Louise Connection

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Louise Connection is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Toon Mobile located on Wacky Way in Toontown Central.


Louise Connection is a sienna cat with white legs who wears a Denim Vest with Cuffed Blouse sleeves, a blue Jean Pockets skirt, and the Bug Antenna.

Story Appearances

Toontown Central - In Toontown Central's taskline Louise Connection appears in the following task: Find the Rain. Additionally, Louise Connection also appears in the Double Coil and Trouble and Brainiacs in the Basement Kudos Board Rank-Up Tasks. Her dialogue during these tasks is as follows:

Find the Rain

"You're here about Resistance Ranger Rain right?"
"So here's the deal."
"She stopped by a while ago, seemingly frantic."
"She said she was watching out for some kind of "special" Cogs, something no toon had seen before roaming around."
"But after saying that, she didn't mention much more besides the fact that she was going to set up shop next door at Wacky Way Wonderworld."
"If you go over to Wacky Wally at Wacky Way Wonderworld, you just might be able to find out more."
"Good luck!"

Double Coil and Trouble

"Am I so glad to see you, [Toon Name]!"
"Ever since the Cogs started invading, I've been scrambling to set up the Toonigraph system."
"I've only just gotten myself trained on its inner workings, but they're already expecting me to deploy it across Toontown."
"What's a Toonigraph? Oh sorry, should have explained it first."
"You know how when a butterfly flaps its wings, it creates a slight flutter?"
"Turns out if you direct this energy very carefully, it could even wake a sleeping Doodle in Drowsy Dreamland!"
"Professor Pete's found a way to make this work for us."
"He's invented a brand new gizmo to simulate this flutter using only the scent of vanilla ice cream!"
"With some careful timing and a looooooot of ice cream, we can send secret messages to each other over thin air!"
"It's quite a miraculous system, but it's never really been tested."
"I'm a bit worried things might fall apart, but with the Cogs banging at our doors we don't have much of a choice."
"I'll explain more later, but we really must crack on."
"I've already got this street covered, but we'll need more Scent Directors for the rest of Toontown Central."
"Go see Feather Duster over at Tickle Machines on Silly Street."
"Their tickling machines has those spinny-springy doodads that make synchronization easy-peasy!"
"Bring me back some of those, and I'll tell you what to do next."

After returning from Feather Duster

"Oooooh, what have you got that there?"
"Tick... tick... boing! Tick... tick... boing! Tick... tick..."
"-Oh, sorry! These things are mighty hypnotic too. Don't stare at it for too long!"
"Either way, those are perfect for the Toonigraph receivers."
"You went so far out of your way to help me, it's only fair that I do something for you."

Brainiacs in the Basement

"Oh, hey again, [Toon Name]!"
"Oh geez, what's this? A Cog's apparently infiltrated the playground?"
"Hmm, don't worry, I know my way around these radar units."
"And since you got it from a higher-level Cog, I bet I can get a wealth of info on this Cog, even its exact location!"
"Just flip this doodad aaand..."
"Hmm, hmm... looks like it's a manager Cog that's snuck its way into the playground."
"Its name is the Prethinker, it's a Sellbot...."
"Holy moly! It looks like it's right underneath the schoolhouse!"
"I wonder, could they possibly have a basement? That would explain how that's possible, then."
"Well, you best report back to Professor Pete now."
"Be gentle, though, and try not to scare the living daylights out of him!"


  • Louise's name is a pun on the term "loose connection".
  • Originally, rather than using white Cuffed Blouse sleeves for her shirt Louise used orange Button-Up sleeves instead.
    • This was likely changed with the v1.2.5 update, where she and a majority of the game's NPCs gained more unique outfits.