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Rest is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in the Toon HQ located in the Drowsy Dreamland playground.


Rest is an orange rabbit who wears the Resistance Ranger outfit.

Story Appearances

Drowsy Dreamland - In Drowsy Dreamland's taskline Rest appears in the following tasks: Fitting Into The Crowd, Wakey, Wakey!, Three Pieces, and All-Seeing Eye Doctors. His dialogue during these tasks is as follows:

Fitting Into The Crowd

"Oh hey! It's [Toon Name]!"
"You're the Toon that's known for going around and literally helping everyone and everything!"
"You're here to help me, right?"
"You look a bit uncertain, but alright!"
"So as you can see here, my fellow HQ Officers have decided to nap on the job."
"They all have tasks to complete for the Toons of Dreamland like any other respectable HQ Officer, but they just keep sleeping on the job!"
"I got an idea."
"You can help me by waking them up!"
"Let's try smell, I've heard that's always a good way to bring someone back!"
"Let's see... what smells awful."
"Toxic Managers!"
"Ooh, ooh! Even better! Lil' Oldman's breath!"
"But his lumpy cheese breath self would be impossible to drag all the way out here..."
"Old boots!"
"Those murky dirty things are always at the bottom of the pond!"
"If you can bring one of those back through these headquarters doors, I'm sure that awful stench will jolt these Toons right up!"
"Let's try it!"

Wakey, Wakey!

"Oh good golly, these smell RANK!"
It's perfect!"
"Let's see if it works!"
"I guess they're having sweet dreams, cause this sure isn't working..."
"Ok, next plan."
"One thing I love to wake up for is food."
"Everyone loves food, right?"
"How about fresh, delicious pineapple?"
"They may or may not be my favorite but..."
"I'm sure it'll work!"

After throwing some pineapples

"Perfect, they look fresh and ready to eat!"
"Smell, food, what else..."
"If only I had the keys to what sound would wake someone up..."
"Wait... keys!"
"But what Cog could you possibly get keys from..."
"Always going around, jingling their keys and mingling with Cogs."
"Be a good helper and fetch some Mingler keys for me, this must work!"

After recovering some keys from Minglers

"Jingle, jingle, jingle!!"
"I don't think it's enough, unfortunately."
"We need more keys!"
"But what Cog could possibly have more..."
"Legal Eagles!"
"Always jingling their keys for... law stuff..."
"Go, fetch them for me, and we'll wake these lazy officers right up!"

After recovering some keys from Legal Eagles

"Well looky there! I think it worked!"
"I think you can reach through to them now, just yell a bit at them."
"If you could, work with them, as I'm sure they're back loaded on tasks for a while."
"I have some as well, but it'd probably be best you help them while you still can, and then come back around to me."
"Thank you!"

Three Pieces

"Three pieces of paper, with words written on them?"
"It seems to be really worn and almost illegible..."
"It's odd... but maybe someone involved in optics could help decipher them?"
"It'd start with REM Optometry. It's run by Dr. Blinky over on Pajama Place."
"Hopefully it helps!"

All-Seeing Eye Doctors

"Hand development affairs?"
"I'm sorry, but unless we're talking about someone with a fragile ego, I don't think I'm of much help here."
"Maybe there's somebody you could think of to help you with this."
"But as for Drowsy Dreamland, I think your work here is done."
"Thanks for basically taking over for Dozy, Snoozy and Dreamy here."
"As you can see they're... Not quite up to par still."
"But I'll keep working at it. I appreciate all the help."
"See you around Dreamland, [Toon Name]."


  • Rest's shorts were at one point bugged to be a skirt rather than shorts.
