Changelogs (2020)

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Changelogs here from 2020 are copied from either the Corporate Clash website or their Github page. Information has been copied to allow for links to be added to wiki pages.

v1.1.6.2 BETA


  • The following was introduced in v1.1.6, but we felt it was important enough to keep in the these Patch Notes as well since this patch came out shortly afterwards:
    • Corporate Clash now includes more optimizations!
      • This means you can expect a drastic increase in performance, especially on lower-end machines.
      • Please note that this optimization will only apply to Windows machines at the moment. Similar optimizations for Mac users will be coming in the near future!


  • Some server maintenance happened in this patch that we hope improves stability when districts reset.


  • Fixed a crash that could occur when entering or exiting various Playgrounds.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when closing a whisper that was already closing
  • Fixed a bug that would cause the Daily Task to disappear while walking down a street and using "END" to show your Tasks.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when Cogs were exploding in the Toonseltown Minigame.
  • Fixed a Toonseltown Task bug that had Toons collect Mezzo Melodyland Treasures twice.
    • It now properly has Toons get Acorn and Ice Cream Treasures.

v1.1.6.1 BETA


  • The following was introduced in v1.1.6, but we felt it was important enough to keep in the these Patch Notes as well since this patch came out shortly afterwards:
    • Corporate Clash now includes more optimizations!
      • This means you can expect a drastic increase in performance, especially on lower-end machines.
      • Please note that this optimization will only apply to Windows machines at the moment. Similar optimizations for Mac users will be coming in the near future!


  • Introduced new Fishing rarity text.


  • Fixed an issue that could cause Sues or Fires to crash Toons in certain scenarios.
  • Fixed several more cases where Toons disconnecting at a specific time could crash the entire battle.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when logging out of the game.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur while swapping districts.
  • Fixed a bug that could occur if a Toon quickly double clicked Load or Save Preset in the Gag Shop.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur if a Toon opened a Toon Panel during round switches in Boss battles.
  • Fixed a rare crash that could occur if a Toon managed to hit Sprint at the exact time they began switching Zones.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur if a Toon logged out while in a Boarding Group.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur if a Toon used an emote shortly before disconnecting.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when a Toon exits Toonseltown.

v1.1.6 BETA


  • Corporate Clash now includes more optimizations!
    • This means you can expect a drastic increase in performance, especially on lower-end machines.
    • Please note that this optimization will only apply to Windows machines at the moment. Similar optimizations for Mac users will be coming in the near future!


  • The Present Thief minigame has received a few more tweaks!
    • Removed Cogs’ nametags and shadows to improve performance.
    • Micromanagers will no longer appear, as they were too small to hit easily and are difficult to see without nametags or shadows.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred at the start of the minigame if you had teleported to someone in Toonseltown.
    • Presents picked up at the end of the minigame should no longer cause a present to permanently appear above your laff meter.


  • Fixed a crash that could occur if someone in a Cog battle disconnected during gag selection.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur if someone disconnected at the same moment you viewed their “Last Online” information.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause the CFO’s head to be on backwards in the final cutscene of his boss battle.
    • He just liked wearing it backwards, we guess.
  • Fixed crashes caused by the Toonseltown sidetask “ELF Improvement”.

v1.1.5.3 BETA


  • The Present Thief minigame has received a number of tweaks!
    • Added new items to the prize pool!
    • There are now sound effects for picking up presents and dropping them off at the tree.
    • How many prizes a Toon can receive in the ‘Present Thief’ minigame has been reworked and improved!
      • Beyond the initial 2 prize threshold of 8 points, Toons can earn an additional reward for every 10 additional points earned.
      • Additionally, everyone that meets the minimum 8 point threshold earns an additional reward for every 150 points the team has at the end of the game.
      • The bean rewards earned after receiving all prizes now scales to the prizes earned from the minigame, up to 1500 max.
        • Bean rewards from the Present Thief minigame are now awarded immediately to your Toon as opposed to being sent in the mail.
      • Prizes earned caps at 7.


  • Updated the Trolley ‘Catching Game’ theme.
  • Updated the Trolley Tracks theme.
  • The D.O.P.R. miniboss has received new cutscene and victory themes!
  • Tweaks and improvements to various textures.
  • Updates to the Speedchat Plus whitelist and blacklist.


  • Toons can no longer take throwables into the C.L.O. sound round.
    • The C.L.O.’s heating bill was getting too high from all those snowballs.
  • Fixed a crash with boarding groups.
  • Fixed an issue with Merits not displaying properly on the Cog Disguise tab of the Toon Panel.

v1.1.5.2 BETA


  • Implemented a fix for presents not properly cleaning up after the end of the Present Thief winter minigame.
  • Implemented several optimizations to the Present Thief winter minigame.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause some caroling Music to be in the reverse order than what was intended.
  • Implemented an optimization for the Toon Panel.

v1.1.5.1 BETA


  • Fixed multiple district resets with the Toonseltown ‘Present Thief’ minigame.
  • Fixed a district reset with wardrobes.
  • Toons now properly reset to their ‘neutral’ animation after caroling with them.
  • Various additions to the Speedchat+ whitelist and blacklist.

v1.1.5 BETA - Toonseltown & Christmas/Toonsmas 2020


  • Toontown has gotten a holiday makeover, snow is falling all through town!
    • Barnacle Boatyard has been frozen over, but the fishing pond is still available for those who want to take a dive below the frozen boatyard!
    • The various NPCs around Toontown also now wear random winter hats!
    • The main Pick-a-Toon menu has received a holiday makeover!
    • Frozen Fish can now be found in any pond due to the colder temperatures throughout Toontown!
  • Cog Goons now have antlers!
    • In addition, their caps are red, green, or yellow, and their lights are red or green!
  • Carol for a snowman head cheesy effect! Check out the hints here.
    • For the duration of the holiday, caroling Toon buildings cannot be taken over by the Cogs.


  • Toonseltown is now reopened for the Toonsmas season, and will stay open through January 3, 2021!
    • Toons can teleport to Toonseltown through the ‘Toonseltown’ button on the Map page of the Shticker Book!
  • Help Toonseltown’s citizens with daily ToonTasks for various rewards!
  • Candie LaBrum, The Spirit of Toonsmas Past, has made an appearance in Toonseltown, and she needs some help!
    • Perhaps other spirits will make a timely appearance throughout the holiday?
  • Toonseltown’s ‘Present Thief’ minigame will run every 20 minutes on the clock, earn enough points to earn a large assortment of customization prizes!
    • Toons will earn two prizes every time they win a reward from Present Thief!


  • Fixed a longstanding issue where a Doodle’s appearance would frequently be shuffled upon purchase.
    • Note: This does not adjust doodles that previously affected by this issue, Toons will have to purchase a new Doodle if they want one with the proper appearance.
  • Fixed an issue causing random crashes on various clients.
  • Removed the ‘multi-theaded-rendering’ option from the preferences.json file as it caused many various bugs and crashes on clients.
  • Fixed various texture cut-off and bleeding issues.

v1.1.4.3 BETA


  • Fixed a major issue causing memory leaks, random instability, and crashes.
    • This includes the game randomly closing during Teleports or District switches.
  • Fixed the Heavy Drop death animation being off center when killing a Cog that was Unlured in the same round.
  • Fixed incorrect Golf Ball locations on multiple instances of the Tee Off attack.
  • Changed the Edgar Allen Pole NPC to be better fitting for his name.
  • Fixed the CFO Intro cutting off Mata Hairy’s dialogue if she was in a tall Cog disguise.
  • Fixed an issue preventing Doodle Trick text from appearing when calling a Doodle in a battle.
  • Minor text fixes.

v1.1.4.2 BETA


  • Fixed an issue allowing rapid sending of Speedchat phrases.
  • Fixed an issue preventing Lawbot Specialists from spawning on Streets and HQs.


  • Removed the Count Erclaim leaderboards.
    • If you have the badges from November, you'll still keep it through December.
  • Minor GUI texture fixes.
  • Minor text fixes.

v1.1.4.1 BETA


  • Thanksgiving is now over in Toontown, and Turnkey has returned to Gobbleburg.
    • Turkey toons are no longer available in Make a Toon and the Restoration Station.
  • Doubled the Activity Experience gained while playing Golf.
  • Increased the Fire rewards from the CEO boss battle by +2 for all tiers.
  • Rebalanced the Barrister and Shyster attacks to make them more fitting of their roles as Field Specialists.
  • Barrister now has white hands.


  • Fixed a rare crash with the Battle UI.
  • Fixed an issue with Big Drop destroying Cogs that caused the movie to be longer than was intended.
  • Fixed an issue where audio content packs utilizing music.json would cause crashes between zones if the music path was set to None.
  • Fixed an issue where audio content packs required audio/music.json to be in a folder of the same name of the pack, within the pack.
    • The audio folder containing music.json should now be placed in the root folder, such that your content pack has an audio folder alongside all the phase folders.

v1.1.4 BETA - Thanksgiving 2020


  • Turkey Toons have returned from Gobbleburg!
    • You can either create Turkey Toons from the Create-A-Toon or redraw an existing Toon into a Turkey Toon at the Restoration Station in Toontown Central!
  • With the migration of Turkey Toons to Toontown, Turnkey makes his visit to town to see the wonders of Thanksgiving!
    • He has a ToonTask ready for anyone who’s willing to help prepare a feast! He’ll give out a hat and a backpack as rewards!
  • Turnkey’s feast preparations as well as Turkey Toon creation will last through the 29th of November.

Content Pack Music Manager (BETA)

  • ALL music in the game has been converted to a json-based load system!
    • This will give content pack creators a ton of freedom with their music needs!
      • Content pack creators can access this system by creating a "music.json" file in the audio folder of their content pack. (Contentpack/audio. NOT in a phase folder within the content pack, but instead at the root. You can reference music.json in phase_3_audio/audio of the download files.)
      • Custom music can be loaded that is not originally present in the base game. Just leave the music within the same folder as music.json in your content pack, and you can reference it that way.
      • Only music that is changed should be overridden to allow for maximum compatibility with other packs.
      • Music can also be picked from at random from a list of provided choices, just include the music filepaths in list format! (Square brackets, such as ["audio/testSong1.ogg", "audio/testSong2.ogg"])
    • Instances in which music is repeated (such as between streets, building interiors, cutscenes, etc.) are completely separated from each other.
      • For instance, the battle music on Wacky Way could be entirely different from the battle music on Loopy Lane!
    • Songs can also be defined per holiday, allowing for content pack creators to have festive tracks swap out whenever a holiday begins in Toontown!

Drop Gags

  • Drop Gags have gotten a new prestige effect!
    • Drop Gags receive +5% bonus combo damage per prestiged Drop Gag used. For example, if four prestiged Drop Gags are used in a turn, they will deal 70% combo damage.
    • Prestige Drop’s 20% accuracy bonus has been decreased to a 10% accuracy bonus.
  • Heavy Drop Gags (Level 5 and above) now have a new quick death animation if they destroy a Cog!
  • The Safe and Big Weight Gags now have a square drop shadow in place of a circular one.


  • If a Toon doesn’t pick a Gag in battle for two turns or more (usually because they are AFK), they will force pass and be given a notification every turn until they return.
    • From the notification, a Toon can either return to the battle or flee to the playground.
    • If a Toon is in an area that doesn’t allow them to flee, they cannot flee to the playground through the AFK notification.
  • When clicking on a Toon name tag, if their friend panel is already open, a new one will not be opened.
  • During the rewards panel at the end of a battle, Toons can now press their Advance Dialogue hotkey (default F5) to skip the panel.
  • The number of Cogs in the Derrickman miniboss battle will now scale depending on the number of Toons present.
    • This tweak should make it much easier for lower Toons trying to complete the Toontown Central taskline!
  • Many chat Whitelist/Blacklist additions.


  • Fixed a long-standing issue that would cause nametags and chat bubbles to sometimes be unclickable after updating your display options.
  • Fixed a crash relating to Doodle phrases in battle.
  • Fixed some cleanup issues with Toon attack panels in battle.
  • If the server restarts or a District resets in the middle of Silly Saturday, the proper holiday in the rotation will now be started back up instead of starting from the beginning of the rotation.
  • Fixed an issue with deleting gags in your Shtickerbook that would sometimes cause them to not update properly.
  • Fix a rare crash with the Sellbot V.P.
  • Fixed a few visual issues that could occur when overkilling v2.0 Cogs.
  • Fixed a crash related to invalid SpeedChat phrases on some Toons.
  • Fixed an issue with Daily Tasks where you could roll the same Daily Booster reward multiple times in a row.
  • Fixed a minor graphical bug with Drowsy Dreamland's clouds.
  • Fixed a bug where some music would not speed up properly with the sprint music pitch shift option.
  • Fixed a bug where music would play 2x over in the Sellbot Factory.
  • Fixed various other music bugs when leaving facilities.
  • Minor text fixes.

v1.1.3 BETA - End of Halloween 2020


  • Halloween 2020 is now over, and Toontown has returned to its regular Toony state.
  • A new Toon has taken up shop in the vacant building left after the rise of Count Erclaim.


  • Fixed many small gaps in various streets.
  • Corrected the dates for Thanksgiving and Black Friday in the Calendar page of the Shtickerbook.
  • Minor text fixes.

v1.1.2.2 BETA


  • Fixed a few issues in the Banquet round of the C.E.O. boss battle that results in a moderate boost in performance.
  • Extended the expiration dates of the Halloween Tasks to reflect the proper end date for the Halloween event.
  • Minor text fixes.

v1.1.2.1 BETA

Update on November 9th, 2020: After this initial patch, we introduced another fix that fixes an issue where a Toon can get stuck in the void in Cog Golf Courses.


  • Fixed a major issue causing disconnects when switching Districts.
    • Please let us know if you still encounter this issue!
  • Fixed a few inconsistencies with Cog death animations.
  • Toons should no longer fall asleep while browsing the Shtickerbook.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause the entrance to the Lawfice Lobby to notify Toons that they don’t have enough Patents to enter. Of course they don’t have enough!
  • Fixed an issue that would cause Daily Boosters to notify the toon of the wrong remaining time when 30 minutes were left.
  • Fixed an issue preventing some Toons from receiving single alternate Cog Summons.
  • Summoned normal Cogs can no longer spawn as alternates.
  • Minor text fixes.

v1.1.2 BETA

Daily Tasks

  • Cog Building Daily Tasks have been tweaked to allow for more variance in number of Cog Buildings required.
  • Daily Boosters will now give a notification when they're thirty or less minutes from expiring.
    • Additionally, Boosters will give a notification when they expire.
  • Fixed an issue where Daily Boosters would display incorrect "Time remaining" information due to time zone differences.


  • Added the following items to Elphabat's shop:
    • Witch Hat, Bat Wings, Bee Wings, Black Super Toon Mask, Blue Super Toon Mask, Bug Antenna, Webbed Antenna, Bug-Eye Glasses, Bug Backpack, Gem Eyepatch, Pumpkin Shirt, Angel Wings, Rainbow Angel Wings, and Spooky Nametag Style.
  • Reorganized the Halloween Shop to better categorize many of its items.


  • If a Toon doesn't have full merits when entering a boss lobby, a pop-up warning will show.
    • From there, the Toon can click 'OK' to enter anyways, or 'Cancel' to exit and get the merits they need.
  • A Toon's merits will now display on the 'Disguises' tab of the Toon Avatar Panel.
  • During the V.P. Boss battle, if the boss is near the ledge, they will only open the front door and not the back door.
  • The Tell Tale Carp on Anchor Avenue in Barnacle Boatyard can no longer be taken over by the Cogs.
  • You can now use right-click to send SpeedChat Phrases through as a thought bubble!
  • Kiwi Toons have found their sleeves!
  • Updated female Cog body models.
  • Various additions to the chat whitelist and blacklist.


  • Fixed an issue with Leaderboards where winning Toons of a previous month may not get the badge they are supposed to during the current month.
  • Fixed a visual issue with Drop.
  • Fixed various district resets.
  • Alternate Cog types now spawn in their proper level range during Cog Invasions.
  • Fixed an issue preventing Con Artist Cog and Cog Building summons from working.
  • Fixed an issue where the Jellybean jackpot didn’t reflect the correct prize on Fish Bingo if you had a Jellybean Booster.
  • Fixed a crash when opening Friends List to the Nearby Pets tab in Estates.
  • Fixed various typos.

v1.1.1.2 BETA

Count Erclaim

  • Tier 6 Count Erclaim defeats now award 4 points for the Leaderboard as opposed to 3.
  • Count Erclaim now has a higher minimum amount of materials awarded.
    • This means that you will receive more materials on average, but the highest amount of materials you can receive has not increased.


  • Renamed an inappropriate NPC name.
  • Update some Loading Screen Toon Tips to reflect the changes to the Toon Platoon system.
  • Updated backend configuration of Leaderboards to allow them to update more consistently.
  • Chat Blacklist additions.


  • Fixed an issue that would cause Trap SOS Cards to not properly increment the 'SOS Cards Used' stat.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause Restock SOS Cards to show the wrong Gag Track when restocking.
  • Fixed some inconsistencies with Cattlelog Series 5.
  • Fixed a rare crash with the Shkrafting Page.
  • Fixed a crash relating to Doodles in Toon Estates.
  • Minor text fixes.

v1.1.1.1 BETA

Count Erclaim

  • Count Erclaim now rewards two sets of Halloween Materials and Cog Summons as a base reward!
    • If a Boss Reward booster and Surplus Sunday are both active, Count can drop up to four sets of Halloween Materials and Cog Summons.
  • The Liquidate attack has had its damage and accuracy slightly lowered to be more in line with other attacks, as well as being used less often in comparison to other attacks.
  • The Toon Level ranges for Count Erclaim tiers have been increased slightly.
    • Tier 1: Toon Level 1-40 Average
    • Tier 2: Toon Level 41-50 Average
    • Tier 3: Toon Level 51-60 Average
    • Tier 4: Toon Level 61-70 Average
    • Tier 5: Toon Level 71-79 Average
    • Tier 6: Toon Level 80 Average


  • Halloween Material drops from fishing have been increased!
  • Shop buildings used for Trick-or-Treat riddles are no longer capturable by the Cogs.


  • Fixed an issue where the Shkraftbooking page would scroll back to the top without reason.
  • Fixed an issue where clicking a Toon’s Nametag could cause a crash.
  • Fixed a crash with the Friends List.
  • Fixed a crash relating to Toon Defeat movies.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause some Toons to not receive the Trick-or-Treating pumpkin head.
    • If you visited all shopkeepers and did not receive the head, visit any of them and say the Trick-or-Treating phrase to earn the pumpkin head.
  • Fixed various typos.

v1.1.1 BETA - Halloween 2020 and Count Erclaim

Count Erclaim

  • Count Erclaim is back to haunt Toontown once again!
    • Find his newly relocated abode on Polar Place in The Brrrgh to take him down!
    • Count Erclaim has been given special permission as a contractor to C.O.G.S. Inc. and now has several special abilities and attributes that he can utilize in a brand new miniboss battle.
  • The Count Erclaim battle features two new music tracks.
    • The old tracks from previous years remain on the first floor of the instance.
  • Tiers in the Count Erclaim battle are now based on the average Toon Level of the group.
  • Count Erclaim now awards Toons with Cog Summons as well as materials.
    • Toons have a chance to receive Cog Summons for Operations Analyst and Field Specialist Cogs.
    • Boss Reward Daily boosters and the Surplus Sunday weekly holiday now apply to the Count Erclaim battle, giving bonus materials and Cog Summons.


  • The Toon Platoon has been updated to the new Top Toons system!
  • The new Leaderboards are now counted globally, instead of per-district.
  • The Leaderboards refresh every 5 minutes. However, there may be some extra delay due to how scores are calculated.
    • For example, if you complete a Count Erclaim battle and earn points before midnight, it will still be included in that time period even if you do not see the refreshed data immediately.
  • There are three time periods per category:
    • Monthly: These reset on the last day of the month at 11:59 PM.
      • Being on this board gives you a Gold Badge!
    • Weekly: These reset on Sunday at 11:59 PM
      • Being on this board gives you a Silver Badge!
    • Daily: These reset every day at 11:59 PM
      • Being on this board gives you a Bronze Badge!
  • There are two categories introduced at launch:
    • Count Erclaim:
      • Points are earned based on Tier.
        • Tiers 1-2 gives 1 point.
        • Tiers 3-4 gives 2 points.
        • Tiers 5-6 gives 3 points.
    • Building Floors:
      • Points are given based on the total number of floors.
  • When the Leaderboard resets, toons who were on it at the end of that time period will retain their badge for the next time period.
    • For example: If you were on the Monthly leaderboard for Floors at the end of October, you would retain the Gold Badge for the entirety of November as well.
  • You can only be listed in a Category once.
    • For example: If you are on the Monthly Leaderboard for Building Floors, you will not appear on the Weekly or Daily Leaderboard for the Building Floors category.
    • Another Example: If you are on the Weekly Leaderboard for Count Erclaim, you will not appear on the Daily Leaderboard for the Count Erclaim category.
  • Badges are currently prioritized for display as follows: Count Erclaim, Building Floors.
    • In the future, you will have the option to choose which badge displays if you currently have multiple when new categories are introduced.


  • To encourage players to get familiar with the new Leaderboards, we’d like to additionally announce we’ll be holding a new in-game contest with PHYSICAL REWARDS!
  • Starting the moment the Halloween 2020 Update goes live until October 31st @ 11:59 PM ET, we’ll be tallying the Top Toons from a few different categories, which are as follows:
    • The Top 10 Toons who have earned the most Count Erclaim points (based on tier of the fight).
    • The Top 10 Toons who have defeated the most amount of Cog Building Floors
    • 5 winners randomly chosen from the official Corporate Clash Discord Server
  • Each winner may only win once. If you win multiple times, we will pick the next eligible winner on the list. For example, if you win on the Count Erclaim board and win on the Cog Building Floors board, we will choose the 11th place Toon on the Cog Building Floors board.
  • In-game winners will receive an email with further information for claiming their prizes. Winners from the Discord giveaway will receive a DM with further information on claiming their prizes. If we do not receive a reply from a winner, we will choose the next winner on the leaderboards or reroll for another winner on the Discord Giveaway bot.
  • Now, let’s talk prizes! We’ll share further details about the specifics in the near future, but each winner will win one of each of the following:
    • A Corporate Clash logo holographic sticker
    • A ‘Chup acrylic pin (Count Erclaim’s favorite!)

Daniel Ghastly

  • Daniel Ghastly has two new Halloween-centric ToonTasks for you to complete. Find him in The Brrrgh playground!
    • The first of the ToonTasks is a bit easier for all Toons to get involved with the event!
    • The second ToonTask takes a bit of a more challenging turn. It may scare some Toons off!


  • Trick-or-Treating is back! Visit the correct shop in each playground for the new ‘Pumpkin Behind the Carving’ cheesy effect!
    • Check out any of our social media platforms for the riddles!


  • The Shkrafting page is back!
  • Materials can be shkrafted on the Shkrafting page of your Shtickerbook at the cost of 350 Jellybeans per 5 materials.


  • Elphabat is once again selling Halloween items, taking up shop in The Brrrgh playground.
  • There are several new items available for purchase.
    • A new set of Halloween accessories.
    • Daily boosters in two-hour and six-hour variants.
    • An exclusive profile background, pose, and several nameplates.
    • Various items from previous Halloween events that were not included in the Halloween Shop prior.
  • Elphabat’s shop now has a page selector. Click on the page number to easily visit any page you wish!
  • You can now press the Escape key to exit the Shop GUI quickly.


  • Toontown has gotten a spooky makeover for Halloween!
  • Shopkeeper Toons wear various Halloween hats to get into the spirit of the holiday.
  • Material catches during fishing have been re-enabled.
  • Updated the Halloween Speedchat phrases to reflect the changes for this year’s event.
  • Updated in-game credits with new additions to the team.
  • Added new cutscene, battle, and victory themes for the Derrickman miniboss battle.
  • Toons who have been offline for 6 months or more will have a red-colored name on your Friends List.
  • Turning off SpeedChat Plus in-game has been moved to the website under the Account tab. This change makes the setting persistent on the account instead of just a local setting.
    • Changing the setting will require a relaunch of your game to take effect.
  • You can now see if a Toon has SpeedChat Plus enabled or disabled in their Toon Panel Info tab.


  • Fixed a very persistent long-standing issue that would cause "Ghost Toons" to stick around on your screen and never leave you alone.
  • Potentially fixed a rare issue that would cause “Ghost Cogs” to stick around in battle with 0 HP and never leave.
  • Ghost Toons and Cogs were too spooky for Halloween!
  • Trolley Tracks on Silly Saturday now start players out with the correct amount of votes.
  • Fixed an issue that would sometimes overwrite existing Daily boosters when gaining new ones.
  • Fixed a few visual inconsistencies with varying amounts of Daily boosters on the Daily Task page.
  • Rewrote how Toon Defeat movies are constructed, fixing the following issues:
    • Cog attacks following a Toon going sad being skipped.
    • Camera movement following a Toon going sad not functioning.
    • If a Toon is saved from defeat by a Unite, different text will display that they were saved.
    • If multiple Toons are defeated or saved by a Unite during the same attack, all names of Toons will show at the same time.
  • Fixed the material icon not properly hiding during fishing when catching certain types of non-fish items.
  • Fixed an inconsistency where the Mezzo Melodyland Playground would not use the correct spooky sky during Halloween.
  • Fishing rod on the Items page now hides correctly when switching tabs.
  • Fixed a rare district reset involving Toon-Up gags.
  • Fixed a district reset involving Estates.
  • Minor text fixes.

v1.1.0.15 BETA


  • Added the new Vacation Froge Shirt, use the code “FROGEPAD” in your Shtickerbook to redeem it!
  • The Catching Game has a new theme, take a ride on the trolley and give it a listen!
  • Bosses of Cog Buildings are now always Executive.
  • Fish species now show their record weights caught in the Fish Album in the Shtickerbook.
  • Credits are in-game again. You can now use the ‘Enter’ key to speed them up or the ‘Backspace’ key to pause them!


  • Anchor Avenue can now spawn Cog Buildings properly.
  • Fixed various SpeedChat organization issues and typos.
  • Tweaked various Duck hat placements.
  • Fixed an animation issue with Drop missing on Lured Cogs.
  • Minor text fixes.

v1.1.0.14 BETA

Note: v1.1.0.14 was a hotfix released shortly after v1.1.0.13, and contains no differences to the patch notes below.

We initially also forgot to include these in the Patch Notes for v1.1.0.13:

  • Fixed multiple rooms in Mints and Lawfices that would result in you getting teleported on top of the room's ceiling.
  • Various Estate related assets were fixed or improved.

v1.1.0.13 BETA


  • You can now choose a type for the Weekly Reward when rerolling, either an Item or Boost.
  • When completing a Weekly Reward Streak (7 days), it will now automatically claim the reward.
  • When completing a Daily Task, it will not automatically increase your Weekly Streak if your Streak is at 0, so that accidentally completing a Daily Task will not lock-in a Weekly Reward unless you claim the Daily Task Reward.
  • Added a notification when the Daily Task is completed.
  • Daily Tasks will now show up in the onscreen Tasks popup (holding End with default bindings).


  • Added a warning to the Minigames Teleport Button if the user can not teleport to a Playground or Cog HQ.
  • Doodles have had their Trick Experience buffed significantly. They are now 2x the previous base experience and 5x the new base experience during an invasion (a 10x boost compared to the previous base experience).
  • Added some new default Speedchat phrases.


  • Laff Meters now properly clean up on the Battle UI consistently instead of sometimes stacking on top of each other.
  • Fixed prestige Lure indicator improperly displaying for the unprestige Lure when prestige and un-prestiged single Lures both hit on different cogs on the same turn.
  • Various Drop-related visual bugs fixed in this release.
  • Fixed a rare crash when a Toon disconnecting from a CEO would cause everyone else in the CEO to crash.
  • Fixed a rare crash affecting all Toons in the CFO when one Toon was lagging too far behind during the Crane round.
  • Fixed taunting in the CLO not properly attracting Cogs to the taunter.
  • Adjusted numerous accessory placements for Bears, Deer, Ducks, Monkeys, and Pigs.
    • If you come across any misplaced accessories, please fill out this form with an image of the Toon wearing the accessory: click here
  • “Jump!” Speedchat Phrase will no longer be offered to Toons in the catalog.
  • Fixed an issue with LMB Orbital Camera moving not cleaning up properly when transitioning areas.
  • Minor text fixes.

v1.1.0.12 BETA


  • When using Orbital Camera, you can now hold the Left Mouse Button to move forward.
  • When using an SOS Card, the text above the calling Toon now shows what the SOS Toon is.
  • Rain SOS cards are now affected by boss reward booster effects.
  • Added more accessories to the Weekly Reward Pool.


  • Fixed multiple animation and unlure problems with multiple tracks.
  • Fixed multiple visual glitches with the Geyser unluring a Cog when used.
  • Fixed an issue where the megaphone was not properly cleaned up during the C.L.O.
  • Adjusted numerous accessory placements for Turkeys and Beavers.
    • If you come across any misplaced accessories, please fill out this form with an image of the Toon wearing the accessory: click here
  • Adjusted some taskline dialogue to remove references to previously removed tasklines.
  • Potential fix for a crash that could occur when teleporting and a user receives a whisper.
  • Minor text fixes.

v1.1.0.11 BETA


  • Added Yawn emote to the catalog.
  • The Sidetask page in the Shticker Book now opens to the last playground tab opened in the same session.
  • Added a counter for the number of goons stomped in the CFO.


  • Fixed various scenarios in which a cog would not play the unlure animation on the client, even though they were unlured on the server.
  • Headless death animation for drop gags now will not play if a drop big weight or higher is used alongside drop gags that would have triggered it normally.
  • Fixed bonus (yellow) damage not displaying for sound gags when a cog is killed by red sound damage alone.
  • Improvements for Rain combo animation.
  • Fixed facial animations for cogs with special heads not updating to reflect health with the getting out of lure animations.
  • Fixed a difficult to trigger collision on Jellybean Banks with certain Cheesy Effects.
  • Fixed multiple issues with the camera while moving furniture in the Estate.

v1.1.0.10 BETA


  • Boss Cog Department Experience is now given in real-time to all bosses!
    • This means that you’ll no longer have to wait until the end of the round or fight to receive experience, it’s all given on the spot!
    • Additionally, Sellbot Department Experience has received a slight buff.
  • Increased the average chance of Cog Invasions in non-safe districts.
    • Random Invasions can now last in varying lengths of time, (20 - 60) minutes.
  • Various SOS cards have been tweaked due to community suggestions:
    • Zap SOS:
      • 3 Star Zap: Changed from 50 to 45 damage.
      • 4 Star Zap: Changed from 60 to 70 damage.
    • Toon-Up SOS:
      • 3 Star Toon-Up: Changed from healing 50 to 78 Laff.
      • 4 Star Toon-Up: Changed from healing 90 to 95 Laff.
  • Added a hotkey to progress NPC dialogue without clicking. By default it is F5, and it can be configured in the Shticker Book.
  • All Gag Experience Multipliers in Cog Bosses are now 1x, however experience holidays such as Gag Farming Friday or Daily Task Gag Experience Boost still count towards increasing the multiplier.
  • Toons now have sad eyes while they are sad in the Playground.


  • Potential fix for Content Pack music.
  • Fixed a rare crash when Zap missed.
  • When unluring a soaked cog via a zap jump, they will now immediately perform the unlure animation.
  • Fixed a visual issue where Cogs killed by lower Sound Gags while an Opera was used would result in the wrong death animation to play.
  • Fixed a visual glitch in the Jellybean Rewards for Fishing and Trolley to accurately show what you earned with a Jellybean Boost.
  • Fixed a rare crash when teleporting to friends.
  • Minor text fixes.

v1.1.0.9 BETA

Thank you for our patience with fixing this bug that directly affected Gag Farming Friday. As a thank you for being patient, we've implemented 8 additional hours of extra Gag experience! Silly Saturday will also feature extra Gag experience at the normally scheduled times.

Note: This includes the unreleased Patch Notes.


  • Fixes an issue where random toons would be removed from facilities in the first round.
  • Further enhancements to the logic of Lure Decay.
  • Fixed edge cases where Cogs could dodge earlier than intended with Lure Decay.
  • Fixed a district reset related to friends.
  • Fixed various animation errors with Cogs doing the walk-back animation improperly.
  • Fixed an issue where Toons can be stuck in a Cog battle while in a different zone for more than one turn, resulting in Laff being lost improperly.
  • Fixed an issue in the C.L.O. where Skelecogs in the final rounds could be higher level than intended.
  • Fixed an issue in the C.L.O. where Cogs could fly out-of-bounds in the cannon round.

v1.1.0.7 BETA


  • Multiple adjustments to Lure Decay so that it takes Track EXP, stuns, and the Cog’s defense into account.
  • Prestiged lure will now delay Lure Decay by one turn.
  • Added a brand-new Pie Round song to the VP.
  • Daily Tasks will no longer give a Toon the Tickets reward if they are at max Tickets.
  • Daily Tasks rewards for Merits, Cogbucks, Patents, and Stock Options will only appear if the Toon has a disguise level Tier 5 or above for that department.
  • Removed the Media menu from Speedchat.
  • Various NPC and Shop renames.
  • Tweaked the Game of Thrones taskline to facilitate the NPC rename.
  • Added a new Speedchat phrase: “Sorry, I can't use Speedchat Plus.”

CLO Enhancements

  • Added a tornado visual indicator.
  • Skelecogs in the final round of the CLO battle can no longer have attack/defense specialization.
  • Virtual Skelecogs in the final round now have a smaller collision sphere for toon detection.
  • Lowered the CLO's area of effect for her spin attack by roughly 20% to be more visually consistent.
  • The CLO can no longer perform her spin attack while moving.


  • Fixed an issue where CEO sound effects would not pause during cutscenes.
  • Removed “I’m sleepy” Speedchat phrase from the catalog.
  • Fixed a few cases where the Lure Prestige indicator would not display correctly when multiple types of lure are used.
  • Cogs now immediately perform their unlure animations when lure decay occurs.
  • Fixed the underwater sound effect continuing to play if you teleported to a friend while underwater in Barnacle Boatyard.
  • Fixed Steve incorrectly referring to the Wireframe Cheesy Effect as the Pumpkin Head 2019 Cheesy Effect.
  • Fixed a crash in the Race Game when someone instantly won.
  • Fixed an issue where boarding group dialogues were not properly cleaned up when going into a boss battle.
  • Fixed a bug where clicking the 'Exit Race' button during the starting countdown would cause the countdown text to remain on-screen.

v1.1.0.6 BETA


  • Report a Toon functionality has returned! If you encounter a problem with another Toon’s behavior, you can now click the Report button on the Toon Panel and send a report directly to the Moderation Team.


  • Virtual Skelecogs in Lawfices should no longer give Gag EXP or Patents.
  • Potential fix for a crash when receiving a whisper while teleporting.
  • Fixed multiple issues with calling friends from the SOS panel.
  • Fixed a potential crash with the Golf Kart at the end of a Cog Golf Course.
  • Fixed an issue with Lure Decay not working as intended.
  • Fixed an accuracy issue with Toon-Up being unable to miss in certain situations.
  • Fixed a crash when using Electra Eel on lured cogs.
  • Fixed the EXE cog daily task not properly tracking only EXE cogs.
  • Minor text fixes.

v1.1.0.5 BETA


  • Skelecogs in the final round of the C.L.O. fight should no longer “phantom break” traps if they are destroyed as they are flying to them.
  • Virtual Skelecogs in Lawfices should no longer give Gag EXP or Patents.
  • Fixed a rare crash regarding the Merry-go-round piano in Mezzo Melodyland.
  • Optimized SBHQ courtyard and factory exterior.
  • Various backend changes.

v1.1.0.4 BETA


  • When refunding Gag Tracks, Toons can no longer go below two Tracks.
  • Loosened restrictions on choosing NPC names for your Toon during the Type-A-Name and Pick-A-Name.


  • Potentially fixed an issue with the Connect Three laser puzzle that would cause Toons to lose when they were not supposed to.
  • Potentially fixed an issue that would cause any Cog to count for Executive Cog Daily Tasks.
  • Fixed a typo in quest dialog.

v1.1.0.3 BETA

Cog Bosses

  • C.L.O.
    • Damage taken in the C.L.O. battle now has a small damage multiplier (up to 30%) depending on the tier of the boss.
    • Treasures heal slightly (15%~) less.
    • Slightly reduced Treasure spawn rate.
    • Small tweaks to C.L.O. movement decision-making.
    • In the Cannon Round, the paintings will stay open for the entire duration of the round to allow Cogs to spawn quicker.
    • The spawn rate of cogs in the cannon round now scales to the amount of Toons present.
  • C.E.O.
    • The Level 18.exe v2.0 Cog found in the second Cog Round can now be level 17 or level 19 depending on the tier.


  • Enabled Toon Restoration Station Renames!
  • Executive Skelecogs now have a unique tie depending on what department they are.
  • Renamed some Discord RPC zones that were not updated for the new LBHQ.
  • The Chat Log will now scroll to the bottom when reopened.


  • Toons can no longer attempt to friend NPC toons.
  • Fixed an issue where the ‘Report a Toon’ dialogue would get stuck on your screen.
  • Fixed several various District Resets.
  • Possible fix for an issue where you would fire out of the wrong cannon in the CLO’s Cannon Round.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur in the evidence round of the C.L.O. if a Toon destroyed a cog right as the round was ending.
  • Fixed remaining fog issues with BBHQ.
  • Fix custom keybinds in Trolley Minigames.
  • Fix arms reappearing with Invisible Cheesy Effect when opening Shticker Book.
  • Fix being unable to order different colored items from Catalog.
  • Fixed a few edge cases with Zap not targeting the Cogs that it should target.
  • All Toons that have lured a Cog should now properly receive Gag experience.
  • Fixed an issue where using a unite to save a Toon from going sad would wipe their Gag experience gained that battle.
  • Fixed an issue where Toons wouldn’t loop the correct animation after using sound evidence in the CLO.
  • Fixed an issue where taunting in the CLO final round at the right time would allow people to walk around during the final cutscene.
  • Removed a couple of out-of-bounds treasures.
  • Fixed a double Trap crash that could occur when using single Lure gags.
  • Various text fixes throughout the game.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause the Lap text during a Race to not clean up if the user exited at the right time.
  • Potentially fixed some issues with the Connect Three laser puzzle that would cause Toons to lose when they were not supposed to.
  • The Keybind Remap dialogue will now close when the Shticker Book closes.
  • Fixed an issue that would prevent some Toons from earning Cattlelog achievements.
  • Fixed a crash in the CLO Cannon round.
  • Fixed an issue where Bumpy Bumblebehr’s cutscene dialog could be blocked by toons.

v1.1.0.2 BETA

Cog Bosses

  • C.L.O.
    • Executive Cogs in the cannon round now give their bonus evidence to all Toons when destroyed! Their spawn rate has been slightly reduced to compensate.
    • Toons can no longer collide midair with each other in the cannon round.
    • Cannon position in the cannon round is no longer based on the age of the Toon.
    • Mid-air movement in the cannon round is no longer based on framerate.
    • Flying Cogs in the final round now have a more consistent movement speed. No more flying at lightning speed!
    • A visual indicator has been added that indicates when a flying Cog targets you in the final round. This can be toggled via the “Boss Visual Indicators” option on the Gameplay section of the Options Page.
    • A new “Cog Destruction” stat now appears under the boss health bar! Gain one point for each Cog destroyed and five points for destroying a Cog while it is disabling a trap.
    • Corner traps are back to Quicksand.
    • If a Toon destroys a Skelecog that is currently breaking a trap, the Toon earns significantly more department experience than they would usually earn for destroying Cogs.
    • Skelecogs will attempt to target traps near the C.L.O. before breaking other traps around the room.
    • Trap break time has been reduced from 12 seconds to 8 seconds.
    • Minimum stun time for the C.L.O. has been reduced from 12 seconds to 10 seconds.
    • When stunned, the C.L.O. will only target traps that are repaired.
    • Damage dealt is now split amongst all Toons depending on how much sound knockback they dealt to the C.L.O.
    • The Evidence Collection Box has been re-centered and made slightly bigger.
    • The C.L.O.’s tornado attack now moves slightly faster across the room.
    • The C.L.O. waits longer after doing her spin attack before doing another attack.
    • When the C.L.O. does a spin attack, less paper particles are present.
    • Slightly more cogs now spawn in the cannon round for bigger groups of Toons.
    • Evidence requirements for level of sound gag in the cannon round are now +10 evidence across the board.
  • C.E.O.
    • The C.E.O. battle now has only 3 tiers. The requirements for each tier are Flunky, Micromanager, and Corporate Raider average suit for the group.
      • Tier 1 has level 17 Cogs in the first Cog round, level 10 v2.0 tier 6 Cogs in the second Cog round, 600 HP, and awards 5 Pink Slips.
      • Tier 2 has level 18 Cogs in the first Cog round, level 12 v2.0 tier 7 Cogs in the second Cog round, 800 HP, and awards 7 Pink Slips.
      • Tier 3 has level 19 Cogs in the first Cog Round, level 14 v2.0 tier 8 Cogs in the second Cog round, 1,000 HP and awards 9 Pink Slips.
      • These tier changes were made to keep the C.E.O. consistent with all other boss battles in the game.
  • All Bosses
    • Whenever a Cog Boss jumps, a visual indicator appears above your Toon’s head. This can be toggled via the “Boss Visual Indicators” option on the Gameplay section of the Options Page.


  • Switched around the positions of the Fire, Sue, Pass, and SOS buttons in battle.
  • Dialogue with custom keybind text will now show as uppercase.
  • Slightly decreased Fish Bingo jellybean gain.
  • Numerous textures in Daffodil Gardens have been improved.


  • Fixed a couple collision issues with the Treasure Dive trolley minigame.
  • Fixed a few various text typos.
  • Fixed a battle issue that would allow lured Cogs to be lured while they were already lured.
  • Fixed a battle issue that would allow Toons to use a single Trap gag multiple times.
  • Fixed an issue where the puzzle text would linger when fighting virtual Skelecogs in Lawfices.
  • Fixed an inconsistency with Good ol’ Gil Giggles “using Pink Slips” dialogue.
  • Fixed an inconsistency with Bumpy’s “using C&D’s” dialogue.
  • Seltzers from other Toons in the C.E.O. are now visible again.
  • Fixed phantom fore/phantom gear issues in the C.E.O. battle.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the C.E.O. to not give invincibility frames upon being hit.
  • Fixed an issue where you could roll a ‘ghost’ .EXE objective in Cog-specific Daily Tasks.
  • Fixed Daily Tasks giving Toons 2 separate new tasks at midnight and 1 AM.
  • Fixed shadow issues with various rooms in the game.
  • Fixed an oversight where Toons with full SOS cards would not receive the pose from defeating the Derrick Man.
  • Fixed a rare crash in bosses that would occur if someone exited the game at the right time.
  • Fixed an oversight that could allow multiple Toons to call Bingo at the same time, and subsequently would give more jellybeans than intended.

v1.1.0.1 BETA

Cog Bosses

  • C.L.O.
    • Midair movement control in the cannon round has been increased.
    • .EXE Skelecogs are now present in the cannon round.
      • .EXE Skelecogs move faster through the air, but reward the player extra evidence towards higher tier sound gags.
    • Cogs in the cannon round will now slow down when changing directions.
    • The speed of corner spotlights in the final round has been decreased.
    • Skelecogs in the final round take 50% longer to break traps.
    • Slightly increased healing from treasures in the final round.
    • More treasures will spawn during the final round for larger groups of Toons.
    • The C.L.O. will now be stunned for slightly longer at lower HP values.
    • Corner traps are now Trapdoors.
    • Bumpy will no longer prioritize placing/repairing Trapdoors.
    • Quicksand traps on the far left and far right were brought closer towards the middle.
    • Slightly lowered the volume of sound gags in the final round.
    • Taunt phrases from the sound gag ‘Taunt’ mode no longer appear in the chat log.
    • Adjusted the SFX that plays when paintings open.
    • Slightly decreased C.L.O.’s attack damages.
    • Bumpy’s Cog disguise should now be the same for all players.
    • Fixed an issue where Toons sometimes weren’t properly set to their neutral animation in cutscenes.
    • C&D’s now cost a quarter of the Cog’s level to use, rounded up. For example, suing a level 12 Cog will cost 3 C&D’s.
    • Extra C&D’s awarded are now +2 per bonus as opposed to +1.
  • C.E.O.
    • Fires awarded per tier are now 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.
    • Pink Slips now cost a third of the Cog’s level to use, rounded up. For example, firing a level 12 Cog will cost 4 Pink Slips.
  • All Bosses
    • Nerfed the Cog Boss jump damage range. (10-30 -> 8-24).


  • Improved Hypno Glasses accessory textures.
  • Slowed down flashing/color changing of golf balls in the Cog Golf Course golf game.
  • Dialogue that includes keybind tips now tell you what the keybind is bound to, instead of the name of the keybind.


  • Fixed an issue where the incorrect number of Cogs would display when using the Cog Radar.
  • Fixed an oversight that caused Prestige Drop to not have its intended accuracy increase.
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes you wouldn’t unlock a profile pose when defeating the playground bosses.
  • Fixed a district reset related to Fish Bingo.
  • Fixed strange positioning of some Cogs in the Cashbot Mints.
  • Fixed a crash related to the Toonasaur hat.
  • Fixed an oversight that would allow players to gain way more unites than intended in the C.F.O. boss battle.
  • Fixed a crash related to rejected Toon names.
  • Fixed a crash with showing/hiding Toon ears on certain accessories.
  • Fixed an issue with Lawbot invasions choosing the incorrect Cog.
  • Fixed an issue with the Cog Radar displaying incorrect amounts.
  • Fixed merit carryover not properly applying.
  • Fixed an issue where lure rounds didn’t stack with multiple lures.
  • Fixed an issue with two traps being used on the same Cog.
  • Fixed an issue where the Mint Supervisor would still use their cheat the same turn all other cogs were killed.
  • Potential fix for not being able to move sometimes.
  • Toons that have 0 HP can no longer start or join battles.
  • Fixed an issue where prestige Toon-Up could apply twice.
  • Fixed an issue where lower leveled Toons could rarely roll 0 Cog Building daily tasks.
  • Fixed an issue where the V.P. boss battle wouldn’t use the proper tier calculation.

v1.1.0 BETA - CLO Release

Under New Management

  • The Chairman has found a replacement for the CJ. The CLO is already busy at work, re-educating the Lawbots about corporate law. Once you have your Lawbot Cog Disguise, you can challenge her in an all-new boss fight!
  • In order to fight the new Lawbot Cog Boss, you’ll need to gather Patents from defeating Lawbot Cogs in battle!
  • Befitting the change in management, Lawbot HQ has been torn down, and a new HQ has been built in its place!
    • All of the areas and music have been completely revamped for Lawbot HQ, as well as expanded!
  • The Lawbots themselves have also gotten quite the upgrade!
    • The Lawbots have been redesigned with state of the art personality processors!
      • These processors were previously only seen in managers and boss cogs, but a deal was struck with another company to manufacture them cheaper.
      • Lawbot Cogs now have facial expressions and react accordingly to battle, as well as having mouth movements with new audio sync technology!
    • There are now six new types of Lawbots, with each being either a Field Specialist (Attack) or Operations Analyst (Defense).
      • This brings the total number of main-line Lawbot cogs to 14.
      • Attack Cogs deal higher damage but have lower health and dodge chance, while Defense Cogs deal less damage with a higher health and dodge chance.
      • These specialized cogs have a chance to be sent out in place of regular Lawbots, so watch out!
    • Defeating the CLO now rewards toons with Cease and Desists (C&Ds) as opposed to summons!
    • When using a Cease and Desist, it will take half the cog’s level in cost to sue them.
      • For example, suing a level 10 cog would cost 5 C&Ds.
    • When a cog is sued, they will be unable to attack until they are destroyed!
    • If you do not damage a sued cog for five rounds, then your C&D will become invalid and the Cog will begin to attack again.
    • Summons that were earned previously will be kept, however, no new summons can be earned.
    • Minibosses that could not be fired previously also cannot be sued via C&Ds.
  • During the restructuring of the Lawbot department, DA Offices were rebranded to Lawfices!
    • As the CLO deemed it unnecessary, the D office was not included in the construction plans for the new Lawbot Headquarters to save on resources.
    • Lawfices have gotten some visual upgrades.
    • Lawfices have 2 new laser puzzle games: Trapper and Connect Three.
    • The Clerk has been fired and the Head Attorney has taken up his position!
      • The Head Attorney cannot be fired or sued, as he is classified as a miniboss.

Client and Performance

  • The game client and server have been completely rewritten in Python 3!
    • This is a huge upgrade from Python 2, and allows for more performance, optimization, and future expandability.
  • We are now building the game with Pypperoni, which also brings many performance and security improvements over our previous system.
  • Disabled the Preloader due to various instability issues and various other loading problems.
    • Due to the new performance improvements that are offered with Python 3 and Pypperoni, the game no longer has a need for the Preloader!
  • Upgraded Panda3D version to 1.11.0.
  • The game is now correctly being built with FMOD audio. Previously, only Mac devices were built with FMOD, while Windows devices were built with OpenAL.
  • The Multi-threaded Rendering option can be enabled once more, however it must be done by editing the preferences.json file in the Corporate Clash directory.
    • This is a highly experimental option that may be prone to crashes and issues out of our control, so use at your own risk.
  • Refactored all game texture files to use PNG images as opposed to JPEG/RGB images.
    • This was done for ease of use during development and also the potential performance benefits.
    • Unfortunately, this means that any current content packs made using the JPEG/RGB image files will no longer be supported.


  • The battle system has been rewritten from the ground up!
  • This allows the battle system to be much more modular, and will enable us to create much more interesting cog battles in the future.
  • The “cheating” minibosses with special abilities you have seen up to this point were just the tip of the iceberg, and were mainly used as a comparison point if the community enjoyed these sorts of fights or not.
  • To show off some of the features of the new battle system and to make these cogs stand out more, special abilities have been added to both the storyline and facility minibosses!
  • As this is such a large refactor, there may be some bugs here and there so please make sure to report any you see to us!

Cog Gallery

  • The Cog Gallery page has been completely revamped!
  • The Cog Gallery is now infinitely expandable for future content, and displays much more information that may be useful to you in your Cog-busting ventures!
  • You are now able to see various information on cogs you have defeated, such as their level range, damage range, taunts, etc.

Restoration Station

  • Paletti Swatch has set up shop at the Restoration Station in the Toontown Central playground!
  • The Restoration Station allows you to redraw or rename your Toon for 10,000 beans once a month. Your first use of each is free however.
  • Redrawing your Toon allows you to change your Toon’s head shape, body shape, species, and colors.
  • Renaming your Toon allows you to, well, rename your toon!
    • NOTE: The Rename feature is temporarily unavailable. We ran into an issue regarding the renaming system, however we decided it would be in everyone’s best interest to put out the update with the feature temporarily unavailable. We will be working on getting this feature working shortly. Sorry about the inconvenience!

Contextual Toon Tip System

  • A new Toon Tip system has been implemented to help new players and make information about the game more accessible to everyone!
  • At any time during gameplay, contextual Toon Tips can show up on the left side of your screen that will display helpful information about whatever you may be doing at the time!
  • You can view a history of Toon Tips you’ve discovered during gameplay at any time via a new GUI on the Side tasks page.
  • If you do not want to see contextual Toon Tips, there is also an option to disable the display of them on the Gameplay section of the Options page.
    • However, Toon Tips will always show up in your Toon Tip History, regardless of if Toon Tips are enabled or not.

Boss Cutscene Skip Button

  • Every boss now has a skip cutscene button!
    • In the middle of any boss cutscene, if the whole group votes to skip it, then the cutscene will end and your group will get right into the action!
    • If any player in the group has not completed the boss previously, then the skip button will be unavailable.
    • All storyline minibosses have also been given this button!

Profile Poses

  • Strike a pose! You can now set a Pose for your Toon’s profile page! We’ve given every Toon a few to start out with, but there will be many more to find and unlock in the future.

Gag Balance Changes

  • Prestige and Un-prestige Zap gags now function mechanically the same, minus the damage falloff.
    • Damage falloff per jump is now 3x, 2.25x, and 1.5x for Un-prestige Zap gags.
  • “Glitch Zap” with lured cogs has been fixed.
  • Lure gags no longer have a “wake-up” chance.
    • Wake-up chance was a mechanic found in TTO that would cause cogs to unlure earlier than they should’ve if the lure had a low chance to hit.
  • Kazoo is now the level 1 Sound gag, and Bike Horn is now the level 2 Sound gag. Bike Horns are louder than Kazoos, afterall.
  • Tweaks for various Drop and Trap gag damage values to better fit their intended curve.
    • Marbles 60 -> 65
    • Quicksand 85 -> 90
    • Anvil 50 -> 55
    • Big Weight 70 -> 80
    • Safe 120 -> 125
    • The minimum damage values for some of these gags have also been tweaked to reflect these changes.
  • The damage bonus of Prestige Throw has been increased from 10% to 15% in order to make this prestige more viable, and to differentiate it from Prestige Lure.

Confetti Cannon

  • As it was deemed not toony enough to be the level 7 Toon-Up gag, the Treasure Chest has been replaced with the Confetti Cannon!
    • The Confetti Cannon shares all the same stats as the Treasure Chest gag, but with an all-new look and animations!

Roadster Raceway

  • Leaderboards are back! Click on the arrows to rotate through the tracks’ all-time best records!
  • Kart parking stations have been transformed! They now act as trophy statues that are dedicated to the all-time record holder for each course. Twelve stations, twelve courses, twelve record holders! Compete to be memorialized as the best racer around!

Daily Tasks

  • Added Executive Cog Daily Tasks.
  • Added Cog Building Daily Tasks.
  • Refund Points are now in the weekly reward pool once your toon reaches Level 40.
    • There is one Refund Point available in the base weekly reward pool along with the accessories and clothing. After exhausting this pool, Refund Points may be earned at a very low rate in place of other consumables.
  • In addition, a hefty amount of new weekly clothing rewards have been added.
  • Added a Daily Tasks Completed stat to the Statistics Page.

Sellbot Factory

  • To accommodate for lower toons, the Sellbot Factory Front Entrance has been slightly nerfed.
    • To go along with this, the Side Entrance has been buffed, allowing for a more difficult factory that awards more Merits on completion.


  • Prestige gags now show up as a darker blue color in your gag inventory!
  • Toons can now sprint anywhere, including boss battles and facilities! (excluding the banquet round of the CEO battle.)
  • Lots of small UI tweaks and adjustments.
    • The Boss Health Bar in particular has gotten some substantial visual tweaks!
    • The Boarding Group GUI has also gotten a makeover!
  • Painting winners from the summer 2019 estate painting contest have gotten their paintings added to the game.
  • You can now delete gags in the Gags page of your Shticker Book or when holding your Gag Menu Key!
  • The Pick a Gag UI in the Make a Toon has been revamped to be more informative and easier to use!
  • Toons now get invincibility frames upon getting hit from boss attacks (no more double gears!)
  • Cogs that are lured with a prestige lure gag will now show stars above their head to indicate that they have a higher knockback value.
  • Professor Pete now restocks gags based on your Gag Preset, if available.
  • Barnacle Bessie now uses the Toontanic for her SOS card.
  • Clerk Clara now uses the Railroad for her SOS card.
  • Buffed the Moe Zart SOS card from 80 to 85 damage.
  • Buffed the Clumsy Ned SOS card from 120 damage to 125 damage due to the changes to the damage value of the Safe gag.
  • Toon eyes and ears are now colorable.
  • Removed boss cog defeats from the stats page.
    • This information has been transferred over to the new Cog Gallery page.
  • Slightly lowered Autocaddie damage/accuracy values.
  • Moved the Discord Rich Presence option from the Gameplay tab to the Privacy tab of the Options Page.
  • Temporarily removed the Enable Club Chat option from the Privacy tab of the Options Page.
  • Added an ‘Automatically Wear New Clothing’ option to the Gameplay tab of the Options Page.
    • If enabled, clothing and accessories picked up from your estate mailbox will be automatically equipped. If disabled, your current outfit will be left untouched.
  • Added a Vertical Sync toggle to the Video tab of the Options Page.
  • Action keys have been tweaked.
    • The “Action” key has been renamed to the “Primary Action” key.
    • The “Zero Power Pie” key has been renamed to the “Secondary Action” key.
    • A new key has been added, the “Special Action” key.
      • Currently, this key is only used in the new Lawbot CLO boss battle, but gives room for more potential mechanics in other areas in the future.
    • You may need to rebind these keys due to these changes!
  • Added a new visual indicator for when experience is earned for your toon level bar, activity level bar, and department level bars.
    • The level bar will briefly show the amount of experience you gained.
  • Updated the flagpole model in The Brrrgh playground and gave it some new animations.
  • The Trolley Ring Game now has 4 distinct shapes for each player to aim for: Circle, Square, Hexagon, or Star.
  • With the new ability to redraw, Flippy has taken the time to redraw his toon and now has black ears!
  • Acorn Acres Minigames and Roadster Raceway now have their own treasures.
    • These treasures have also been added to the CFO fight.
  • The CFO now has a max treasure spawn limit depending on the tier. It can be either 35, 30, or 25.
  • The bean gain animation on the trolley will no longer show if the minigame was vote skipped.
  • If your Bossbot Department Level is maxed, bonus pink slips awarded are now +2 as opposed to +1.
  • If a Wrecking Ball gag destroys a cog, a new quick death animation plays.
  • Significantly buffed Fish Bingo jellybean gain.
  • Added a new texture to the Color Picker saturation slider in the Make A Toon.
  • Refactored the Loading Screen layout.
  • Optimized loading time for the Toon Avatar Panel.
  • Switched over to the libotp nametag system.
    • This was the nametag system found in Toontown Online, and adds back some missing features such as being able to click on someone’s toon body to open their friend panel.
  • Knock Knock doors now heal toons for a small amount when used.
  • Added a shortcut to the Tulip Terrace street.
  • Many streets in the game that didn’t have ponds or fishermen previously were given them.
  • Content packs now support .cur file types.
  • Refactored the Toon Accessories system.
    • In the future, this will allow for easier creation of animated/special accessories.
  • Toons will now receive notifications when a cog takes over a building they recovered.
  • Rewrote some parts of The Brrrgh taskline to support the new changes to the Lawbot department.
  • The battle timer has been increased to 35 seconds.
  • Made the boulder gag slightly smaller to prevent clipping issues.
  • A chat hotkey is now only required if keybinds are set to a letter key.
  • The District population cap has been raised to 300.
  • Various texture tweaks and improvements throughout the game, including many more ‘Spotify’ assets being implemented.
  • Many fonts throughout the game have been made higher quality!
  • The Sellbot VP boss battle now only has 3 tiers.
    • Tier one has a max cog level of 11, awards one SOS card, and gives 60 pies per restock.
    • Tier two has a max cog level of 12, awards two SOS cards, and gives 45 pies per restock.
    • Tier three has a max cog level of 13, awards three SOS cards, and gives 30 pies per restock.
  • The round two and round three themes have been swapped in the VP battle.
  • Tweaked attack values for Mr. Hollywood, Big Wig, and The Big Cheese cogs.
  • Spotlights in the Lawbot Lawfices now give invincibility frames upon being hit.
  • Improved the suit A quake animation.
  • The Ye Olde Toontowne filter no longer has the grain effect.
  • Significantly extended the LOD range for toon models.
  • Idle and empty chat messages no longer appear in the chat log

Bug Fixes

  • The ‘Music Bug’ has been fixed. Music should now loop correctly throughout the game.
  • Lots of small grammar and text inconsistency fixes.
  • ‘Stun’ stars that show above cogs heads when certain gags are used will now show on Skelecogs.
  • Fixed various issues with the purchase and use of Kart Accessories.
  • Potentially fixed Laser game puzzles being stuck and unable to update.
  • Fixed a rare crash with custom toon colors and shuffling in the Make A Toon.
  • Fixed some issues regarding the Level bar and Maxed text not correctly showing until relogging.
  • Fixed some transparency issues with the Acorn Acres waterfall.
  • Fixed some clean up issues with the orange flash in your Shtickerbook when a training point is available.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when clicking arrows on the Items Page too quickly.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause instance elevators to take a few seconds to load.
  • Some areas in the game now use a fixed FOV to prevent the user from being able to see out of bounds.
  • The Factory Foreman encounter theme now plays correctly.
  • Fixed a rare crash involving playground title text.
  • Fixed some issues with the Water Balloon gag animation.
  • Gag Exp multipliers throughout the game should now be more consistent.
  • Fixed a crash related to the “Exit Toontown” button.
  • Potentially fixed some lag issues regarding the SOS page.
  • Fixed a bug that would allow multiple toons to fire the same Cog.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause the Exit button on fishing docks to sometimes disappear on aspect ratios smaller than 16:9.
  • Fixed various issues regarding the custom controls system.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause the whisper panel to behave incorrectly with chat keybinds.
  • Fixed a crash related to going sad in battle.
  • Fixed an issue with executive skelecogs not visually un-soaking properly.
  • Fixed various instances of “sticker graphics” throughout the game, i.e. eyes, portable holes, etc.
  • Fixed a few rare instances where battle movies would skip unintentionally.
  • Fixed a rare issue that would cause your toon to endlessly turn in a circle.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause players to earn more Lure EXP than intended in some circumstances.
  • Fixed an issue with Trap that could cause Lure decay to start earlier than intended.
  • Fixed various issues with cogs not walking back from Lure when they were intended to.
  • Fixed a couple issues with the mailbox and item deliveries.
  • Fixed an exploit that would allow toons to infinitely heal other toons in the district via the Daffodil Gardens flower.
  • Fixed a rare crash with the Gag Preset dialogue.
  • Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause the battle menu to appear earlier than intended.
  • Fixed an uncommon bug related to street battles that could cause your camera to get all out of whack.
  • Tweaked the Pick-A-Toon environment model to fix a couple visual issues.
  • Tweaked the Gag Shop Interior model.
  • Potentially fixed objects teleporting in the CFO crane round.
  • Remove some remnants of the “New Gag GUI”.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause the fog in Bossbot HQ to disappear.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause higher end rods to catch 0 pound Balloon Fishes consistently.
  • Many other various bug fixes that have become too numerous to count.

v1.0.17.2 BETA


  • Potential fix for DA Office and Cog Golf Course crashes.
  • Further fixes for Treasure Dive, including collisions and not being able to pick up chests after being hit.

v1.0.17.1 BETA

Witness Stand-In

  • Fixed various graphical issues throughout the new miniboss fight.
  • Increased the cannon round base timer to 32 seconds.
    • In groups of 4 toons or less, the timer can increase further! The less toons you have, the higher the timer will be, up to 64 seconds with one toon.
  • While it may be easier to access now, the Witness Stand-In miniboss has become a lot more difficult!
  • His abilities have been enhanced and also now scales in difficulty with suit tier.


  • Fixed some visual inconsistencies with soaked cogs.

v1.0.17 BETA (Break the Bugs and Witness Stand-In ARG)

Break the Law

  • Removed Redd ‘Heir’ Wing’s instance from Lawbot Headquarters.
  • Removed Elphabat from Lawbot Headquarters.

Witness Stand-In

  • Due to community feedback, the cannon round in the Witness Stand-In has been increased to 28 seconds.
  • Decorated the back room of the Witness Stand-In’s courtroom.
  • The Witness Stand-In’s dialogue has been tweaked once again.

Docket Shop

  • Added more clothes and accessories to the Docket Shop.
  • Removed Jester outfit from the Docket Shop.


  • Toons can no longer pick up snowballs from the Brrrgh.
  • Removed memo shreds from old ARG.
  • Disabled Shkraftbooking.
  • Zap gags show 3x damage on the attack panel if targeting a soaked cog.
  • The Flippy SOS has been corrected visually.
    • Flippy now has a ladder.
    • Flippy will not bow to the cogs.
  • AA and YOTT treasures are now present in the CFO fight.
  • Toons Hit and Cogs Miss SOS cards’ animation time has been sped up.
  • Anti-aliasing now applies to GUI elements.
  • Cog panels in battle now show more level info (.exe/.mgr, v2.0).
  • The toon selected on the Pick-A-Toon screen follows the mouse better and shouldn’t stare without blinking anymore.
  • Replaced some textures with textures from the HD Toontown Online asset leak.
  • Tweaked Cog Suit textures.

Bug Fixes

  • Potential fix for consistent crashing in DA Offices and Cog Golf Course facilities.
  • Potential fix for NPC Toons appearing in Cog Buildings.
  • Fixed an issue with the Friends List where you couldn’t click on the names of newly added friends without relogging.
  • Fixed multiple issues with the Friends List that caused name duplication and crashes.
  • The Toon Detail Panel now correctly shows backgrounds, nameplates, and Cog Disguise levels of toons who are offline or not in your current zone as opposed to always displaying the - default option.
  • Fixed an issue where some quest types on the Toon Detail Panel would use your toon’s quest progress as opposed to the toon you are viewing.
  • Fixed prestige trap gags not showing bonus damage on the far right cog in a group and on singular cogs.
  • Calling a friend for help in battle will no longer send the message to yourself, and will instead correctly send it to the requested friend.
  • Multiple fixes for Treasure Dive. Not being able to pick up the chest should be much rarer, if not entirely eliminated!
  • Cog buildings and building locations are now accurately tracked on street maps.
  • Opening the street map multiple times should no longer cause performance issues.
  • Fixed an issue where Toons would briefly appear under their cog disguises when entering elevators.
  • Phantom fore and phantom jump from boss cogs should now be completely gone!
  • Fixed many misplaced glasses on several species.
  • Fixed an issue where the red filter for being crushed from April Toons would still trigger.
  • Fixed an issue where Throw models were still reversed in Vinny’s Throwable Pies shop.
  • Battle sounds now correctly set their volume according to the volume of your sound effects in settings.
  • Fixed an issue where executive skelecog ties would not show in bosses.
  • Added some colors to female toon’s shorts that were previously only available for male toon’s shorts.
  • Correctly rotated big fish and loan shark heads on the summons dialogue popup.
  • The button press animation now correctly plays on the Fire button.
  • Fixed an issue where Micromanager skelecogs wouldn’t have the correct animation speed.
  • Fixed a crash with the Press to Interact option and teleporting.
  • Fixed an issue where the Orbital Camera could not be initiated while sprinting in some scenarios.
  • The “Recenter on Movement” camera setting now works as intended.
  • Adjusted estate telephone collisions to potentially fix the non-interactable telephone issue.
  • Mata Hairy no longer phases through doors in the CFO fight!
  • Fixed some color inconsistency issues with unequipping the Green Toon Cheesy Effect.
  • Fixed an issue where the Re-Org animation wouldn’t play correctly on the Factory Foreman.
  • Potentially Fixed an issue where tasks could disappear from the UI after some time.
  • Fixed a rare issue where the Pick A Toon buttons on the Main Menu could become 10x~ their intended scale.
  • Potentially fixed some cleanup issues with Laff Meters on the toon battle panel.
  • Fixed various issues with Toon eyes being glued shut.
  • Fixed some issues regarding Cattlelog achievements.
  • Fixed some clothes inconsistencies on various NPC Toons.
  • Fixed some inconsistencies and grammar issues with text around the game.

v7.7.7.7 FOOLISH BUILD (April Fools: Phase 2)

april fools, release notes brought to you by sads the skelecog

  • that's right. you read that correctly.

phase 2

  • of april toons, not btl. you thought.

dumb stuff

  • bowling balls are now coconuts.

cog stuff

  • redd is a lot more difficult, since he got some training from me, sads the skelecog.
  • the factory has a new scenario mode.
    • the first scenario is "find the foreman" based off of the hit video game with a similar title.
      • traverse the factory and find which foreman is the real one, unlike the awful video game associated with it.
  • trains look more like tank engines.

genuine improvements

  • gags are no longer reversed, cause people don't like fun.
  • all minibosses now use the ".mgr" postfix, as they should.
  • facility bosses are now considered minibosses.
  • merit monday has been nerfed to 25%. wait, that's not an improvement...
  • some more sounds have been switched out.

Note: The game returned to the v1.0.16.1 once the April Fools update was over

v7.7.7 FOOLISH BUILD (April Fools)

april fools, release notes brought to you by sads the skelecog

  • that's right. you read that correctly.

toony stuff

  • music is far more A E T H S T E T I C
  • main menu is far more A E T H S T E T I C
  • gags are N O T A E T H S T E T I C, but they are reversed.
  • toon tips have been rewritten by me, sads the skelecog.
  • new speedchat phrases.
  • various gags have gotten reskins or renames in the spirit of april toons.
  • some weird indie sandbox game managed to find its way into the game's assets. so cogs sound... weird and stuff.
  • implemented soon™.
  • 1 laff ubers are back. in case you want to be like me.
  • all the playgrounds have been renamed to be more straight to the point.
  • elphabat is back, and trading halloween stuff for materials.
  • all important font is now in comic sans.
  • tubby has one final cruel joke for all of you. jump sounds are back. and they are permanent. maybe. i dont know. we'll see.

rest in pepperoni

  • some words got blacklisted
  • new gag gui is gone. :crab:
  • removed soon™


  • count erclaim is dead, and you killed him. something else takes his place. but im still here.
  • the c.f.o. took a well deserved vacation after dealing with john robolt's departure. the chief of dollars is filling in for him instead.
  • my fight is a lot more interesting.
  • there is another boss that doesn't follow the rules in town.


  • The FitnessGram™ Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues.
  • The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start.
  • The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal.
  • [beep]
  • A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound.
  • [ding]
  • Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible.
  • The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over.
  • The test will begin on the word start.
  • On your mark, get ready, start.

v1.0.16.1 BETA


  • Fixed an extremely rare bug that caused toons to earn millions of department experience in the Witness Stand-In.
  • Toons will no longer be able to purchase throw gags via Vinny in the Resistance Outpost beforehand in the V.P. and Witness Stand-In.

Daily Tasks

  • Fixed an issue with late game toons not being eligible for Department Experience boosts.
  • Fixed a rare crash on login caused from Daily Tasks.
  • Potentially fixed even more time related issues related to Daily Task resets.


  • Fixed various dialogue issues throughout the YOTT taskline.
  • Increased the rate at which red moles appear in Cog Golf Courses.
  • Fixed various camera issues in Cog Facilities.
  • Added more words to the whitelist.

v1.0.16 BETA (Operation: Break the Law Phase Three!)

Operation: Break the Law Phase Three

  • Rocky has recruited some new faces to The Toon Resistance for Phase Three of Operation: Break The Law!
    • Cannoli is now stationed in Lawbot HQ. She’s one of the best special agents in Toontown!
    • Tutorial Tom has come out of retirement and taken on a new name for his position. Everyone, welcome Ticket Tom!
  • Summon Boosters have been added to the Toon Resistance Outpost Docket Shop!
    • Summon Boosters can be purchased in packs of one, three, or five.
    • Summon Boosters are redeemed at the end of every successful Witness Stand-In run and double the amount of summons earned!
  • Gag and Toon-Up barrels have been tweaked!
    • Due to community feedback regarding the barrels and lack of substantial use, Vinny has closed down his upgrade shop.
    • Toon-Up and Gag barrels will be near their final values from before the launch of Phase Three.
    • Vinny has opened up a new shop for business, trade five Dockets for any Throw gag to toss around and make a mess of Lawbot HQ!
  • Reid has made changes to the economy of her Gag Stand!
    • All gags in Lawbot HQ will now have to be purchased with Dockets.
    • Reid has made a large cut in her prices, gags are available at only one Docket each! Get even bigger discounts buying in bulk via gag presets!
  • Phase Three begins with three starting tasks. All Toons report to Rocky for mission briefing!
  • Break The Law’s music has been overhauled!
    • Many existing Break the Law tracks have been remixed!
    • New soundtracks exclusive to The Witness Stand-In battle!
    • Experience a blast from the past with Ticket Tom by standing close to him!
  • Phase Three-specific Speedchat phrases are now available.

Prize Pack Raffle

  • The Toon Resistance is hosting a raffle to encourage all Toons to get involved in Phase Three!
  • Earn special Toon Resistance raffle tickets to submit entries for chances to win an official limited-edition Toontown: Corporate Clash physical prize pack!
  • Raffle tickets can be earned via the following methods:
    • A successful DA Office run yields a slight chance of dropping raffle tickets.
    • Defeating The Witness Stand-In yields a high chance of dropping raffle tickets.
    • Purchasing packs of tickets from the Toon Resistance Outpost Docket Shop!
      • You can purchase tickets in quantities of one, three, or five.
      • Purchasing tickets increases the prices by a certain Docket count, based on which pack is purchased.
    • To redeem your raffle tickets for actual prize pack entries, talk to Ticket Tom in the Lawbot HQ Outpost!
      • Ticket Tom allows Toons to submit their tickets in three intervals: One ticket, half of a Toon’s tickets, all of a Toon’s tickets.
    • Once a week, Toontown: Corporate Clash will go down for a short time to draw three winners from Tutorial Tom’s ticketed submissions.
      • Once all three winners are drawn, all submissions to Ticket Tom will be dropped for a clean slate in the next week’s raffle!
      • However, any tickets still owned by Toons personally will be kept in case they want to save some for the next week’s raffle!
      • At the end of each week, winners will be notified via email if they’ve won!

Lawbot Witness Stand-In

  • The Toon Resistance has infiltrated deep into Lawbot Headquarters and intercepted the Stand-In’s jury notices, so Cogs won’t try to take seats during the cannon round!
  • The length of the cannon round has been decreased to 25 seconds.
  • The Toon Resistance is ready to fight alongside you! They’ve taken over the cannon round, to settle the score personally with The Witness Stand-In!

Department Experience

  • Department experience values have been tweaked based on community feedback in order to encourage more equivalent experience gains between all bosses.

Daily Tasks

  • Toons no longer lose their streak if they fail to complete their Daily Task!
    • Due to the removal of the streak decay, The Toon Resistance has provided a reroll system for toons to change their weekly reward!
      • It costs 5,000 jellybeans for Toons to re-roll a weekly reward.
      • Be careful though, re-rolling weekly rewards still resets your streak progress!
  • Rewards given from Daily Tasks have been changed!
    • Cattlelog Clearance has been removed from the Daily Tasks prize pool.
      • In its place, Department Experience Boost and Jellybean Income Boost have been implemented!
      • Department Experience Boost increases all department experience gains by 25%!
      • Jellybean Income Boost increases all jellybean earnings by 25%!
    • The amount of Racing Tickets and Dockets earned from Daily Tasks have been slightly nerfed.
  • Fixed an issue where the Racing Tickets logo wouldn’t show if Racing Tickets were the weekly reward.
  • Fixed an issue with Daily Tasks where times would display wrong due to differing time zones.
  • Possible fix for the issues caused by Daylight Savings Time.
  • Added more items to the weekly prize pool.


  • Due to community feedback, The Docket to Halloween Material conversion system is back! Check out the Shkraftbooking page in your Shtickerbook and stock up on materials for when Elphabat returns!
  • The Toon Resistance Outpost Docket Shop now gives more logical notifications for purchasing different items from the shop.
  • The Witness Stand-In now shows the proper name in the chatlog.
  • The jellybean gain animation from defeating cogs now uses the high-quality jar!
  • The ‘Times Gone Sad’ stat now properly counts up on every occasion!
  • The Ye Olde Toontowne dungeon sigilvator circles no longer pull all toons in the area towards them when someone boards!

v1.0.15.8 BETA (St. Patrick's Day Update)

Saint Patrick’s Day

  • Lepp R. Khan has come to Toontown to help Toons celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day!
    • Lepp has run into some unfortunate circumstances during his short time in town, and he’s enlisting YOUR help through a few new Toontasks! Many Saint Patrick’s Day rewards await!


  • Fixed a visual issue with dropdown menus on the Options page of the Shtickerbook.
  • Fixed a crash with items in the Racing page of the Shtickerbook.
  • Fixed a crash related to Restock Barrels.
  • Tweaked a Saint Patrick’s Speedchat phrase to say the correct location.
  • Various additions to the Whitelist.

v1.0.15.7 BETA (Valentoon's Update)

Valentoon's Day

  • Rose S.R. Redd is back! It seems that toons around town haven't been receiving their flower deliveries, and Rose could use some help!
  • Use code "LOVESTRUCK" to be awarded an exclusive background for Valentoon's Day! (now expired)

Lawbot Stand-In

  • Possible fix for a rare crashing issue during the cannon round
  • Fixed odd behavior from flying cogs in the cannon round
  • Fix an issue with incorrect Lawbot department experience being awarded for solo stunning


  • Added more clothing colors and types to clothing stores

v1.0.15.6 BETA (Continued ingame ARG)

Break the Law

  • The Resistance has recovered an… interesting painting of the Chairman, perhaps it might hold clues to something?
  • The Resistance has started making early preparations for the transition into Phase Three of Operation: Break the Law!

Lawbot Stand-In

  • The Resistance has added extra firepower to the canons in the Jury Round of the battle!
    • Fire toons into the Cog Jury Members before they can take a seat in the stands!
      • Bumpy will refresh toons of this new change before the Jury Round starts
      • Destroying Cogs in this manner rewards some additional Lawbot Department Experience.

Department Experience

  • Department Experience now is rewarded with diminishing returns.
    • In response to this new mechanic, values for experienced earned have been rebalanced across the board! Many values have been buffed and nerfed.
      • Example: In the VP, the first stun rewards a decent amount of experience; but over time toons learn less and less experience per stun on the VP.


  • Various accessory tweaks.

v1.0.15.5 BETA (Continued ingame ARG)

Break the Law

  • The Toon Resistance has found the location of the final Cog Headquarters memo. Find Rocky, as he’s ready to brief you for another mission! Be sure to stock up first!
  • The Toon Resistance has spent the last few days in recovering the memo with Elvis. While their efforts were nearly futile, they managed to get ahold of 5 clues! Will the clues lead to something great, or will we just end up at another dead end?


  • Further Whitelist additions

v1.0.15.4 BETA (Continued ingame ARG)

Break the Law

  • The Resistance’s guest star, Elvis Purrsley, is stationed out in Cashbot Headquarters! Speak to Rocky for mission briefing.


  • The citizens of Toonseltown want to thank everyone for their assistance over the holidays as they close their doors for the year, thank you Toons!

New Years

  • New Years is over in Toontown, hope everyone enjoyed the fireworks!

Bug Fixes

  • Daily Tasks requiring specific Cog golf Courses will now complete properly!
  • The tunnel from Noble Nook, Ye Olde Toontowne to Silly Street, Toontown Central now functions properly! No more magic tunnels!


  • Builder Bob has taken the initiative to rebuild the Trolley in the Acorn Acres playground, check it out!
  • Along with the new Trolley, Toons have orchestrated a new victory theme for Trolley Games!
  • Gag Shops have made some audio tweaks for various gag sounds, check them out!
  • Good ol’ Gil Giggles is now consistent between the Toontown Central Toon Headquarters and the CEO bossfight!

v1.0.15.3 BETA - New Years 2020

Happy New Years!

  • The Firework Enthusiasts are back with the latest and most hip clothing for the new year!
  • Talk to each one of them for a limited time Sidetask to complete and get the full outfit!
  • Every hour, there will be a fireworks show in all the playgrounds, stick around for one and you may unlock something!


  • Due to the extremely large prize pool for the Present Thief minigame and community feedback, Toons will now earn two rewards instead of one after the game is over.
  • Fixed more exploits regarding the Teleport to Toonseltown button.


  • Fixed a couple crashes caused by Discord Rich Presence.
  • Added words to the whitelist.