Lawful Linda

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Lawful Linda is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Wynken, Blynken & Nod, Attorneys at Law located on Pajama Place in Drowsy Dreamland.


Lawful Linda is an aqua mouse who wears a pink Hearts shirt and purple High Pockets shorts.

Story Appearances

Drowsy Dreamland - In Drowsy Dreamland's taskline Lawful Linda appears in the following task: Lawfully Strange. Her dialogue during this task is as follows:

Lawfully Strange

"Hello. I am Lawful Linda."
"Let me introduce my colleagues."
"I am Wynken."
"And I am Blynken."
"And I am Nod."
"We three are the all-seeing attorneys of Drowsy Dreamland."
"Do what we seek, and you'll find what you seek in return."
"I, Wynken, seek the fish of the sea. In this case, those smelly Shark Watchers."
"Defeat the fish and bring back what you find, for you will see that there's more than you expect."

After defeating a Shark Watcher

"You have found many fins, but what more did you find, but a piece of parchment, with a word inscribed."
"The paper is yours, do with it what you wish. For I only sought the fins of the fish."
"I, Nod now seek something shiny and bold."
"For I, Nod, want you to bring me a dime."
"Now go and collect it, you mustn't waste time."

After recovering A Dime from Cashbots

"A dime you have brought to me."
"And yet another note for you to see."
"May these notes that you've found guide you on your many quests."
"Now excuse us as we use the dime to invest."
Thanks for all the lovely items, [Toon Name]!"
"If you need any legal help, come say hi to me and the gang anytime!"
"Why the weird look?"