Sticky Lou

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Sticky Lou is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Blue Glue located on Loopy Lane in Toontown Central.


Sticky Lou is a maroon mouse who wears the Cauldron Hat, Aqua Toon Boots, an aqua Bottom Stripe shirt, and sienna High Pockets shorts.

Story Appearances

Toontown Central - In Toontown Central's taskline Sticky Lou appears in the following task: Sticky Situation. His dialogue during this task is as follows:

Sticky Situation

"Ha ha, hey there buddy."
"You uh, wanting something?"
"Oh yeah, glue huh?"
"That's great. I'd be glad to help you out."
"But uh, I'mma be honest with you."
"I'm literally stuck to the floor."
"Yep, nope, just spilled all my glue right onto my feet."
"You might ask why I didn't just react right away and move them, and while that's a valid question, I started daydreaming."
"Now you might ask what daydream could've possibly have been so good that I didn't notice my dire circumstance."
"This is awkward but, since you're stuck here with me for now, I guess I'll come clean."
"I've always wanted to be a mime."
"Yes, that's right.. a mime."
"I just kind of get lost daydreaming about it often, and I'd be lying if I didn't say I ended up in this sticky situation a time or two about once a week."
"I'll make a deal with you..."
"If you can get me a reservation for The Merry Mimes on Silly Street, I'll personally give you all this glue that's currently stuck to me, for free."

After returning from Silent Simone

"Wow! That's amazing!"
"And it seemed so much easier than I thought it'd be."
"But I kind of ended up in a little bit more of a pickle since you were gone."
"I went straight to work trying to unstick this glue from me, and unstick me from this glue..."
"It turns out my hands aren't exactly the right tool for this, and I'm kiiiind of stuck even more."
"If you can find maybe like a spatula, or a uh... stick, or something we can use that to unstick me and you can take all this glue for free."

After collecting An Unsticking Object

"Let me just pry it off here now!"
"I got a lot of practicing to do before mime class apparently."
"Well uh, it's all yours, ha ha."
"Just tell them to ignore any colorful hairs, it's... decorative glue."
"Thanks for helping me out!"

After returning from Bumpy Bumblebehr

"Well, alright. I suppose I could give you some of my patented Fresh Glue."
"But there's a bit of a problem. Actually... two problems."
"I may or may not be stuck once again... Ha ha?"
"I was starting my miming practice and got REALLY into pretending that I'm in an invisible box..."
"It was great! Until I swooped my arm one last time and knocked all my glue jars right onto my feet again..."
"I can't begin to explain to you the feeling of shame I am experiencing right now..."
"If you can get me a Glass Jar, I'll get to unsticking myself and give you some fresh glue from the back."

After fishing up A Glass Jar

"Nice job! Just gonna fill up the jar."
"At least my paws are getting better air cooling... That's a plus right?"
"Oh, don't answer that. The jar's all full. Here you go! Some Fresh Glue."
"Next time I will make sure I'm at least two arms length away before practicing..."
"Good luck with the glue!"


  • Prior to the v1.3.0 update, Sticky Lou could be gained as a 5-star SOS card from the V.P. boss battle. He raised the accuracy of all Gags by 35% for 3 rounds. With the release of v1.3.0, any Sticky Lous obtained were rerolled into random 1 Gag IOUs.
    • Prior to the v1.2.0 update, when called using an SOS card in battle, rather than raising accuracy Sticky Lou would guarantee all Gags would hit for three rounds.