SOS Cards

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SOS Cards were replaced by IOUs in v1.3.0.

SOS Cards were Boss Rewards gained by defeating the Senior Vice President. They initially started out as what they played in Toontown Online. Using the card would allow you to do a fixed set amount of damage (or Lure rounds) depending on the star. Toons Hit and Cogs Miss were guaranteed to occur for as long as it was active. Individual Gag restocks also existed.

However, with the v1.2.0 update, these damage dealing cards were reformed into damage boosting cards that affected all Toons in the battle. Single-attack Gags were boosted considerably, while group-attack Gags had a significantly lesser value. In addition, Toons Hit and Cogs Miss were replaced with accuracy-based cards meant for buffing Toons and nerfing Cogs accuracy. Individual Gag restocks were also removed from the VP, leaving Professor Pete to be the only way to restock Gags without the use of Gag-Up Unites. These restocks were still able to be used if already obtained prior to 1.2, dubbed legacy SOS cards.

When SOS cards were revamped into IOUs, all of the non-damage boosting cards were removed. These include Toons Accuracy Up, Cogs Damage Down, and the Restock All SOS card. If a Toon had any of these prior to the revamp, they were instantly converted and rerolled into an IOU of the equivalent tier (e.g., 5 star accuracy up became a random 1 Gag IOU). The same applied to single-track restock cards.


SOS cards at the launch of the Overclocked C.L.O. update (1.2).


SOS cards at the launch of the game (1.0).

Version History

v1.3.0 BETA
  • Rebalance SOS Cards have been rebranded as IOUs!
  • Nerf Former SOS card types not listed (such as Restock All, Cogs Damage Down, and Toons Accuracy Up) have been removed.
    • Info/Miscellaneous If you own any of these SOS cards, they have been rerolled into one of the aforementioned IOUs from this list.
v1.2.7 BETA
  • Visual Change There are now new, persistent visuals for the following events in-battle:
    • All SOS gag boosters
  • Bugfix Fixed an issue where the SOS pop-up for beating Derrick Man would only show one Rain being earned with boss reward boosters active.
v1.2.6 BETA
  • Info/Miscellaneous The following items will now be displayed on the left side of the screen upon being obtained:
    • SOS cards
v1.2.5 BETA
  • Info/Miscellaneous Rain in the V.P. now rewards one additional more SOS.
  • Info/Miscellaneous SOS and Unites that are rewarded are now equal for all Toons in their respective fights.
  • Info/Miscellaneous Added the ability to right-click a gag to instantly lock-in in battle.
    • This applies to most battle options as well, such as Pass, Fire, calling SOS, etc.
  • Rebalance Single track Restock SOS will no longer always fill your inventory.
  • Quality of Life Change Restock All SOS will now initially load your gag preset, and then fill your inventory afterwards.
    • Bugfix This fixes the issue where saving an empty gag preset would cause Restock All SOS to entirely empty your inventory.
v1.2.4.1 BETA
  • Info/Miscellaneous Adjusted the text-scaling for SOS names in the battle GUI.
  • Bugfix Fixed an issue with Lure-boosting SOS that could cause 1 extra knockback damage.
v1.2.1 BETA
  • Buff All Gag Boost SOS cards will now last for an additional round.
  • Buff Trap Gag Boost SOS cards have had their percentages changed.
    • Buff 3 Star: +20% Boost
    • Buff 4 Star: +30% Boost
    • Buff 5 Star: +40% Boost
    • Wiki Note These were previously +10%, +15%, and +20% respectively.
  • Buff Zap Gag Boost SOS cards have had their percentages changed.
    • Buff 3 Star: +10% Boost
    • Buff 4 Star: +15% Boost
    • Buff 5 Star: +20% Boost
    • Wiki Note These were previously +5%, +10%, and +15% respectively.
  • Buff Squirt Gag Boost SOS cards now give an additional +2 Soak rounds to Squirt Gags.
  • Info/Miscellaneous The Run, Pass, and SOS buttons on the Battle Interface will now display text while hovering over them.
v1.2.0 BETA
  • Visual Change The visual interface while in battle has been completely re-imagined and re-invigorated!
  • Visual Change This Includes revamps of the Toon battle panel, Cog battle panel, main battle panel, SOS interface, the target selection panel, and the all-new lock-in panel!
  • Rebalance Gag SOS cards have been replaced with "Gag Boost" cards. "Gag Boost" cards will boost the effectiveness of the given Gag track. The specifications are as follows for Toon-Up:
    • Rebalance 3 Stars, 20% Boost, 2 Rounds.
    • Rebalance 4 Stars, 30% Boost, 2 Rounds.
    • Rebalance 5 Stars, 40% Boost, 2 Rounds.
  • Rebalance For Trap, Throw, Squirt, and Drop, the specifications are as follows:
    • Rebalance 3 Stars, 10% Boost, 2 Rounds.
    • Rebalance 4 Stars, 15% Boost, 2 Rounds.
    • Rebalance 5 Stars, 20% Boost, 2 Rounds.
  • Rebalance For Lure, Sound, and Zap, since these are Gags that affect multiple Cogs, the specifications are as follows:
    • Rebalance 3 Stars, 5% Boost, 2 Rounds.
    • Rebalance 4 Stars, 10% Boost, 2 Rounds.
    • Rebalance 5 Stars, 15% Boost, 2 Rounds.
    • Note: Lure boost SOS cards will apply to knockback damage multiplier.
  • Rebalance For Rain, the boost will apply to all Gag tracks, and the specifications are as follows:
    • Rebalance 1 Star, 5% Boost, 1 Round.
  • Rebalance "Cogs Miss" SOS cards have been replaced with "Cogs Damage Down" cards. The specifications are as follows:
    • Rebalance Flim Flam: 3 Stars, -30% Damage, 3 Rounds.
    • Rebalance Mr. Freeze: 4 Stars, -45% Damage, 3 Rounds.
    • Nerf Julius Wheezer: 5 Stars, -60% Damage, 3 Rounds.
    • Nerf "Cogs Damage Down" SOS cards are half as effective on Manager Cogs and last for 2 rounds. For example, a 5-star card will reduce a Manager Cog’s damage by 30% and last for two rounds.
  • Rebalance "Toons Hit" SOS cards have been replaced with "Toons Accuracy Up" cards. The specifications are as follows:
    • Rebalance Soggy Bottom: 3 Stars, 15% Accuracy, 3 Rounds.
    • Rebalance Soggy Nell: 4 Stars, 25% Accuracy, 3 Rounds.
    • Nerf Sticky Lou: 5 Stars, 35% Accuracy, 3 Rounds.
    • Info/Miscellaneous "Toons Accuracy Up" SOS cards will not pass the Toon accuracy cap of 95%.
  • Nerf Single Gag track restock SOS cards, such as Joe Shockit, have become legacy SOS cards and will no longer be awarded for defeating the V.P. If you had these cards before the update, you will still have access to them.
  • Info/Miscellaneous While in the Sellbot V.P. boss battle, Resistance Ranger Rain will now be the sole Toon held captive by the V.P.
  • Info/Miscellaneous Rain will give Toons a random assortment of SOS cards as a reward for beating the Sellbot V.P., as opposed to multiple of the same SOS card.
  • Buff Toons can now hold as many SOS cards as they would like.
v1.1.1.2 BETA
  • Bugfix Fixed an issue that would cause Trap SOS Cards to not properly increment the 'SOS Cards Used' stat.
  • Bugfix Fixed an issue that would cause Restock SOS Cards to show the wrong Gag Track when restocking.
v1.1.0.12 BETA

Info/Miscellaneous *When using an SOS Card, the text above the calling Toon now shows what the SOS Toon is

  • Info/Miscellaneous Rain SOS cards are now affected by boss reward booster effects.
v1.1.0.10 BETA
  • Rebalance Zap SOS:
    • Nerf 3 Star Zap: Changed from 50 to 45 damage.
    • Buff 4 Star Zap: Changed from 60 to 70 damage.
  • Buff Toon-Up SOS:
    • Buff 3 Star Toon-Up: Changed from healing 50 to 78 Laff.
    • Buff 4 Star Toon-Up: Changed from healing 90 to 95 Laff.
v1.1.0.6 BETA
  • Bugfix Fixed multiple issues with calling friends from the SOS panel.
v1.1.0.2 BETA
  • Info/Miscellaneous Switched around the positions of the Fire, Sue, Pass, and SOS buttons in battle.
  • Bugfix Fixed an oversight where Toons with full SOS cards would not receive the pose from defeating the Derrick Man.
v1.1.0 BETA
  • Rebalance Professor Pete now restocks gags based on your Gag Preset, if available.
  • Visual Change Barnacle Bessie now uses the Toontanic for her SOS card.
  • Visual Change Clerk Clara now uses the Railroad for her SOS card.
  • Buff Buffed the Moe Zart SOS card from 80 to 85 damage.
  • Buff Buffed the Clumsy Ned SOS card from 120 damage to 125 damage due to the changes to the damage value of the Safe gag.
  • Info/Miscellaneous The Sellbot VP boss battle now only has 3 tiers.
    • Tier one has a max cog level of 11, awards one SOS card, and gives 60 pies per restock.
    • Tier two has a max cog level of 12, awards two SOS cards, and gives 45 pies per restock.
    • Tier three has a max cog level of 13, awards three SOS cards, and gives 30 pies per restock.
  • Bugfix Potentially fixed some lag issues regarding the SOS page.
v1.0.17 BETA
  • Visual Change The Flippy SOS has been corrected visually.
    • Flippy now has a ladder.
    • Flippy will not bow to the cogs.
  • Info/Miscellaneous Toons Hit and Cogs Miss SOS cards’ animation time has been sped up.
v1.0.9.9 BETA
  • Info/Miscellaneous Added Squirt SOS cards.
v1.0.8.7 BETA
  • Info/Miscellaneous Fix a crash associated with deleting Resistance Ranger Rain's SOS.
v1.0.8.5 BETA
  • Info/Miscellaneous When using an SOS call, the type of SOS call is now shown.
  • Info/Miscellaneous Added the ability to delete SOS cards.
v1.0.8 BETA
  • Rebalance Lure SOS have been rebalanced:
    • Nerf Lil Oldman 5 stars (Presentation, 6 rounds)
    • Buff Nancy Gas 4 stars (Hypno Goggles, 5 rounds)
    • Buff Stinky Ned 3 stars (Big Magnet, 4 rounds)
v1.0.7 BETA
  • Bugfix Fixed an issue with SOS cards making the user pass.
v1.0.1 BETA
  • Rebalance Tweak the damage values of some SOS cards.
v1.0.0 BETA [Game Release]
  • Info/Miscellaneous A few new SOS cards have been added to the VP, such as Zap, Throw, and Zap restock cards.
  • Info/Miscellaneous SOS Card damages have been tweaked for better balance.
  • Info/Miscellaneous Restock SOS Cards now restock up to level 8 gags.


  • Prior to the v1.2.0 SOS rework, Rain's SOS card was very prominently used in Drop combos since she was very easy to get from the Derrick Man. Whenever Rain was used as the other Toons used Drop on a singular Cog, that combo damage is shared amongst the rest of the Cogs.
    • This allowed Toons to deal high damage to a much stronger Cog while clearing out weaker ones in the process.
  • The Cog Damage Down SOS cards were weaker against Managers, dealing nearly half of its initial value in both percentage and round usage. The following values are below:
    • 3 Stars were 15% less damage for 2 rounds.
    • 4 Stars were 22.5% less damage for 2 rounds.
    • 5 Stars were 30% less damage for 2 rounds.