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Snoozy is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in the Toon HQ located in the Drowsy Dreamland playground.


Snoozy is a green mouse who wears a sea green Bottom Stripe shirt and light blue High Pockets shorts.

Story Appearances

Drowsy Dreamland - In Drowsy Dreamland's taskline Snoozy appears in the following tasks: Snoozin', It's Time To Pay Up, and Lawfully Strange. Their dialogue during these tasks is as follows:


"Wow! What a way to rise and shine!"
"What time is it..."
"HEY! Wait a minute, it's still dark outside..."
"Oh yeah, it's ALWAYS dark outside..."
"Anyway, what can I help you with?"
"...Dreams? Prophetic visions?"
"I'm afraid not. I was dreaming of dancing around with giant ice cream cones, personally."
"Not sure that would do you any good..."
"But I do need some help."
"I've been... slacking on the job, and I realize now that I have something sliiiiightly important to do..."
"The playground of Drowsy Dreamland pays local business to power all the lights and shops and..."
"I've been pressing the snooze button on this job perhaps a bit too long."
"Could you go speak with Powers Erge for me before our power cuts out?"
"Her shop is Lights Out Electric Co. on Lullaby Lane."
"Thank you!"

It's Time To Pay Up

"Oh hey, you got it done."
"Great, I was worried I would have to fork over a ton of my jellybeans!"
"Oh... YOU had to pay?"
"Haha, uh..."
"I got just one left!"
"But I warn you. It's a weird one."
"It's Lawful Linda."
"She runs her shop Wynken, Blynken, and Nod, Attorneys at Law on Pajama Place."
"I'm supposed to... help her?"
"I can't describe it accurately myself. You'll just have to see for yourself."
"Good luck."

Lawfully Strange

"What's this?"
"Three pieces of paper?"
"I'm sorry, [Toon Name]. I couldn't help with this."
"I'd recommend asking Resistance Ranger Rest, maybe he'd know more."
"But thank you for all the kind help!"