drop's combo damage used to apply to every Cog in conjunction with other Drop Gags.
  • Prior to the v1.3.0 update, Rain was a 1-star SOS Card who boosted the power of all Gags by 5% for the next 2 turns when called.
