Bumpy Bumblebehr

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Bumpy Bumblebehr is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in the Toon HQ located in the Toontown Central playground. He can also be found aiding Toons in the C.L.O. and Overclocked C.L.O. battles.


Bumpy Bumblebehr is a periwinkle bear who wears the Lawbot Liberator outfit.

Story Appearances

Toontown Central - In Toontown Central's taskline Bumpy Bumblebehr appears in the following tasks: Big Bumpin', Sticky Situation, and briefly during Gathering Gags. His dialogue during these tasks is as follows:

Big Bumpin'

"Hiya, [Toon Name]! I'm glad to see you!"
"Welcome to the team! I'm Bumpy."
"I'm always happy to see new recruited Toons, especially ones so eager to help out."
"So, I'm really just a big round happy bear seeing you run around here!"
"I do have a few issues that are rather pressing that I can't handle here from the base of operations."
"So, I need you to head out to these places and assist these Toons for me."
"Nurse Nancy is the most important one that I can think of, for right now."
"She's taking care of all the injured and sickly Toons of the resistance, so it's our duty to help!"
"She's tried a number of creative boo-boo solutions, but she's confident in glue, for some reason."
"So glue it is! Head on over to Sticky Lou at Blue Glue Direct 2 You. It's on Loopy Lane."
"Make sure you get the really pretty stuff. When you're injured and need medical assistance, some colorful glue will surely cheer you up!"

Sticky Situation

"Wow! You sure seemed to solve that quick!"
"What are these hairs..."
"Decorative glue?"
"I'm no simpletoon, [Toon Name]. I'm beary smart. I know mouse hairs when I see them!"
"This just clearly won't cut it. We can't be unsanitary."
"Go back and get some fresh and preferably unused glue, please!"

After returning from Sticky Lou

"Ah Finally, some decent Glue. I'll get this over to Nurse Nancy right away."
"This is gonna do wonders for the injured Toons. You've done us a big solid and I'm incredibly grateful."
"I can already see your trust growing higher and higher and honestly, I see nothing short of a bright future for you!"
"Go on over to Good ol' Gil Giggles now and see what you can do for him."
"Thanks a ton, [Toon Name]!"

The Brrrgh - In The Brrrgh's taskline Bumpy Bumblebehr appears in the following tasks: Bumpy Plans and Topple The Law. Additionally, Bumpy Bumblebehr also appears in Paula's Parent Present Party Kudos Board Rank-Up Task. His dialogue during these tasks is as follows:

Bumpy Plans

"[Toon Name]! Just the Toon I wanted to see!"
"I heard of all your plans and successes!"
"Especially with Mata Hairy and the Cashbots, and I decided to take the same step with Lawbots!"
"I've already gotten the intel I needed, the head of the Lawbots -- the C.L.O., is inside of the executive Lawfice deep within their HQ."
"My plan is to infiltrate that executive Lawfice and put an end to this nonsense."
"I'm confident this is going to work out -- so much so that I was just about to storm right inside that headquarters!"
"Lawbots, ready or not, here I come!"
"You just follow my lead, head on over there. You'll find me and Lauren Ordier inside."
"We'll probably already be busy laying the SMACKDOWN on some Lawbots, though!"
"Alright, let's go get them!"

Topple The Law

"There you are! Glad you guys could make it!"
"So here's the deal."
"The C.L.O. is preparing a shadow to re-educate Lawbots about corporate law!"
"We need to infiltrate the office, under the guise of being shadows."

After Lauren blows the group's cover

"...Well, our cover's blown."

After the first round of the C.L.O. battle

"Hey! That just sent the paperwork flying all over the room! She's sending in Lawbots to collect it all!"
"I can't believe I'm taking a page out of Purrsley's playbook, but..."
"Quickly! Use your cannons to smash the Cogs and take the paperwork!"
"Gather as much as you can, we'll store it all in this box!"
"Keep in mind, you can use your MOVEMENT keys to move in mid-air."
"Aim wisely! I'll be looking in the back, there should be something in their storage room to verify all this evidence..."
"I'll be right back, be careful!"

After the second round of the C.L.O. battle

"These should come in handy!"
"Come over here, Toons! I found-"

After the third round of the C.L.O. battle

"Uh oh! It sounds like the C.L.O. is planning to take you guys head on!"
"Fortunately, my plan paid off!"
"I was able to verify the evidence you collected into SOUND evidence!"
"Grab some evidence from the evidence collection box, then press the [Primary Action] key to blast the C.L.O. and Cogs in a radius around you!"
"You can also change to a Taunt mode by pressing the [Special Action] key."
"Try to lure the Cogs in near the C.L.O. before destroying the, that way we can make her dizzy!"
"Once she is dizzy, start blasting her away into one of the traps I set up!"
"Now. Let's get a move on, Toons!"

Paula's Parent Present Party

"Heya, [Toon Name]!"
"I haven't seen you since the C.L.O. raid a while ago. How's it going?"
"You have something from Paula? Well, let's see it!"
"Why, it's a gift basket! Full of sweet treats and jars of honey!"
"She even remembered my favorite flavor! Pine honey from the Brrrgh's own trees!"
"Oh, that girl's sweeter than honey herself... Would you go ahead and give her my warmest thanks?"

The Comics - Bumpy Bumblebehr appears in the 5th Corporate Clash Comic A Last Stand to Witness

Misc. Appearances

  • Leading up to the Toonsmas 2020 event, numerous letters to Santa Paws from Toons around Toontown were shown off on the Corporate Clash Twitter. One of these letters was written by Lauren Ordier. Bumpy is mentioned in this letter.
  • Bumpy Bumblebehr is mentioned in the The v1.2.0 Update blog post on the Corporate Clash website.

Unique Interaction Dialogue

Bumpy Bumblebehr has unique dialogue when attempting to interact with him. This dialogue is as follows:

  • "Watch out for those Lawbots on the streets!"
  • "I wonder how my three daughters are doing..."
  • "What can I do for you, pal?"
  • "Know your limits! You don't want to take on more than you can BEAR."


  • In A Last Stand to Witness, Bumpy can be seen wearing the Lawbot Resistance outfit. Despite this, he never actually wore the outfit in-game.
  • Prior to the v1.2.5 update, Bumpy Bumblebehr wore the standard Resistance Ranger outfit. With this update he, Mata Hairy, and Good ol' Gil Giggles were given the outfits awarded from reaching Department Level 10 in the respective fights they help out in.
  • Bumpy Bumblebehr has three daughters. Only one of them is known and she is named Paula Behr.
  • In the C.L.O. battle, Bumpy's nametag will identify him as a Lawyer Toon in the final round as opposed to a Resistance Ranger.
