Changelogs (2021)

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Changelogs here from 2021 are copied from the Corporate Clash website. Information has been copied to allow for links to be added to wiki pages.

v1.2.6 BETA (Hotfix December 18th, 2021)


  • Reverted the adjustments made to server configurations for latency reduction due to district resets caused by it.
  • Fixed an issue where Toons would be improperly split in bosses in groups of four or less Toons.
  • Fixed an issue where remapping to certain keys would crash the game.
  • Fixed an edge-case with caroling where Toons that have previously done caroling would receive the snowman head after one carol.

v1.2.6 BETA - Toonseltown & Christmas/Toonsmas 2021


  • Toontown has gotten a holiday makeover for the Toonsmas season!
    • Barnacle Boatyard has frozen over again, and somebody is very cold.
    • The Estate has been given a polish and a "cool" holiday makeover.
    • Frozen fish can be caught in any pond due to the colder weather!
  • Caroling is back! Check out the hints here.


  • Toonseltown is now reopened for the Toonsmas season, and will stay open through January 9th, 2022!
    • It's true! Toonseltown is now available for an additional week.
    • Toons can teleport to Toonseltown through the ‘Toonseltown’ button on the Map page of the Shticker Book!
  • Help Toonseltown's citizens with daily ToonTasks for various rewards!
    • Candie LaBrum, The Spirit of Toonsmas Past, has returned to Toonseltown, and she needs some help!
      • Perhaps the other spirits will make a timely appearance throughout the holiday?
  • Toonseltown's 'Present Thief' minigame will run every 20 minutes on the clock, earn enough points to earn a large assortment of customization prizes!
    • The number of rewards earned will scale with both your personal score and the team's score, work together to earn the most prizes!
    • Rewards are now shown on the gathering UI.


  • The gathering UI for jellybeans has been expanded to include materials from all parts of the game!
    • This is referring to the popups on the left side of the screen, introduced during this year's Halloween event.
    • Resource icons can be hovered over for more information.
    • Resources can be clicked on to dismiss.
    • The following items will now be displayed on the left side of the screen upon being obtained:
      • All clothing, including task rewards and Present Thief
      • All accessories, including task rewards and Present Thief
      • Jellybeans from task rewards
      • Nameplates
      • Profile backgrounds
      • Profile poses
      • Toon Cheesy Effects
      • Nametag styles
      • SOS cards
      • Unites
      • Cease and Desists
      • Pink Slips
      • Cog Summons
      • Teleport access, both for playgrounds and HQs


  • The algorithm for placing Toons on each side of a battle round in a Cog Battle has been improved.
    • If your group has a similar enough Toon level, Toons will be more likely to fight alongside their friends!
    • Otherwise, the group will be weighted such that each side has roughly the same average level.


  • Toon NPC interiors now have unique wallpapers, floors, and wainscotting variations throughout the game.
  • Some Ye Olde Toontowne shopkeepers may have a different Toon Interior due to a change in how their interiors were generated.
  • The Match NPC Trolley game now only chooses from a small selection of NPCs.
  • Based on community submissions from November's Discord contest, we have added over 25 new SpeedChat phrases available to purchase!
  • The "Battle" SpeedChat category has been reorganized, and now contains more phrases to say during a Cog battle.
    • In line with the changes made to the category, the "I think you should pass." purchasable SpeedChat phrase has been replaced with "I'll pass.".
  • The Bowling Ball in racing now has a unique sound for when it vanishes.
  • Made adjustments to server configurations in order to reduce latency.
  • Pig Toon heads have had their placements adjusted.
    • Neck, that is all.
  • Disabled the Count Erclaim leaderboard. He lives on to haunt us even after Halloween...
  • Various asset optimizations & cleanup.


  • Fixed certain issues regarding festive lighting applying in areas meant to lack festivity.
  • Fixed an issue where the Factory Foreman's cheat was failing to activate.
  • Fixed an issue where the YOTT ambience would persist upon logging out.
  • Fixed issues regarding gaining merits without suit parts or with an Executive Suit.
  • Fixed a couple of typos with Cog names.
  • Fixed an oversight regarding timing out of the rebind menu.
  • Fixed several issues regarding music.
  • Fixed a graphical bug related to lights flickering in Cog building elevators.
  • Various backend improvements.

v1.2.5.4 BETA (Hotfix 15th December, 2021)


  • Bert has spilled black paint all over himself! It's his life now.

v1.2.5.4 BETA - Thanksgiving 2021


  • Thanksgiving's on the calendar! Turkey Toons will be available to be created from November 24th to December 2nd.


  • Greyed out bingo squares are now darker.
  • Some music has been tweaked to loop better.

Bug Fixes

  • Some Bingo boards have been fixed to no longer be rigged!
  • Some NPCs had some broken pants from the DNA move, so we've sent those NPCs some new pairs of shorts.
  • Minor text fixes.

v1.2.5.3 BETA - End of Halloween


  • Halloween is over! Thank you all for your Tricks and Treats.


  • Toono fixes.

v1.2.5.2 BETA (Hotfix November 7th, 2021)


  • Fixed several district resets and softlocks related to TOONO.
  • Adjusted Picnic Games music.
  • Potentially fixed an issue where racing records were not being set correctly.
  • Flippy has been reminded of the importance of sticking to the script and should now actually remember Coach Z's name.

v1.2.5.2 BETA


  • Street Erclaim's partial rewards have been fixed to be properly worthwhile.
  • The lights on the Bat-tle Pass have been slowed down slightly.
  • Elphabat's response messages are no longer broadcasted to everybody.

Table Games

  • TOONO now has a brand new selection of House Rules to choose from!
    • Draw Until Play
      • Continuously draw cards until a playable card is drawn.
    • Seven-O's
      • Playing a seven will allow you to swap card decks with another Toon.
      • Playing a zero rotates all decks around the table!
    • Stacking Cards
      • A Draw 2 can be stacked on top of another Draw 2 to increase the penalty to the next player.
      • This also works for stacking Draw 4s onto other Draw 4s.
    • Automatically Play
      • When a card is drawn, it will be immediately played if possible.
  • The camera should now spin around the table slower during transitions.
  • A small jingle now plays whenever your turn comes up in TOONO.
  • The jellybean reward from TOONO has been increased for particularly long games.
  • A Toon drawing and playing from the deck with only one card now has a larger window of time to say TOONO.
  • General UI improvements to TOONO.


  • Several adjustments have been made to racing.
    • Wall collisions are now somewhat more forgiving.
    • Boosts are now easier to hit at stronger angles.
  • Racing gags have been adjusted as well.
    • Introducing a new item: Bowling Ball!
      • This item will roll down the track, hitting the racer in front of whoever threw it!
      • If it hits you, prepare to be squished!
      • A very powerful, but inaccurate gag. A strong racer could avoid it!
    • Cream Pie Slices now have very slight homing towards the player in front.
    • Racing gag frequency now has a greater proportion of boosts for players further behind.
    • All racetracks have been given additional race gag spawns.
    • The hitbox for the item boxes is now slightly larger.
    • Item boxes now take latency into consideration, meaning players behind you will no longer take your items.
  • Due to the strong tweaks regarding items boxes and wall collisions, we've gone ahead and wiped the racing leaderboards again for the last time.

Tweaks and Bugfixes

  • Discord Rich Presence should no longer display district information.
  • YOTT has been given additional ambience.
  • Tweaked the wording on the Fired attack.
  • Removed lingering references to Racing Tickets.
  • Updated Toon Tips to be in line with the latest information.
  • Potentially fixed issues regarding some of the new Fish Bingo boards.
  • Fixed golf giving the wrong amount of jellybeans.
  • Fixed Tumbles not having his unique idle dialogue outside of TTC.
  • Fixed an issue where level-up messages were broadcasted to all Toons.
  • Fixed capitalization issues when viewing "Investigate" ToonTasks on the ToonTasks list.
  • Fixed issues regarding falling asleep in the Bat-tle Pass and Halloween Shop.
  • Fixed district resets related to the picnic games table. No longer will the Cogs try to take over one!
  • Fixed an issue with Winter Stripes in the Wardrobe UI.
  • Fixed a ToonTask dialogue where Flippy forgot the name of Coach Z.
  • Fixed several server-side memory leaks.
  • Minor text fixes.

v1.2.5.1 BETA


  • The daily cap for Batcoins has been removed.
    • Batcoin gains have been tweaked slightly as well.
  • Count Erclaim will now spawn in safe districts.
  • Erclaim has now taken some necessary anger management courses.
    • Apologies to those that have been made tremendously sad by his actions.
  • Participating in a Street Count battle will now give you a proportion of the reward after the battle is won, depending on how long you were in the battle for.
  • Slightly reduced the length of Count's cutscene music.
  • Tweaked a couple of skirt names.


  • Caesar has returned from his fishing trip! He should now be back in his shop ready for Toons to visit.
  • Fixed a crash related to Denim jeans in the catalog.
  • Fixed a few crashes relating to the secret boss.
  • Fixed a crash when attempting to reset keybinds.
  • Fixed a district reset regarding table games.
  • Fixed a handful of rare crashes.

v1.2.5 BETA - Halloween 2021, Count Erclaim, Gags Balances, Trolley Tweaks, Roadster Raceway Enhancements, & Other Changes

Count Erclaim

  • Count Erclaim is once again back to haunt Toontown!
    • Find his abode on Polar Place and take him down!
    • Perhaps this year, he's itching to spread his wings...
  • Count Erclaim will no longer award Toons with Cog Summons, but gives slightly more materials as compensation.


  • Trick-or-Treating is back, with brand new cheesy effects as voted upon by the community!
    • Check out our social media platforms for the riddles!


  • Elphabat is once again selling Halloween items, taking up shop in The Brrrgh playground.
  • With the addition of genderless clothing, Elphabat is now selling more items than ever to all Toons!
  • Elphabat's shop has been reorganized.
    • Similar clothes will now be on the same page.
    • Color variants only take up a single slot, and have smaller arrows for navigating between variants.
  • The Shkraftbooking page is back for converting jellybeans into materials.

Bat-tle Pass

  • Hexa Decimal, Elphabat's sister, is waiting for you in The Brrrgh!
  • Collect Batcoins (the new Crypt-o-currency) from nearly any activity in the game!
    • Fishing, racing, golf, trolley, Trick-or-Treating, table games, or fighting Cogs will give your Toon several Batcoins.
  • Progressing through the Bat-tle Pass will reward you with several unique clothes and accessories!

Battle Music Listener

  • Introduced a new backend system to expand the music capabilities of street, Cog HQ courtyard, and Cog HQ facility battles!
  • The Battle Music Listener adds functionality for specific Cogs (when they're in battle) to play a specific theme instead of the normal one for the zone!

Options Page

  • Added an option in the Options page to change the channel configuration for audio.
    • Toontown should now adapt to different audio setups, such as using Surround Sound or 7.1.
  • Disabled the Legacy Content Pack filter by default as it was causing unintended side effects.
    • You can re-enable this option in your Options page, but it is considered an experimental setting, and may have unexpected issues.
  • Added an "Accessibility" tab in the Options page.
    • Boss Visual Indicators has been moved to this tab.
    • Enable Filters has been renamed to YOTT Filters and moved to this section.


  • All clothing in the game has been made genderless!
    • Any Toon can wear any pair of shorts, any skirt, and any accessory.
    • To reflect this change, the option to pick a gender has been removed from the Make-A-Toon, and replaced with a toggle for eyelashes on the "Choose a Type" page.
    • Toons have been given 1 (one) free redraw so that everyone can enjoy this change.
    • Several clothing items have had their names changed as well.
  • Toon bodies have gotten an HD rework!
    • All Toon torsos and legs now have revamped models and HD textures!
  • Added new SpeedChat phrases to allow Toons to convey their pronouns.


  • The Clothing section in the Shtickerbook has been overhauled with a brand-new Wardrobe!
    • Quickly navigate all of your clothing and accessories, and see them before you wear them!
    • Introducing Outfits, a quick way to save and load any clothing style you desire.
    • Search through your clothes and accessories easily.
      • Added a Controls option for "Live Searching," which updates the search results as you type.
      • This option also toggles live searching on your Friends List.
    • You can randomize all of your clothes and accessories at the click of a button.
    • Full undo and redo support.

Picnic Games

  • Picnic tables and games are back! Go over to the Minigame area to play!
    • Enjoy classics such as Checkers, Chess, and.... TOONO!
  • A new Minigames SpeedChat category has been introduced for when you are in the Minigame area.

ToonHQ Leaderboards

  • Added a new leaderboard type, Cogs Defeated!
    • Compete against other Toons by defeating Cogs to earn a place on the leaderboard.
  • Count Erclaim's leaderboard makes a return as well.

Roadster Raceway

Racing has been improved drastically!

  • Toon Battle now supports up to 8 Toons in the same race.
  • Toons have more firepower in races!
    • Lightning: Slows and shrinks down all other racers.
    • Quicksand: A slippery placeable Trap.
    • TNT: An explosive placeable Trap.
    • Cream Pie Slice: A non-homing projectile that splats your opponent's kart, slowing them down and making it harder for them to see.
    • Pixie Dust: Several seconds of increased mobility and invincibility.
    • Cog Teeth: A homing projectile that targets first place, exploding on contact.
    • Anvil has been removed.
    • The items you can receive in a race now depend on your current placement.
    • Tickets have been discarded entirely, in favor of using jellybeans for transactions.
    • Both race deposits and Kart Shop prices have been tweaked to reflect this change.
    • Any leftover Tickets will be converted into jellybeans and mailed to your Toon.
  • Racing trophies have been improved.
    • Some of the trophy requirements have been tweaked.
    • The Grand Prix trophies, formerly unobtainable, have been replaced with 8-player wins/qualifies and gags used.
      • It's now possible to get all 30 trophies!
  • Racing XP has been completely reworked from the ground up.
    • Several Trophies have had their XP reward boosted.
    • You no longer receive an XP multiplier based on which kart you have.
      • Kart types are now merely aesthetic.
    • XP earned from using gags in a race has been buffed, with diminishing returns.
    • Direct experience from racing has been buffed as well.
  • Improved networking in order to reduce Toon jitteriness in a race.
  • Kart handling and collisions have been improved.
  • Kart collisions have been improved tremendously as well.
    • You no longer lose all of your velocity when colliding into another kart or a wall.
    • The wall riding bug has been fixed.
  • All of Roadster Raceway has new music!
  • The Roadster Raceway playground has received various visual adjustments.
    • Revealed the once-hidden hay bale and tomato crate props located on the Rural tracks.
    • The props near the Kart Shop are no longer floating in the air.
    • The trees have had their drop shadows corrected!
    • Some of Roadster Raceway's props have been remodeled and re-textured.
    • The Roadster Raceway playground tunnel has received various graphical tweaks.
    • Various graphical tweaks to background props in the playground.
    • Various graphical and model adjustments that should increase performance decrease and load time.
  • Practice Races now have gag boxes.
  • Several memory leaks regarding racing have been fixed.
  • The global race time leaderboards have been wiped. Go set new records!


  • Tactical Thursday now replaces Trolley Tracks on the weekly holiday rotation.
    • While this holiday is active, all department experience is increased by 25%!
  • All Trolley games have had their jellybean calculations reworked significantly to balance them out across the board.
  • Additionally, several trolley games have been given various improvements overall.
    • Race Game
      • You can now play Race Game in singleplayer mode.
      • Each row now spawns a second card marker.
      • The card jellybeans have been buffed significantly.
      • Race Game has been given a proper environment, along with some texture upgrades.
      • ...and other surprises for you to discover!
    • Cannon Game
      • After a player lands in the fountain, the rest of the players have 20 seconds in order to place for maximum beans.
      • If you don't land in this timeframe, you only earn 50% of what first place gets.
    • Tag Game
      • The treasures are now worth more initially, but the rewards will decrease as you gather them.
    • Match Game
      • You can now play Match Game in singleplayer mode.
      • The number of rounds has been increased between Daffodil Gardens and Drowsy Dreamland.
      • You are now rewarded for partial progress each round.
    • Maze Game
      • Some of the maze game tokens are now special, worth 5x their regular value.
    • Toon Slingshot
      • Landing consecutive shots will now net you a streak bonus.
    • Toon Memory Game
      • It is now easier to earn a large bonus from having a low flip count.
      • Matching a pair with a glowing card now nets 6x the beans per match (originally 2x).
    • Jungle Vines
      • The treasure count now accurately reflects how many jellybeans you'll earn.
    • Catching Game
      • The fruit models have had their texture pallets organized.
      • The apple model now uses a higher quality model.
      • The acorn model now uses the Acorn Acres treasure acorn.
      • Fixed a graphical issue with the cherry model being reversed.
    • Ice Slide
      • Time spent sliding around on ice has been drastically decreased.
      • The tick-up animation for points is now shorter.
      • Treasure and TNT values have been adjusted.
    • Cog Thief
      • You now obtain a jellybean bonus based on how many barrels you keep alive.
      • Fixed an issue where Cog spawns weren't properly randomized.
      • The size of the pie has been increased.

The C.E.O.

  • Dissatisfied with his losses against the Toons, the C.E.O. has taken up an offer from the Chairman to... Just kidding.
  • But, several tweaks have been put in place to make the final phase less frustrating and more interactive overall.
    • Conveyor Snacks
      • The conveyor snacks now gives 3x as much Laff Points.
      • Conveyor belts are no longer blocked when the C.E.O. enters reorg/downsize. Instead, their output rate slows down.
    • Golfers
      • Golf damage is now based on how strongly you charge the shot.
      • The C.E.O. is more likely to attack golfers.
      • The chance to stun the C.E.O. has been increased.
      • The cooldown between firing golf shots has been reduced drastically.
    • Movement
      • When there are no Toons on a table, the C.E.O. will move to a random one.
      • The C.E.O. no longer gains speed after hitting a Toon.
      • The C.E.O. now gains speed upon being stunned, and upon switching phases (e.g. entering reorg/downsize).
      • The C.E.O.'s max speed now scales to his tier.
    • Tweaks
      • Other Toons will no longer block your Seltzer shots.
      • A Toon getting hit by a C.E.O. attack that was not directed at them will now only take 25% of the damage.
      • All of the banquet Cogs are now consistent across clients.
      • Bossbot Department Experience has been reworked, and should be easier to obtain.

Gag Balance Changes

  • Trap Gags
    • Trap has been reworked, both in main functionality and prestige!
    • Trap now has a natural damage boost against Executive Cogs, dealing 30% more damage to any Executive, regardless of prestige.
    • In addition, Trap's prestige is no longer based on Cog level, instead granting a 20% damage boost to any Cog with 50% or more remaining health.
    • Most Trap Gags have had their damages buffed.
      • Rake: 30 to 35
      • Springboard: 45 to 50
      • Marbles: 65 to 75
      • Quicksand: 90 to 115
      • Trapdoor: 140 to 160
      • Wrecking Ball: 200 to 220
      • TNT: 240 to 280
  • Throw Gags
    • Throw's prestige has been reworked!
    • Prestige Throw no longer provides a direct damage bonus whatsoever.
    • Prestige Throw will now apply the status effect "Marked for Laugh" to Cogs.
      • Marked for Laugh applies a damage vulnerability debuff onto the targeted Cog.
      • This debuff starts at 8% and climbs up to 20%, based on number of Prestige Throw's used in one turn.
      • Marked for Laugh lasts for two turns.
      • Marked for Laugh can only be reset if a stronger debuff is applied by using more Prestiged Throw gags at once in a later turn.
      • Marked for Laugh is represented visually by pie splats.
        • As such, Unprestiged Throw will no longer apply visual pie splats.
    • All Throw Gags have had their damages buffed.
      • Cupcake: 7 to 8
      • Fruit Pie Slice: 11 to 13
      • Cream Pie Slice: 18 to 20
      • Birthday Cake Slice: 30 to 35
      • Whole Fruit Pie: 45 to 50
      • Whole Cream Pie: 75 to 90
      • Birthday Cake: 110 to 130
      • Wedding Cake: 145 to 170
  • Drop Gags
    • Reduced Drop's combo damage.
      • Old: 30% / 40% / 50%
      • New: 20% / 30% / 40%
    • Prestige Drop now gives a 10% bonus to combo damage per prestige Drop used, as opposed to 5%.
    • Additionally, Prestige Drop's Accuracy bonus has been boosted to 15%, but now only applies when a single Drop gag is used on a Cog.

Community Suggestions

Last year, we opened a public Suggestions channel on our game's public Discord, where the community has been able to vote for their favorite suggestions! Since then, we've received thousands of potential game suggestions. These are the suggestions we've implemented for this release. Thank you for constantly helping us make Corporate Clash as good as it can be!

  • The battle UI now shows what Cogs will be hit by Zap jumps, in addition to how much damage they'll deal.
    • This UI is rather experimental, and may have some issues in very specific scenarios. Please be sure to report them!
    • Jump damage indicators on the UI may be disabled by disabling the new Battle Information option.
  • Cogs have a lot more to say when they defeat Toons in battle.
  • Certain Cogs now have unique responses when an attempt is made to befriend them.
  • Many, many NPC Toons have a lot more to say when you talk to them.
  • Several NPCs have swanky new styles!
  • Several minibosses are now hidden in the Cog gallery until encountered.
  • Skipping the V.P. cutscene will now skip Rain's dialogue afterwards.
  • Rain in the V.P. now rewards one additional more SOS.
  • Mata Hairy now tells Toons every Unite they earned in the C.F.O battle.
  • SOS and Unites that are rewarded are now equal for all Toons in their respective fights.
  • Pies no longer show their splats on Cogs that are defeated with large Drop gags.
  • Springboard now has a quick death animation.
  • The Restoration Station can now be interacted with, even if the player cannot afford anything.
  • Overhead Laff meters are now disabled in boss victory cutscenes.
  • Tweaked Toon speech garble to be Cog garble when Toons are in Cog suits.
  • The progress meters on the Doodle tricks UI now show total progress for the trick, rather than between Laff boosts.
  • Tweaked nearly all Cogs' hand colors.
  • Changed the "TRAPPED" battle text to red instead of green.
  • Added the ability to pick up snowballs from the large snowpile in the Brrrgh year-round.
    • Note that you can't take them out of the Brrrgh, however.
  • Added the ability to right-click a gag to instantly lock-in in battle.
    • If you have Lock-In enabled by default, then right-click will instead do the opposite and not automatically lock-in.
    • This applies to most battle options as well, such as Pass, Fire, calling SOS, etc.
  • Added key descriptions to the key bindings page.
  • Added Toon Tips for Lawfice puzzles.
  • Added several more Fish Bingo boards.
  • Added Gag track descriptions on the Gag Training page.
  • Added back the rollover on the Gag UI that tells you how much experience is required to unlock the next gag.


  • Discord Rich Presence now supports Cog Buildings, Racing, and Count Erclaim.
  • The Online information displayed on the Avatar Panel has been reorganized.
  • Added new SpeedChat phrases to the Catalog. How many? IT'S OVER 90!
  • The Megaphone gag has received a Toon-up and now contains 25 new jokes!
  • Resource gains, such as Jellybeans, Batcoins, and the various Shkrafting Materials, now count-up how many you've earned on the left side of the screen.
  • Other Toons' pie splats now show up on your game client once again.
  • You no longer receive a message when somebody on your Friends List unfriends you.
  • Female Skelecogs now have unique voice sound effects.
  • New death sounds have been added for female Cogs, Skelecogs, and female Skelecogs.
  • Added new elevator themes to the Derrick Man, DOLA, and DOPA boss battles.
  • The DOLA has gotten new cutscene, battle, and victory themes as well!
  • Merits in facilities are now shared across all Toons, regardless of battles completed by each Toon.
    • For example, if you and a friend split up on the Factory Silos, both you and your friend will get the merits from both Silo battles.
    • A new GUI element has been added in facilities to show merit progress through the facility.
  • When using the default control layout, WASD and Spacebar can be used alongside Arrow Keys and Control to move.
    • With this, the ability to type a message without initially pressing the Chat Key has been disabled by default.
    • This is done to improve first-time experience, as many new players to Toontown: Corporate Clash are not accustomed to the default control schema.
    • For those who would like to chat without pressing the Chat Key, these changes can by disabled by changing the default Chat Key from (T) to any number.
  • Cog spawns have been reworked in buildings/bosses for greater variability in levels.
  • Gag XP in a Cog Building now uses the highest floor for its multiplier, rather than the floor you're currently on.
  • Single track Restock SOS will no longer always fill your inventory.
  • Restock All SOS will now initially load your gag preset, and then fill your inventory afterwards.
    • This fixes the issue where saving an empty gag preset would cause Restock All SOS to entirely empty your inventory.
  • All system messages, invasion messages, level-up notifications, daily task messages, etc. now show in the chatlog.
  • The street signs in the Acorn Acres playground have been adjusted for enhanced readability.
  • Adjusted the exterior look of the Gag Shop in every playground.
    • The Gag Shop in Toontown Central now has a back wall.
    • Some of the Gag Shop exterior textures have been given updated texture palletes.
  • Golf now rewards Toons with jellybeans.
  • Introduced a new chat filtering engine that improves backend performance as well as fixing some false positives.
    • If you notice anything wrong with your messages, please let us know by sending an email to [email protected]!
  • The Minigame hub has received several visual improvements and optimizations.
  • Various adjustments have been made to the Drowsy Dreamland skybox when in a Cog building.
  • Many shopkeeper interiors have a new ceiling installation!
  • Flippy's "Come in!" sign has been updated to match his current appearance.
  • Bert added dirt to all the flower planters in Toontown.
  • Added missing "Let's go fight the Overclocked C.L.O.!" SpeedChat phrase.
  • Various asset cleanups have been made in our phase files.
    • Some texture palettes have been aggregated into one file to reduce the loading time in certain areas.
    • Many textures have been optimized in resolution and file size.
    • A list of textures that have been changed can be found on this document.


  • Fixed a bug where using several Lightnings would cause permanent darkness.
  • Fixed several task dialogues in Ye Olde Toontowne where the shopkeeper would send Toons to the wrong street.
  • Fixed an animation bug related to the Toons seen in the Pick-a-Toon background.
  • Fixed a graphical bug with the band hat only rendering one side of the model.
  • Fixed the distortion as seen from the back of a Lawbot Cog building.
  • Fixed many occurrences of Toon heads and accessories appearing while using pumpkin/snowman head effects.
  • Fixed an issue where the wrong Toon level would display on the avatar panel with a .EXE Cog suit on.
  • All mentions of Toons and Cogs in the game have been properly capitalized.
  • Minor text fixes, including many ToonTask typo fixes.

v1.2.4.2 BETA

Discord Rich Presence

  • Added back Discord Rich Presence integration
    • Warning: this feature is still experimental! It may cause your game to crash more frequently!


  • Fixed desynced Stenographer music
    • For content pack creators: please reference the note in music.json to prevent this issue in your packs!

v1.2.4.1 BETA


  • Increased the quality of some of the in-game fonts.
    • In addition, most fonts have been switched to use TrueType format (.ttf), allowing for easy font customization in content packs!
    • All of the fonts that Toontown currently uses can be found in phase_3/fonts.
  • Added flexibility support for content packs that use .rgb/.jpg textures.
    • This allows for content packs that lost support in our .png conversion prior to v1.1 to work once again!
  • Adjusted the name of one of the shops on Twilight Terrace.
  • Adjusted the text-scaling for SOS names in the battle GUI.
  • The conveyor belt in the C.E.O. now has a sound effect!


  • Fixed animation stuttering in the Match Toon trolley game.
  • Fixed an issue with Lure-boosting SOS that could cause 1 extra knockback damage.
  • Potentially fixed an issue where new Toons could get caught on Mata Hairy's dialogue in the Toontorial.
  • Potentially fixed an issue where tables in the C.E.O. could be crushed without him touching them.
  • Fixed an issue where Toons could have duplicate phones and Jellybean Banks at their estate via the attic.
  • Fixed an issue where the Trolley Cannon Game controls wouldn't update if controls were changed in the same game session.
  • Fixed movie errors when several Zaps were used in one turn.
  • Fixed a logic error causing several Zaps to not apply damage properly in one turn.
  • Fixed some typos.

v1.2.4 BETA - 4th of July Fireworks

4th of July

  • Enjoy fireworks every hour from 12:00AM EST to 11:59PM EST on the 4th of July!


  • Major overhaul of the C.E.O. Battle code to make the experience more consistent.
  • Updated O.C.L.O. to no longer reward duplicate Summons.
  • Major improvements to the Camera system, resulting in better frame-rate and wall-collision detection for players.


  • Fixed an issue with the chatbox opening when it should not.
  • Minor tweaks made to the Battle UI to fix issues with SpeedChat bubbles overlapping portions of it.
  • Fixed C.F.O. cranes moving sporadically in certain situations.
  • Removed pond markers from streets with no ponds.
  • Fixed an issue where you could sometimes interact with Tumbles when he wasn't visible.
    • Tumbles will no longer be able to influence Toons with his ghost aura.
  • Fixed Toons not dancing during the various Playground Miniboss ending phase.
  • Minor text fixes.

v1.2.3.2 BETA


  • Overhauled Chat backend system.
  • Various improvement to infrastructure.


  • Minor text fixes.

v1.2.3.1 BETA


  • Fixed cranes in the final round of the C.F.O. not properly being smoothed.
  • Fixed the C.F.O. ending cutscene.
    • Goodbye, moonwalking C.F.O.!
  • Fixed a few memory leaks involving all Boss Cog encounters.
  • Fixed a major memory leak involving certain types of Cogs.
  • Fixed a major district-sided memory leak.
  • Fixed various memory leaks in Facilities.
  • Fixed various crashes that could occur if a player was already disconnecting.

v1.2.3 BETA


  • All furniture and accessories are now gender-neutral.
  • Temporarily removed the Close button on Whispers.
    • Players can close Whispers with the middle mouse button in the meantime.
  • Major changes resulting in significant FPS increases.


  • Fixed many issues resulting in Toons falling into the void and being unable to get back out.
  • Fixed a crash where a player could click "BINGO!" in between rounds in Fish Bingo.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause players to crash if their computer took too long to load an area.
  • Fixed a district reset that could sometimes occur when all Toons went sad during the final round in a Boss Battle.
  • Whispers and popups are now immediately visible again.

v1.2.2 BETA


  • Updated the underlying game engine, bringing in many improvements to stability and memory usage.


  • Fixed an issue where rebinding a key would sometimes leave the old key bound until the game was restarted.
  • Fixed an issue where screenshots could not be taken after sprinting into a Cog battle.
  • Fixed an issue where parts of overhead laff meters could disappear when too close to the camera.
  • Fixed an issue where players would sometimes stick around after disconnecting in an abnormal fashion.
  • Fixed a memory leak related to the Main Menu Screen.
  • Fixed a major memory leak related to Toons on the district-side.
  • Fixed a major memory leak related to Battles on the district-side.
  • Fixed a major memory leak involving the flying Cogs in the C.L.O. and O.C.L.O. on the district-side.
  • Fixed a major memory leak involving all major Boss Battles on the district-side.
  • Fixed a memory leak for clients in the C.L.O. and O.C.L.O.
  • Fixed a memory leak for clients in the Lawfices.
  • Fixed a major memory leak affecting clients in all Battles.
  • Many many more underlying memory leaks were also fixed, but were too numerous to list above.
  • Minor text fixes.

v1.2.1.1 BETA - End of April Toons 2021

Check out the Render site at to get some neat images of your Toons!

April Toons

  • April Toons has ended for the year.


  • Fixed the Plant Tie location to fit better on Toons.
  • Minor text fixes.

v1.2.1 BETA - April Toons 2021

April Toons

  • Boredbot's HQ has reopened its tunnel for April Toons!
    • Run down Twilight Terrace to give Ottoman a visit, he definitely has a lot to talk about the last year!
  • Resistance Ranger Rocky has some leftover T-Shirts from Break the Law. And yes, he's giving them away.
    • Visit Rocky in The Brrrgh Toon HQ for a new ToonTask!
  • Turkey Toons are back once again!
    • Make a new Toon or visit the Restoration Station to create a Turkey Toon!
  • 1 Laff Ubers are also back!
    • This is the last year that 1 Laff Ubers will be available, so make sure to create one while you can.


  • Twilight Terrace has received a complete overhaul!
    • Twilight Terrace is now a feature complete street, serving as a long climb up to the perilous Boredbot's HQ.
    • Pajama Place is now at the foot of the bed in Drowsy Dreamland and leads to The Brrrgh.
    • Twilight Terrace is now on the pillow in Drowsy Dreamland and leads to Boredbot's HQ.
    • To accommodate for these changes, Cog percentages on streets in Drowsy Dreamland have been updated.
      • Lullaby Lane: 10% Boardbot, 5% Bossbot, 5% Lawbot, 40% Cashbot, 40% Sellbot.
      • Pajama Place: 10% Boardbot, 40% Bossbot, 40% Lawbot, 5% Cashbot, 5% Sellbot.
      • Twilight Terrace: 80% Boardbot, 5% Bossbot, 5% Lawbot, 5% Cashbot, 5% Sellbot.
      • Some Tasks in Drowsy Dreamland have also been updated to flow better with the percentage changes.
  • All streets in the game now have their own Street Map!
  • Street Maps now display the Executive Cog chance on that street.
  • Updated various Street Maps throughout the game.
  • Updated the position of the "Cog Info Table" on various Street Maps.
  • Fixed various holes in Ye Olde Toontowne streets when buildings were taken over by the Cogs.
  • Fixed many holes, clips, and other visual issues with Acorn Acres streets.
  • Added custom windows to Acorn Acres streets.
  • Fixed various buildings in Daffodil Gardens that would sometimes be difficult to enter.
  • Acorn Avenue has been renamed to Almond Avenue.
  • Piano props found in Mezzo Melodyland streets now use the correct model.
  • Other various general cleanup.

Overclocked C.L.O.

  • Cogs in the evidence round of both the C.L.O. and Overclocked C.L.O. battles will exit paintings quicker after spawning.
  • Litigator
    • Fixed an issue with Snap that would stop properly tracking damage when using weaker versions of the attack.
  • Scapegoat
    • Scapegoat's Rage status effect will now properly reflect the fact that he does not receive reduced damage while in desperation and rage.
  • Stenographer
    • Fixed an issue with Court Sanction that would stop properly tracking damage when using weaker versions of the attack.
    • Stenographer has received a new special ability.
    • Stenographer's Court Record ability will now only block Level 6, 7, and 8 Gags.
  • Case Manager
    • Insurance will now remove the Sued status effect from Cogs when applied.
    • Heals from Insurance will now display slightly faster.

Boss Reward Changes

  • All Gag Boost SOS cards will now last for an additional round.
  • Trap Gag Boost SOS cards have had their percentages changed.
    • 3 Star: +20% Boost
    • 4 Star: +30% Boost
    • 5 Star: +40% Boost
  • Zap Gag Boost SOS cards have had their percentages changed.
    • 3 Star: +10% Boost
    • 4 Star: +15% Boost
    • 5 Star: +20% Boost
  • Squirt Gag Boost SOS cards now give an additional +2 Soak rounds to Squirt Gags.
  • Toon-Up Unites now have the following healing values:
    • 20 Toon-Up
    • 30 Toon-Up
    • 40 Toon-Up
    • 50 Toon-Up
    • 60 Toon-Up
    • Battle and real-time cooldowns have also been adjusted to reflect these changes.
    • Currently owned Toon-Up Unites will automatically update to the new values.

Battle Interface Changes

  • The Battle Interface will now scale based on the aspect ratio of your screen while playing.
    • This should prevent some issues with certain elements overlapping each other and elements going off-screen.
  • The Run, Pass, and SOS buttons on the Battle Interface will now display text while hovering over them.
  • Clicking on the purple question mark on a Toon or Cog panel while in battle will now display a more in-depth set of information, including a Toon's full Gag panel as well as all current Status Effects.


  • Gag Shops now have a unique theme for each playground!
  • The reward screen after a Trolley game is now themed according to the playground you're in!
  • Added a new option to the Video section of the Options Page that allows you to change the scale of your Shtickerbook!
  • Added back movement hotkeys to swap Shtickerbook pages.
  • While a Cog info panel is open, the HP will now update without having to re-open the panel.
  • Battles with 5 or 6 Cogs will now have a wider collision radius to prevent Toons from standing inside of Cogs.
  • Added boarding phrases for the Overclocked C.L.O. battle.
  • Tweaked and added more encounter and brush-off phrases to Lawbot specialist Cogs.
  • Updated various visuals and collisions of the Drowsy Dreamland playground.
  • Updated various visuals of the Kart Shop interior.


  • Fixed an issue that would cause Cogs to walk out of Cog buildings that were not their department.
  • When entering a Cog battle from a ramp, Cogs will now correctly walk on the ramp into their battle positions.
  • Fixed some Drowsy Dreamland buildings that did not have proper backs to them.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause the Daily Task poster to show while in the Tutorial.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause some overhealed Cogs to have decimal HP numbers.
  • Fixed various positionings of Gag and Laff barrels in Cashbot HQ Mints.
  • Fixed an issue in the C.L.O. and Overclocked C.L.O. battle that would cause the sound effects for Trap Gags going off to delay the C.L.O. falling down.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause the Toon Hall and Ye Olde Toontowne Dungeon music to not loop properly.
  • Fixed Backstabber having multiple of the same phrase in the Cog Speak menu.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause Sued Cogs to not step back after becoming unlured.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause the Lure Decay Toon Tip to trigger when missing a Lure gag.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause some battle sound effects to not properly update their volume when starting the game at 0% sound effect volume.
  • Updated the warning text for Uber mode to reflect the Respec option's addition to the Restoration Station.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause Unites used while on the reward panel of a battle to not give a realtime cooldown.
  • Fixed an issue with overhead Laff Meters that would cause their elements to shift out of place when viewed from certain angles.
  • Minor text fixes.

v1.2.0.4 BETA


  • Updated the visuals of the Laff Meter and tweak various positionings on some species.
  • Tweaked positions of population text on the District Page.


  • Fixed a district reset related to Fish Bingo.
  • Fixed a crash related to invalid Display options.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause some Privacy options to not save correctly.
  • Fixed an issue with laser puzzles that would sometimes cause them to not cycle correctly if multiple of the same type of laser games were present on a Lawfice floor.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause the C.L.O. and Overclocked C.L.O. battles to use the wrong music.json keys during the epilogue.
  • Fixed a bug causing shadows to not show up in certain Lawfice and Mint rooms.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause Toon's screens to go dark if they were sitting in the Golf Zone while another Toon entered a Golf Course.
  • Profile Poses that have props associated with them will clean up when switching off of the main Profile tab in the Items Page.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause Sanction to trigger less often than intended while fighting the Stenographer and Case Manager in the Overclocked C.L.O. battle.
  • Minor text fixes.

v1.2.0.3 BETA


  • The disguise page Department XP meter will now remain full and show "MAXED" when you are at Department Level 30.


  • Fixed a district reset involving doodles.
  • Fixed an issue where extra gag XP events would not stack with Gag Farming Friday / Silly Saturday.
  • Fixed an issue where Toons could teleport into the Lawbot Lobby.
  • Daily task gag XP boosts will now be properly reflected in your gag inventory.
  • Fixed some instances of the Mingler being referred to as "The Mingler."
  • Fixed an issue where Cogs would walk into Cog Buildings that did not match their department.
  • Fixed an issue with the C.L.O. final battle that could result in multiple treasures being unintentionally spawned when one Cog was destroyed.

v1.2.0.2 BETA

In celebration of the v1.2.0 update, Toon HQ will be giving everybody a Gag experience boost! The event will begin Tuesday the 16th at Midnight Eastern and will end Tuesday the 23rd at Midnight Eastern.


  • Golfing Daily Objectives are now always multiples of 3.
  • Removed Bumpy and Lauren's ability to collide with other Toons while moving in the final rounds of the C.L.O.


  • Fixed another issue that would cause the Treasure Hunt swingset in Daffodil Gardens to be unobtainable.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when a Quest Treasure was picked up while another Toon was in the zone.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause both Simon Says laser puzzles to be triggered if one side failed.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur if a player spam clicked in the Cog Gallery page.
  • Fixed a rare crash that could occur during the Overclocked C.L.O. final round.
  • Fixed a district memory leak involving Fish Bingo in Toon estates.
  • Fixed a rare crash involving doodles.
  • Fixed a district reset involving the C.L.O.
  • Fixed an issue with the Main Menu Options page that could crash a player.

v1.2.0.1 BETA


  • The "Simon Says" Lawfice laser game now has a Refresh button to re-play the pattern of symbols to press.


  • Fixed a crash that could occur on the Options Page if a Toon had an incorrect configuration of an option.
  • Fixed an issue that would make Toons unable to Respec using the Restoration Station if other options were also unavailable.
  • Fixed a potential District Reset involving Lure Gags.
  • Fixed a potential District Reset involving the Lock-In feature.
  • Fixed an issue in the Overclocked C.L.O. battle that would sometimes cause Manager Cogs to be lured for "0 rounds."
  • Fixed an issue in the Overclocked C.L.O. battle that would cause Court Record to trigger when using Doodle tricks.
  • Fixed wonky camera behavior while talking to Task NPCs with special movies.
  • Fixed the Toon Level Bar from never re-appearing after leaving a battle in some cases.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause the Treasure Hunt swingset in Daffodil Gardens to be unobtainable.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause the Acorn Acres Tumbles Task to be able to be picked up sooner than intended.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause the Skip Cutscene button during Minigolf to not disappear until the end of the hole.
  • Fixed several crashes related to friending and unfriending other Toons.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause Merit Carryover to be more effective than intended.
  • Minor text fixes.

v1.2.0 BETA - Overclocked CLO Release, Battle System & SOS Cards Rework, Other Changes

Overclocked C.L.O.

  • Dissatisfied with her losses against the Toons, the C.L.O. has taken up an offer from the Chairman to get back at them. In the new "Overclocked" version of her battle, the C.L.O. will be pulling out all the stops to create the greatest challenge that Toons have yet seen!
  • The C.L.O.'s secretary, Judy, is offering Directives to help high ranking Lawbots promote to Executives!
    • Once you have completed the Brrrgh main Taskline and have become a Big Wig level 8 in your Lawbot disguise, you can talk to Judy to pick up your first Directive. Upon completing this Directive, you will gain access to the Executive Lobby and begin to challenge the Overclocked C.L.O.!
    • If a Toon completes the Overclocked C.L.O. battle with a non-maxed Big Wig disguise, they will gain an additional 50% Merit carryover that will stack with the Level 20 Department reward.
    • If a Toon completes the Overclocked C.L.O. battle with a maxed Big Wig disguise, they will promote to an Executive Pettifogger and can begin to promote further through their Executive disguise.
    • Upon reaching the max level for a tier of your Executive disguise, such as Pettifogger level 7, Judy will offer a new Directive that allows you to promote to the next Executive disguise tier.
    • Additionally, Toons must complete an extra Directive to reach level 15 at the max tier and finish the promotion of their Executive disguise.
    • Through completing Directives, Toons can earn various Toon panel customization rewards, a special secret reward, and an additional 3 Laff points.
      • This brings the maximum Laff to 137.

Standard C.L.O.

  • Skelecogs in the evidence round and final round have been replaced with normal Executive Cogs.
    • Executive Cogs in the evidence and final round now have a yellow name tag to make them easier to identify from a distance.
  • Minimum Cog levels in the Virtual Skelecog round have been raised to match other Cog bosses' rounds.
  • The C.L.O.’s tornado attack will no longer disappear when the C.L.O. becomes stunned.
  • The time the C.L.O. waits to do another attack after a tornado has been shortened.
  • The tornado attack will also display an indicator on the ground when it is about to happen.
  • If a Toon reaches the evidence cap during the evidence round, additional Cogs they destroy will award evidence to all Toons.
  • Chat messages will no longer show up underneath the Evidence Meter during the evidence round.
  • Slightly reduced the amount of time a Toon is slowed down or locked in place after using Sound in the C.L.O.

Battle System

  • The battle system has received a massive extension!
  • The battle system has several new features, including Status Effects, environmental attacks, and a plethora of backend changes to allow for virtually infinite customizability in creating new unique battles!
    • The battle system refactor found as part of the v1.1.0 update was the first of two steps to make the battle system more modern and modular.
    • While the initial refactor focused mostly on recoding the battle system from the ground up and ensuring the existing functionality was in place, this extension focuses on furthering the possibilities of the battle system and streamlining the process of creating custom battles in the future.
  • One of the new features that are now possible is Status Effects!
    • Status Effects are, simply put, an effect visible on a Toon or Cog that will modify the battle over the course of several rounds.
    • As the Status Effect system is a brand new addition, the following have been re-implemented or introduced to utilize it:
      • Lure
      • Soak
      • Trap
      • Cease and Desist
      • Toons Accuracy Up, Cogs Damage Down, Gag Boost, and Unite Cooldown (See the "Boss Reward Balance Changes" section for more details.)
      • Lure resistance found on minibosses
      • Cog damage boosts, such as when entering the Skelecog form of a v2.0
      • Ink Drain, found in the D.O.L.A. battle
      • The D.O.P.R.'s extra attacks
      • The D.O.P.A.'s extra attack mechanics
      • Life Insurance, found in the Mint Supervisor battle
    • Status Effects are visible on a Toon or Cog's info panel in battle. (See the "Battle Interface" section for more details.)
  • A new internal interface called the "Battle Listener" has been developed to streamline the implementation of unique battles.

Battle Interface

  • The visual interface while in battle has been completely re-imagined and re-invigorated!
  • This Includes revamps of the Toon battle panel, Cog battle panel, main battle panel, SOS interface, the target selection panel, and the all-new lock-in panel!
  • Toon and Cog battle panels
    • Current Status Effects are listed on each panel, as well as the rounds remaining.
      • Hovering over a Status Effect will give you a detailed description of what the Status Effect does.
    • Hovering over the purple question mark button will give a brief description of the Toon or Cog, such as a Toon's highest level gags as well as their prestige status.
    • Damage modifiers such as the Ink Drain status effect will now reflect in the damage number displayed above a Toon's panel after choosing a Gag.
  • Lock-in Panel
  • Before a battle round begins, Toons must Lock-in their battle choices.
  • Toons can select targets and thoroughly plan out their strategies without triggering the end of the turn as long as they have not Locked-in their Gag choices.
  • Once all Toons have Locked-in their Gag choices, the round will proceed as normal.
  • A new option has been added to the Options Page in the Shtickerbook that allows you to automatically Lock-in your Gag choices during battle.
  • When the battle timer reaches 10 seconds remaining, a sound effect and sequence will alert the player of the remaining time left.
  • The battle timer has been increased to 40 seconds.


  • Tumbles is the newest Toon tourist in town!
    • There've been a lot of tourists around town lately, come to think of it.
  • Tumbles can be found around each playground, taking in all of the sights.
  • Completing Tumbles' new side ToonTasks in Toontown Central through Drowsy Dreamland will allow your Toon to gain access to 8 brand new Profile Poses!
    • In order to have access to each of Tumbles ToonTask, you must have access to the main Taskline for that playground, as well as having completed all of Tumbles previous Tasks.

Restoration Station

  • The Restoration Station has gained a new option: Respec!
  • The Respec option allows Uber mode Toons to move off of Uber mode and become a regular Toon without Laff restrictions.
    • Toons who are not Ubers cannot become an Uber using the Respec option.

Refund Points

  • Lynn Decisive, a traveling trader Toon, has begun selling Refund Points for 40,000 Jellybeans each in the Acorn Acres playground!
    • If her business is successful enough, maybe she'll get her own shop someday…
  • Refund Points can now be used to Refund prestige Gag tracks!
    • If a prestige Gag track is refunded, the prestige and the track itself will be removed, and the player will receive 3 Training Points.
  • Tracks refunded with Refund Points now only lose half of their total experience.
    • For example, refunding the Throw track while it is maxed and then getting it again later will start you with 10,000 experience already credited in the track.

Boss Reward Balance Changes

  • As time has gone on, the boss rewards found throughout the game have proved to be more powerful than necessary and have placed design limits on content throughout the game. In order to free up some of these limits and make these rewards more balanced overall, we have made the following changes to boss rewards:
  • Unites
    • While in battle, using a Unite will cause the Toon who used the Unite to be unable to use another Unite for up to the next 4 turns.
    • While outside of a Cog battle, using a Unite will cause the Toon who used the Unite to be unable to use another Unite for up to the next 3 minutes.
    • The length of the Unite cooldown while both in and out of battle depends on how powerful a Unite was used.
    • Gag-Up Unites will now restock up to level 7 Gags.
    • Gag-Up Unites now have a cap of Gags restocked to prevent overfilling a Toon’s inventory.
      • Specific Track Gag-Up Unites will restock up to 12 Gags per use.
      • All Track Gag-Up Unites will restock up to 40 Gags per use.
    • Unites used outside of battle will only affect Toons who are also outside of a battle.
    • Unites used while in a battle will only affect other members of the battle.
  • SOS Cards
    • Gag SOS cards have been replaced with "Gag Boost" cards. "Gag Boost" cards will boost the effectiveness of the given Gag track. The specifications are as follows for Toon-Up:
      • 3 Stars, 20% Boost, 2 Rounds.
      • 4 Stars, 30% Boost, 2 Rounds.
      • 5 Stars, 40% Boost, 2 Rounds.
    • For Trap, Throw, Squirt, and Drop, the specifications are as follows:
      • 3 Stars, 10% Boost, 2 Rounds.
      • 4 Stars, 15% Boost, 2 Rounds.
      • 5 Stars, 20% Boost, 2 Rounds.
    • For Lure, Sound, and Zap, since these are Gags that affect multiple Cogs, the specifications are as follows:
      • 3 Stars, 5% Boost, 2 Rounds.
      • 4 Stars, 10% Boost, 2 Rounds.
      • 5 Stars, 15% Boost, 2 Rounds.
      • Note: Lure boost SOS cards will apply to knockback damage multiplier.
    • For Rain, the boost will apply to all Gag tracks, and the specifications are as follows:
      • 1 Star, 5% Boost, 1 Round.
    • "Cogs Miss" SOS cards have been replaced with "Cogs Damage Down" cards. The specifications are as follows:
      • Flim Flam: 3 Stars, -30% Damage, 3 Rounds.
      • Mr. Freeze: 4 Stars, -45% Damage, 3 Rounds.
      • Julius Wheezer: 5 Stars, -60% Damage, 3 Rounds.
      • "Cogs Damage Down" SOS cards are half as effective on Manager Cogs and last for 2 rounds. For example, a 5-star card will reduce a Manager Cog’s damage by 30% and last for two rounds.
    • "Toons Hit" SOS cards have been replaced with "Toons Accuracy Up" cards. The specifications are as follows:
      • Soggy Bottom: 3 Stars, 15% Accuracy, 3 Rounds.
      • Soggy Nell: 4 Stars, 25% Accuracy, 3 Rounds.
      • Sticky Lou: 5 Stars, 35% Accuracy, 3 Rounds.
      • "Toons Accuracy Up" SOS cards will not pass the Toon accuracy cap of 95%.
    • Single Gag track restock SOS cards, such as Joe Shockit, have become legacy SOS cards and will no longer be awarded for defeating the V.P. If you had these cards before the update, you will still have access to them.
    • While in the Sellbot V.P. boss battle, Resistance Ranger Rain will now be the sole Toon held captive by the V.P.
    • Rain will give Toons a random assortment of SOS cards as a reward for beating the Sellbot V.P., as opposed to multiple of the same SOS card.
    • Toons can now hold as many SOS cards as they would like.

Gag Balance Changes

  • Toon-Up Gags
    • All Toon-Up Gags now have 95% base accuracy.
  • Lure Gags
    • When Cogs are lured in battle by multiple Lure Gags, they will now be lured for the highest amount of Lure rounds out of the Lure Gags targeting them, as opposed to the combined amount of Lure rounds between all Gags.
    • The base accuracy curve of Lure Gags has been changed.
      • Old: 50%, 50%, 60%, 60%, 70%, 70%, 80%, 80%.
      • New: 65%, 65%, 70%, 70%, 75%, 75%, 80%, 80%.
  • Zap Gags
    • Every time a Zap Gag hits a Cog, the Cog will become unsoaked one round sooner.
    • Note that Soak will only wear off after all Zap Gags have been used, so you won’t have to worry about Soak wearing off in-between multiple Zap Gags in the same round!
  • Squirt Gags
    • Prestige Squirt’s 20% dodge chance de-buff now applies to all types of Soak (prestige and non-prestige) and has been lowered to 15%.
    • Prestige Squirt’s 1 Soak round buff has been moved to the regular, non-prestige Squirt.
    • As a result of these changes, the only effect remaining on prestige Squirt is the ability to splash other cogs surrounding the target and soak them.


  • The Shtickerbook has increased in size by roughly 20%!
    • This was done to make more use of the existing screen space offered while using the Shtickerbook.
  • Options Page
    • The Options Page has been stylized and completely revamped!
    • There is now a Reset Tab (i.e., Reset Gameplay Options) button and a Reset All button at the bottom of each Options section.
    • Hovering over an option will display a brief description of the option.
    • Due to some backend changes regarding keybinds, you may need to rebind some of your keys.
  • Cog Disguise Page
    • The Cog Disguise Page has also gotten a revamp!
    • Department experience and levels for the selected department will show on the right-hand side of the page.
  • Activities Page
    • All past activity pages have been condensed into the new singular Activities Page.
    • Activity experience and levels are now visible for each activity.
  • SOS page
    • As mentioned previously, Toons can now hold as many SOS cards as they would like. The SOS page in the Shtickerbook has been retrofitted with a scrollbar, a search bar, and a few filtering options to accommodate for this change.


  • Tweaked attack damage, accuracy, and frequencies for Downsizer, Corporate Raider, The Swindler, Toxic Manager, Magnate, Number Cruncher, and Legal Eagle Cogs to smooth out their progression as their levels increase.
  • Updated the icon used for Lawfice Task objectives.
  • Lawfice elevators and Cog Golf Course karts that take Toons to the next floor now have 30-second timers.
  • Cog Invasions will no longer affect the Cogs found in Toontown Central. However, the Gag experience bonus will still apply.
  • To avoid confusion between the general term for Cog Disguise promotional units "Merits" and Sellbot "Merits," Sellbot "Merits" have been renamed to "Invoices."
  • Tweaked several aspects of Daily Tasks!
    • Increased the minimum amount of Racing Tickets earned from Daily Tasks to 100.
    • Racing, golf, and all Jellybean Daily Task objectives now have some variance based on Toon level.
    • Slightly lowered the maximum requirement for general Cogs, general Cog Bosses, and general facility Daily Task objectives.
    • Slightly increased the specific Cog Daily Task objective requirement.
  • Reviewed and corrected accessory placements of nearly all accessories.
  • Added a face-off phrase to Cold Callers.
  • "Spruced" up the Daffodil Gardens playground!
  • Added a new Lawfice laser game--Simon Says!
  • Added Cog "Brush Off" phrases to the Cog Speak chat menu while in a Cog disguise.
  • Added various other missing Cog phrases to the Cog Speak chat menu.
  • Toons can no longer enter doors if they are not directly facing the door.
    • This should prevent issues that would sometimes cause Toons to be immediately sent back outside if many Toons entered an area at the same time.
  • Red magnets in the C.F.O. battle now play the correct noise while active.
  • All Cog Golf Course minigames now only award 20 Laff if completed.
  • Added new buyable banks that can store up to 100,000 Jellybeans.
    • If you do not own the highest available bank, new banks will appear in each Cattlelog issue.
  • Added a Toon Tip that displays when a Toon encounters Lure decay for the first time.
  • Adjusted the colors of fish rarities to be more readable in various scenarios.
  • While playing Golf, the scoreboard will no longer appear at the beginning of every player’s turn.
  • Various SOS NPCs have talked with Paletti Swatch and Redrawn to freshen up for the upcoming Spring season!
  • High-level Drop Gags now use an overhead camera angle to make them easier to view during battle.
  • The Big Cheese, The Mingler, and The Swindler Cogs have had the "The" removed from their names to be more grammatically correct in various scenarios.
  • Tex, the shopkeeper Toon at Armadillo Pillow Company, has redrawn into an Armadillo!
  • You can now zoom in on your Toon’s face in the Make-A-Toon interface by using the mouse scroll-wheel.
  • You can now press either the Advance Dialog Hotkey (Default F5) or the Map Hotkey (Default Esc) to activate the Skip Cutscene button while in a boss.
  • Some Cogs (such as Count Erclaim and Sads) will now be hidden in the Cog Gallery until they are discovered.
  • Added a "Skip Cutscene" button to the victory movie in the Derrickman fight.
  • Added a "Skip Cutscene" button to the overhead camera pans while playing Minigolf.
  • Added various missing characters to the "VT Remington Portable" Cog font.
  • Added new elevator themes for the V.P., C.L.O., and C.E.O. battles.
  • Removed "Visual Indicators" option. Visual Indicators will always be active now.
  • The river currents in Ye Olde Toontowne have calmed, making it a bit less nauseating for some Toons.


  • Fixed an issue that would cause keys bound to the Insert key to function incorrectly in the C.L.O. boss battle.
  • Fixed an oversight with sprinting that would allow Toons to regain normal speed sooner than intended while using Sound gags in the C.L.O. battle.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause Toons to be placed in the incorrect state in the final round of the C.L.O. battle after taking damage.
  • Fixed multiple memory leaks with the cannons in the evidence round in the C.L.O. battle.
  • Fixed a memory leak caused by using Sound Gags in the final round in the C.L.O. battle.
  • Fixed a major memory leak caused by destroying flying Cogs in both the evidence and final rounds of the C.L.O. battle.
  • Fixed an extremely rare crash with switching sound modes in the C.L.O. battle at an inopportune time.
  • Fixed a longstanding issue that would cause the battle menu to sometimes appear before intended when joining battles.
  • Fixed a camera issue that would cause the camera to appear below the floor when initially logging into the game.
  • Fixed some issues with Cog Building floor indicators showing the wrong floors.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause the local Toon’s name tag to appear on the sides of the screen in some places.
  • Fixed an issue with Snowman Steve that would cause him to incorrectly inform the player that they have earned the "Pumpkin Behind The Carving" Cheesy Effect when completing their ToonTask.
    • He won’t forget again in the future!
  • Fixed an issue with the Codes tab of the Items Page that would make it difficult to type in codes while movement keybinds were set.
  • Fixed several crashes and cleanup issues with Kart Racing.
  • Fixed a transparency issue that would sometimes occur on the windows of buildings in the Ye Olde Toontowne Playground.
  • Fixed several more issues that would cause the battle camera to get stuck in place or lag behind.
  • Fixed several more movie skip issues related to the use of Unites.
  • Fixed a music bug that would cause the error music to sometimes play in unintended areas.
  • Fixed an issue with the Restoration Station that would sometimes not allow the player to choose a free option if they did not have 10,000 Jellybeans for another option.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause Toons to have a 1% chance to dodge Cog attacks with 100% accuracy.
  • Fixed an oversight that would cause Zap Gags used on Executive Cogs to show the wrong Skelecog color.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause Rain to use the wrong bow animation after using their SOS card.
  • Potentially fixed a bug that would rarely cause Toons to never go offline from the friends list.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause Toons to see a black screen upon entering a minigolf course.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause Toons to see a black screen upon entering a race track.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause a crash if a Toon exited a race track before the race began.
  • Reduced lag while using the "Deposit All" and "Withdraw All" buttons in the Bank GUI.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause Paletti Swatch to use the incorrect color in the Chat Log.
  • Fixed an issue where Webster’s books were floating over his head.
  • Fixed a rare crash while choosing colors and shuffling in the Make-A-Toon and Restoration Station.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause Toon’s cameras to sometimes get all out of whack while quickly talking to NPCs.
  • Fixed an oversight that would cause Judy to have green name text in the Chat Log.
  • Various other small bugfixes.
  • Minor text fixes.

v1.1.6.5 BETA


  • Fixed a rare issue with the Shticker Book that could crash a Toon when opening it to the District page.
  • Fixed a memory leak on the District relating to the Skip Button feature.
  • Fixed multiple memory leaks affecting Boss Battles on the District.
  • Fixed many memory leaks affecting Estates on the District.
  • Fixed a minor memory leak on the client involving Friends.
  • Fixed a minor memory leak on the client with the Restoration Station.
  • Fixed a significant memory leak involving the Sound Round during the C.L.O. fight on the client.
  • Fixed a significant memory leak involving the Cannon Round during the C.L.O. fight on the client.
  • Fixed a minor memory leak involving the Feeding Round during the C.E.O. fight on the client.

v1.1.6.4 BETA


  • The following was introduced in v1.1.6, but we felt it was important enough to keep in the next Patch Notes as well since this patch came out shortly afterwards:
    • Corporate Clash now includes more optimizations!
      • This means you can expect a drastic increase in performance, especially on lower-end machines.
  • These optimizations are now included for Mac users as of v1.1.6.3.


  • Fixed a major issue causing the client to close without any indication as to why during District switches.
  • Fixed an issue where multiple clients could share the same log file.
  • Improved various conditions in which the loading screen could get unintentionally stuck.
  • Minor text fixes.

v1.1.6.3 BETA - New Year's 2021


  • The following was introduced in v1.1.6, but we felt it was important enough to keep in the next Patch Notes as well since this patch came out shortly afterwards:
    • Corporate Clash now includes more optimizations!
      • This means you can expect a drastic increase in performance, especially on lower-end machines.
  • These optimizations are now included for Mac users as of v1.1.6.3.

New Years

  • Happie Newbear, Pawst Midnight, and Jan Furrst are back once again to set up fireworks for the new years!
  • A fireworks show will start every hour on the dot in every Playground!
  • Talk to Happie Newbear for a new years’ exclusive task that awards a New Years 2021 outfit.
    • This task will be available through the 3rd of January.


  • Fixed numerous more crashes that can happen if a Toon disconnects during gag selection.
  • Fixed another crash that could rarely occur when a user exits Toonseltown.
  • Fixed some issues that could occur if a user disconnected at the time of a Cog attack displaying.
  • Temporarily disabled Discord integration in-game.
    • We believe this may be the cause of some weird crashes during Teleporting/District switching. If you’re still encountering this, please let us know.
  • The server maintenance we performed in the last update has mitigated a few issues.
    • This has fixed issues like a District reset causing other Districts to hang and Invasions sometimes causing slight lag bursts.