Doctor Dimm

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Doctor Dimm is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Dimm Nightlights - Scientifically Proven! located on Twilight Terrace in Drowsy Dreamland.


Doctor Dimm is a green duck who wears a Scientist Outfit.

Story Appearances

Drowsy Dreamland - In Drowsy Dreamland's taskline Doctor Dimm appears in the following tasks: The Dimm Doctor, The Rumbling in Drowsy Dreamland, Look What I Found!, Is it the Golden Ticket?, Yes. Hand Development Affairs., and Delivering Intel. His dialogue during these tasks is as follows:

The Dimm Doctor

"Hello! Welcome to Dimm Nightlights, number one provider of nightlights in Drowsy Dreamland!"
"What would you like to order? Moon shaped? Sun shaped? Pie shaped? Shape shaped?"
"Pete sent you?"
"Ha, you're quite hilarious, [Toon Name]."
"Seriously though, what night light would you like?"
"...Loony Labs!?"
"I believe you now..."
"That's not even supposed to be known! It's just a codename! We were going to change that name when we went public with our findings!!"
"I'm guessing you're here about our recent findings, correct?"
"Well, let me explain."
"I'm Doctor Dimm, one of the members of the prestigious LOONY LABS science group."
"We're a team of scientists working together to make Toontown the best version of itself that it can be!"
"We've invented many of the important Toontown mainstays, from portable holes, to the name generator, and even the laugh-powered trolley!"
"But we stay out of the public eye to keep our focus lasered in, and to keep public inquiries about our delicate work out."
"This comes at a cost, however."
"Just like any laboratory, we need..."
"Jellybeans to operate."
"So that's where this shop comes into play."
"We put a few of our creative minds together and found the solution to our empty piggy bank issue."
"Night lights."
"That's right! We designed the most perfect dim night light, so much that it's scientifically proven."
"People in Drowsy Dreamland adore it, and it flies off the shelves."
"So that's how we operate."
"Anyways, since you're here, I and the fellow scientists of Loony Labs can indeed use your help like Professor Pete suggested."
"We've been hard at work developing a Cog activity radar of sorts."
"A machine capable of monitoring the accurate movement of Cogs and their bosses alike."
"We recently have nearly perfected it, and we seem to think there's been peculiar movement happening lately."
"This is where you come in."
"While we continue to work, develop, and fine tune our projects, we can have you providing us with critical field research!"
"Now, let's start simple."
"I'm giving you this radar kit. Keep it on your person at all times."
"I would like to study each department roaming in this region with the device, as they seem to have some very peculiar movement."
"I'll discuss our future plans with you upon your completion."
"Focus on the stronger, more executive looking Cogs."
"Good luck, and thanks for the help!"

The Rumbling in Drowsy Dreamland

"Oh my..."
"These findings are..."
"Almost only newer Boardbots seem to be roaming these streets."
"This can't be good, by any means."
"But thank you, [Toon Name], for this research."
"I'm... going to keep looking these over."
"As for you, it might be best to see if you can find eyewitnesses for this kind of stuff."
"Go incognito and speak with Resistance Ranger Rest."
"See if he or anyone in Drowsy Dreamland has seen something in correspondence with the Cogs' movement."
"Meet back here once you've gotten something."
"I'll be here breaking down the numbers."

Look What I Found!

"Why, [Toon Name]! You're back so soon!"
"My deductive reasoning would lead me to believe you have found something for me, yes?"
"Well hand it over already!!"
"What's this?"
"It appears to be wooden, some light paints on it, traditional, toxic, not safe for Toons..."
"I deduce that what you have here is a piece of a crate!"
"There appears to be a "C" on this crate as well..."
"Very peculiar."
"This is one of those Cog Nation crates that the Cashbots keep in their mints!"
"But why does one here in Dreamland have a piece?"
"This is very odd indeed..."
"I need to think, go back to your undercover studies, this is great stuff you're bringing me, [Toon Name]."

Is it the Golden Ticket?

"Another item?"
"Hand it over, I need something to give me my big break on all this information!"
"Drawing you say?"
"I disagree. It appears to be..."
"A map of Toontown!"
"But why?"
"There's some marks circled down specifically as well..."
"This is quite interesting."
"You got this from Bossbots, you say?"
"That Dozy sure is good, then."
"I'm going to add this to my cute little desk in the back where I feel special looking over a bunch of clues."
"I'm like a little ducky detective!"
"Keep helping the officers and see if you can dig up more clues."
"See you soon, [Toon Name]."

Yes. Hand Development Affairs.

"Hand development affairs?"
"This is all you got...?"
"Well, it's something... Maybe."
"But I got something as well!"
"A secret trick up this ducky's sleeve!"
"Under the cover detectives."
"That's right!"
"Toons secretly going on the inside as Cogs to find out their plans!"
"Here, take your development affairs thing to them, they might figure it out!"
"Their name is Detective Slumber, they're at Under The Covers - Detective Agency just down the street!"
"Let me know what they give you!"

Delivering Intel

"No time to waste, [Toon Name]. Let's crack this baby open."
"Mmk. Yes. I see."
"Movement patterns are indeed interesting, and do seem to correlate with my machine's findings."
"The Chairman correspondence is quite interesting..."
"But what does it all mean..."
"Think Dimm, THINK!!"
"The Cashbots, you found a piece of a Cog Nation crate here, didn't you?"
"This information says that the Cashbots corresponded with them recently..."
"With the rise in Boardbots and the sharp drop in Cashbots, I can deduce that The Chairman must be moving into Drowsy Dreamland!"
"This is quite interesting..."
"But it doesn't make up for everything else..."
"Especially with the CEO being so still, after every other department having reached out to The Chairman reportedly..."
"You found the drawing from earlier, right?"
"It was a map of Toontown, with specific spots circled."
"I thought it was nonsense, but you're absolutely sure that you found it from the Bossbots, right?"
"Tell me if the circles mean anything."
"One was over Toontown Central."
"Another on Barnacle Boatyard."
"And a last one on..."
"Ye Olde Toontowne."
"What's that?"
"Derrick Man? Land Acquisition Architect? Public Relations Representative?"
"But what does that have to do with the CEO staying put, and this map?"
"Hand, Development, Affairs..."
"Derrick Man..."
"Land Acquisition Architect..."
"Director of Land DEVELOPMENT!"
"Public Relations Representative..."
"That's it!"
"[Toon Name]! You've figured out the reasons for the lack of movement!"
"It all makes sense!"
"The CEO's staying put because he's developing even STRONGER versions of the Cogs you faced in your journey up until this very point!"
"He must be doing it in the very heart of his own operations."
"His office..."
"I need to look over more of this stuff, I might even bring it back with me to Loony Labs. I'll have to invite you over."
"Perhaps we'll even rebrand into an official entity and let you and your friends visit!"
"But for now, stay safe out there, [Toon Name]."
"Good luck."

Event Tasks - Doctor Dimm appears in the Break The Law task: Boarding Up and the Halloween 2020 task: Spooky Storyteller. His dialogue during the Spooky Storyteller task is as follows:

Spooky Storyteller

"Hello! Welcome to Dimm Nightlights, lighting Drowsy Dreamland one lux at a time!"
"You've come at an interesting time. Unfortunately, we're out of stock on nightlights."
"They tend to sell out this time of year, with all the spookiness that you can find, Toons get scared!"
"I just gave my last one away; it was a special order for Hysterical Harry."
"You may have heard of him and his shop over in The Brrrgh!"
"You'd have to convince him to give you his nightlight though... If you are that desperate."

Misc. Appearances

  • Leading up to the Toonsmas 2020 event, numerous letters to Santa Paws from Toons around Toontown were shown off on the Corporate Clash Twitter. One of these letters was written by Doctor Dimm.
  • Doctor Dimm appears in a short comic posted on the Corporate Clash Twitter.

Unique Interaction Dialogue

Doctor Dimm has unique dialogue when attempting to interact with him. This dialogue is as follows:

  • "Come to help with my studies?"
  • "I wonder what that crazy monkey is up to..."
  • "Got any toonsten filament I could use for my nightlights?"
  • "Did you know that red is the ideal color for nightlights? It's true!"