Lord Lowden Clear

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Lord Lowden Clear is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in the Toon HQ located in the Toontown Central playground.


Lord Lowden Clear is a bright red dog who wears the Resistance Ranger outfit.

Story Appearances

Toontown Central - In Toontown Central's taskline Lord Lowden Clear appears in the following tasks: Welcome to Toontown, Time For First Impressions, A Taste of Toontown, Gathering Gags, and Find The Rain. His dialogue during these tasks is as follows:

Welcome to Toontown!

"Hey, Professor Pete! Here's that Toon I was talking about earlier-- mind showing them the ropes?"

Professor Pete replies

"Roger! I'll see you shortly, rookie."

Toon enters the training room

"Welcome to the training room, rookie! Let's get you prepared!"
"First thing's first: you need a Laff Meter! Now where is it..."
"Ah, there it is! Your Laff Meter signifies how happy you are at any point in time!"
"However, if your Laff hits 0..."
"You'll become sad and will be sent back to the nearest playground!"
"Luckily, when in the playground, you can find treasures! These will heal you back up quickly."
"Why would your Laff hit 0, you may ask?"
"Well, you see, currently we are under an invasion. An invasion conducted by robots."
"We call them Cogs."
"These no fun robots can't take a joke. Thankfully, jokes are our specialty!"
"Gags are used to battle the Cogs around town, and I'm going to teach you how to use them!"
"Let's get started! Approach that Cog dummy over there!"
"Get that Desk Jockey!"

After approaching the Desk Jockey

"Ready to train? First thing's first, the battle interface!"
"At the bottom, each Toon has a panel that includes their Laff Meter and what they're planning to do."
"Cogs also have their own panels, located at the top. This shows their health and level."
"But most importantly, we have your inventory of Gags smack dab in the middle!"
"Each row represent a Gag Track. I'll be walking you through the uses of each one."
"Something to remember is that Gags are used in Track order, from top to bottom. Now let's get to using some!"
"Here's a SQUIRT Gag for you to use on that Desk Jockey! Click on it to attack!"

After using a Squirt Gag

"Great shot! As you might have noticed, it took some DAMAGE, shown by the number that popped up!"
"Also, they become SOAKED!"
"SOAKED is something we call a Status Effect, which you can see is slotted into that Cog's panel."
"Hovering over a Status Effect will give you a brief description of what it does. It's good to always be aware of the situation!"
"One of the benefits of SOAKED is that the Cog is less likely to dodge our gags."
"This is a great time to use DROP! It's a very powerful type of Gag, but has low accuracy."

After using a Drop Gag

"Nice, we both hit it! Because of that, we dealt bonus COMBO damage!"
"SQUIRT, THROW, and DROP Gags deal combo damage when used with other Gags of their track."
"However, they used an ability that summoned another Cog! Fortunately, we have ways of dealing with multiple Cogs at once."
"ZAP Gags can only affect SOAKED Cogs, but their electricity can jump to other SOAKED targets."
"How about you use ZAP while I use SQUIRT to SOAK both of them?"

After using a Zap Gag

"Good teamwork! We even managed to destroy one of them. Hopefully Pete won't be mad about that..."
"Notice how the Cog isn't SOAKED anymore? ZAP dries off all the Cogs it hits!"
"Also, when I SOAKED the Cog next to the one I targeted, it was dealt a little bit of SPLASH damage."
"Anyways, let's move on. Go ahead and use a LURE Gag now."

After using a Lure Gag

"Guess our friend found that quite alluring!"
"LURED is a Status Effect just like SOAKED, so you can hover over it for info as well!"
"LURED guarantees that our SQUIRT, THROW, and SOUND Gags will hit."
"Let's take advantage of it by using THROW Gags!"

After using a Throw Gag

"Oof! That sure was a splat fest! See how it was KNOCKED BACK and isn't LURED anymore?"
"Both THROW and SQUIRT Gags deal bonus damage equal to the KNOCKBACK value of the LURED effect."
"Other sources of damage will still UNLURE the Cog but will not gain KNOCKBACK damage, so be careful!"
"In addition, DROP Gags cannot hit LURED Cogs."
"The next track I'll have you use is TRAP. Go ahead and throw down a banana peel!"

After using a Trap Gag

"Ouch! I wasn't expecting that... Pete's been messing with the script, I guess."
"When you start fighting actual Cogs, they will attack every turn after Toons finish using their Gags."
"Ugh! Anyway, you can see that the TRAP hasn't done anything yet."
"Cogs must be LURED into TRAPS for them to work."
"This many Cogs isn't a good situation... I'm going to LURE them all with my magnet so that they can't attack."
"Could you give me a TOON-UP to help me shake off that hit I took earlier? It will also help my accuracy!"

After using a Toon-Up Gag

"That fall's gotten them DAZED and confused now!"
"TRAPS deal lots of damage and also apply the DAZED effect."
"Similar to SOAKED, DAZED makes the Cog less likely to dodge our attacks."
"Now then, I've had enough of these Desk Jockeys!"
"Time for the last track, SOUND! It hits all the Cogs in the battle!"
"SOUND off, rookie!"

After using a Sound Gag

"Are you OK, rookie? This Desk Jockey is a tough one..."
"Using SOUND gives you the ENCORE effect, which makes your next gag stronger!"
"If you use SOUND when you have ENCORE, however, you'll become WINDED, which makes your SOUND Gags weaker for a few turns."
"And that should be everything you need to know about fighting Cogs!"
"I'll give you a TOON-UP to get you back to full Laff. Choose a Gag to finish this fight!"

After choosing any Gag

"Great job, rookie! I think you're ready to take on the Cogs!"
"You now have a very tough decision to make. Which two Gag Tracks will you start with?"
"Once you've decided, head back out to the classroom. Pete will want to talk with you."
"I've got to get back to Toon HQ now. See ya, rookie!"

Time For First Impressions

"Hey again, [Toon Name]! Glad to see you're getting settled in nicely."
"With how well you did in training, I'd say you'll be ready for some real tasking in no time."
"But first, a formal welcome to the team."
"As you know, I'm Lord Lowden Clear - head of the Toon Resistance."
"We're the top-of-the-line team that's been established to strategize and fight against the Cogs."
"Here stands some of the most experienced and trusted Resistance members in all of Toontown."
"Mata Hairy - Head of strategy and banana collection."
"Bumpy Bumblebehr - Head of stealth tactics and round objects alike."
"Good ol' Gil Giggles - Head of disguises and ordering our catering."
"And me, leader of the Toon Resistance itself."
"When the Cogs first invaded, Toontown needed someone to help organize our retaliation. That's where I came in."
"Since then, we've had all kinds of Toons come in and rise through the ranks, eventually becoming Resistance Rangers."
"There's dozens of us in Toontown now, and we're hoping you'll join those numbers someday."
"We need as many Resistance Rangers as we can get taking down these Cogs and taking back Toontown, once and for all."
"We'll start you out simple, don't you worry, [Toon Name]."
"First things first, you'll need some Gags. And that means earning some Jellybeans to buy them!"
"There's a few ways to earn some around town, one of them is riding the Trolley and playing some games."
"Hop on there on your own, or with up to 3 friends!"
"The Trolley takes you to the Gag Shop after each game, so make sure you stock up before heading back."
"Go on, give it a try!"

After riding the Trolley

"Great job! Now that you're all stocked up, you're ready to take down some Cogs."
"We've managed to keep the playgrounds safe for now, but you can still find Cogs roaming the streets."
"You can go through any of the tunnels in the playground to reach the streets. Try not to wander too far, as streets beyond Toontown Central's harbor more dangerous Cogs!"
"Defeat 2 Cogs, then come back to let me know you're finished. Stay safe out there."

After defeating 2 Cogs

"Nice work on taking down those Cogs!"
"As you may have noticed, Cogs come in all different shapes, suits, and sizes."
"Each Cog comes from a specific department. From what we know, there are five departments: Sellbot, Cashbot, Lawbot, Bossbot, and Boardbot."
"You'll learn more about this as you train more and become stronger."
"You may even want to check out the Cog Gallery page in your Shtickerbook from time to time, if you're curious!"
"Now, let's try defeating Cogs from a specific department. Check your ToonTasks, and follow what it says."

After defeating the assigned Cogs

"Back already?"
"With turnaround times like that, I think you're ready to take on some real Resistance work."
"Go ahead and talk to my colleague next to me, Mata Hairy, for some more assignments!"
"And, once again, welcome! At this pace, I'm sure you'll become a Resistance Ranger in no time!"

A Taste of Toontown

"Hey there, [Toon Name]! Ready for more, huh?"
"I've got to be honest with you. When we first initiated you our expectations were low."
"But since then you've proved to us that you're not only capable, but eager and motivated. You stand out from the bunch, [Toon Name]."
"I'm going to give you two tasks of mine that I hold in high regard. I wouldn't have been solving them myself if they weren't!"
"First thing I've had on my list is to set up food resources for all the Toons working hard here in Toontown."
"We can't always be eating pies, after all!"
"We recently had a new chef brought on to help set the situation up."
"In fact, he was just like you! He worked his way up and with our trust -- and a love for food, he was our new head chef!"
"We set him up with his own diner on Punchline Place, it's called the Toontown Mess Hall."
"Go on ahead and drop by and see about getting a food distribution set up!"
"And watch the door, it's a spacey entrance to the right of the window booth."
"Oh, and his name? It's Chef E.Z. Bake."
"Now hurry on up and keep making us proud!"

After returning from Chef E.Z. Bake

"You really seem special. I was going to sit on that job for at least a few weeks more, but you got it done so fast!"
"Okay, you know what, I'm gonna send you right to the top of my personal list."
"We need to gather and unite some of the potential gag suppliers to allow for a more uniform and easy process of stocking Gag Shops."
"What? Did you think Gag Shops just magically made all these Gags for Toons?
"The Cogs' increase in numbers lately has really put a strain on the Gag Shop. Prices are through the roof!"
"You may be a real pro at getting tasks done, but you've got a lot to learn, [Toon Name]."
"Start by going to Slip and Slide - Used Banana Peels over on Wacky Way."
"Rancid Robert seems to be a perfect candidate to provide the Gag Shop with banana peels."
"Your mission, shall you choose to accept it, is to convince him to supply banana peels for the Gag Shops."
"And you don't have a choice BUT to accept it."
"Be swift and smart! You have my trust."

Gathering Gags

"Excellent. Now we just need a few more to sign on and we're just about set."
"We definitely don't want the gag shop running low."
"One of the most widely used gags is pies."
"It's vital we keep these stocked in mass supply. You'd be surprised at just how many of them fly off the shelves!"
"Can you run over to Ma Putrid at the House of Bad Pies over on Silly Street and get her to sign on?"
"Thank you for all your hard work, [Toon Name]!"

After returning from Ma Putrid

"She's sorry? Sorry for what?"
"You've done a great job, [Toon Name]."
"So let's see here..."
"One more stop!"
"I need you to go to Sid Seltzer at Seltzer Bottles and Cans on Loopy Lane."
"We just really need his potential supply of bubbly delicious drinks for us to use in the fight, and sometimes when we're just thirsty!"
"I'm trusting you, [Toon Name]. Impress me again and we'll see about getting an even more important role in the Toon Resistance for you."

After returning from Sid Seltzer

"Yes, yes, yes!"
"You are talented. You got a future in this, I gotta tell you."
"I can see you standing behind this very desk with the rest of us, how cool would that be?"
"If you enjoy paperwork and organizing resistance members, that is."
"You know what..."
"We don't normally do this, but I think you're just the Toon for the job."
"There's a very pressing issue going on. One that Toons like you aren't supposed to be informed about, but this is important."
"You've completed every last thing we've asked you to do, and not only that, but excelled in completing them."
"Toon Resistance! It's time for a vote."
"Who says we allow [Toon Name] here to handle our big task?"

After the other three Rangers respond

"And I agree. That settles it, [Toon Name]. You're handling this for us."
"I want you to go to Flippy, tell him you know all about our unification project, and that you're ready for it."
"Let him know everything you've heard here."
"We believe in you, we know you're the Toon for the job! Prove us right!"

Find The Rain

"I'm proud of you for the great work, but listen real close, [Toon Name], we have a serious issue."
"We've been keeping tabs on one of our Resistance Rangers lately."
"They were supposed to be the new ambassador for Barnacle Boatyard, but they disappeared shortly after a meeting with Flippy."
"Since then their trail's gone cold, until today, that is."
"We've been personally asking for Toons with any knowledge to step forward, and finally, Louise Connection has alerted us that she may have something."
"We need you to run over to her shop Toon Mobile Wireless on Wacky Way and see just what she's heard."
"If this can lead us back to Resistance Ranger Rain, it would be a huge relief."
"Thank you, [Toon Name]."

After returning from Wacky Wally and obtaining a key

"Gagsoline Oil Refineries huh?"
"This just might be the big break in this case that we need."
"I want you to take that key you found, and enter the building."
"Go inside, but be careful!"
"Take a look around, and then come back promptly and tell me what you saw."
"Don't take too long and don't make too much noise, we want you being as careful as you can be."
"Good luck, [Toon Name]."

After investigating Gagsoline Oil Refineries

"A secret Cog shop!?"
"What's that? You found a small written label inside?"
"The Derrick Man!?"
"This is way worse than we could've ever had imagined.."
"It appears the Cogs are using this building as a secret front to gather resources right from under our noses!"
"And to think Resistance Ranger Rain must be held captive inside that office as well..."
"I just don't understand why she wouldn't have informed us more before endangering herself like this."
"Listen, [Toon Name]."
"I need you to gather up all the Gags you can find, go back inside that evil shop, and take down and defeat that Cog inside that shop."
"Go inside, take them down, and rescue Resistance Ranger Rain."
"You got this. We know you do."

After defeating the Derrick Man

"I knew you could do it. I just knew it!"
"I don't think a single Toon here doubted you after everything you've done."
"You stepped up to the plate and absolutely nailed it. You're fantastic!"
"You've solved all our major issues here."
"You even found and rescued Resistance Ranger Rain, and uncovered some of the Cog's even plans they're trying to unfold here in the heart of Toontown!"
"By the way, I don't think those Cogs will stop trying to run their operations in that alleyway."
"Nor will we be able to stop Resistance Ranger Rain from repeatedly trying to take them down."
"She mentioned it already? Figures..."
"We really appreciate her, but she can be very stubborn, to the point that it gets her in trouble."
"So anytime you can, feel free to stop back at the Derrick Man's office and take them down."
"We'll need to always keep them in-check, I would presume, as well as keep Rain out of harm's way."
"But I just want you to think about all of this."
"You yourself came up from nothing and single handedly fixed all our major problems. You're a real asset."
"But besides everything you've accomplished, there's always more to do."
"In Toontown there's many playgrounds that need help from Toons just like you."
"In fact, I'm sure if you ask Flippy, he'll have some place that he can send you to help out."
"Go out and help those Toons like you've helped us, like you've helped Rain. I know you can accomplish it."
"Thank you again, [Toon Name]. The Toon Resistance thanks you."
Good luck.

Drowsy Dreamland - In Drowsy Dreamland's taskline Lord Lowden Clear appears in the following tasks: Lord Lowden Clear, Help!!! and The Final Battle. For Now. His dialogue during these tasks is as follows:

Lord Lowden Clear, Help!!!

"What's this?"
"The CEO's planning a stronger attack than before?"
"Look, [Toon Name]. You've helped the Resistance too much for this to be anything other than the truth."
"Are you sure you can handle this?"
"Well then you've got my support."
"There's no time to waste, but I can't organize another team so soon after the banquet bust..."
"The CEO continues to run it's banquet, and we keep needing those Toons to take him down."
"This is going to have to be a mission organized by yourself, [Toon Name]."
"It's in your hands, [Toon Name]."
"Tell Flippy. I'm going to send you in."
"Grab your Gags, get everything set, and find some Toons to bring with."
"This is going to be dangerous. Quite possibly the hardest thing you've ever tackled."
"Good luck."

The Final Battle. For Now.

"You did it! You're back safe!"
"I knew you could do it, [Toon Name]."
"Those three new "stronger" Cogs never stood a chance!"
"Now we just need to keep all eyes on that Chairman."
"Who knows what plans could be rolling up his sleeve soon..."
"Again, great work."
"You're a real Toon of the Resistance, [Toon Name]. Congratulations."
"You'll want to speak to Flippy too, by the way."
"I bet he's a new shade of purple after all the breath holding he's been doing while you've been gone."
"Great work again."
"Glad to have you here."
"See you around Toontown, [Toon Name]."

The Comics - Lord Lowden Clear appears in the 7th Corporate Clash Comic Lawfice Space

Misc. Appearances

Unique Interaction Dialogue

Lord Lowden Clear has unique dialogue when attempting to interact with him. This dialogue is as follows:

  • "Anything new to report?"
  • "What can I do to help, Ranger?"
  • "Keep those Gags stocked. You may never know when you need them."
  • "Disguises are only used in the Headquarters. No, not this Headquarters."


  • Lord Lowden Clear has 163 Laff. This can only be seen during the Toontorial where Lowden battles alongside the player against some Desk Jockies.
  • In the Did Someone Say Present? blog post Lord Lowden Clear can be seen wearing the Cashbot Catcher outfit. This is the only instance of him ever wearing this outfit.
