Gag Accuracy and Cog Defense

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Gag Accuracy and Cog Defense are factors used to determine the overall accuracy of a Gag during a battle.


A Gag's accuracy is calculated as follows:

atkAcc = propAcc + trackExp - tgtDef + bonus

"atkAcc" is the value that the total accuracy calculation is stored in.

atkAcc has a soft cap of 95, with Drop being the only exception at a cap of 96. After the soft cap, accuracy bonuses will still add towards the final accuracy but at a 1/10th effectiveness. For example, if Throw has 100% accuracy it will result in 95.5% accuracy. Accuracy will hard cap at 99% which can be reached when a Gag has reached a 135% overall accuracy (126% for Drop).

The minimum atkAcc can be normally is 5, this does not apply to certain scenarios, such as Zap without Soak or Drop on a Lured Cog.

For the value stored in atkAcc, it is rolled against a random number ranging from 0-99. If that random number is less than the value stored, the attack will hit.


This value is derived from avPropAcuracy, and is the base accuracy a Gag has to begin with. Some Gags have propaccuracy that builds over training. Accuracy for Gags such as Trap and Zap have 0 accuracy due to the fact that they require another Gag track to be used in order for it to be activated.

Track Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8
Toon-Up 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Trap 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lure 80 75 80 75 85 80 85 85
Throw 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80
Squirt 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95
Zap 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sound 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95
Drop 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60


Track experience is calculated as follows:

trackExp = [highest Gag level in track - 1] * 10

This is repeated for every Gag in a Gag Track. So, if multiple Toons use Gags from the same track on the same target, the highest TrackExp is used in the attack accuracy calculation for all of them. In order for weak Gags to inherit the high Gags track experience, they must have the same target.

Example: A Toon that has a Big Magnet as their highest Gag will have an additional +30 bonus towards the calculation when using it. (Highest Gag level (4) - 1)) * 10 = 30.


TgtDefense, or Cog Defense is a value that dictates a Cog's "dodge rate." The higher the value, the larger the deduction is to the accuracy calculation.

In battles where a Gag can target multiple Cogs, the Cog Defense value for the calculation will be used for the highest Cog in the set.

Example: If Sound is used against a Level 13, Level 11, and 2 Level 10s, the Cog Defense value used would be for the Level 13.

Defense caps out at -65 for regular 14s and up. Executive Cogs have a defense of -70 starting at 14 and up.

Standard Cogs
Cog Level TgtDefense
1 2
2 5
3 10
4 15
5 20
6 25
7 30
8 35
9 40
10 45
11 50
12 55
13 60
14+ 65
14.exe+ 70
Operations Analysts
Cog Level TgtDefense
2 15
3 20
4 25
5 30
6 35
7 40
8 45
9 50
10 55
11 60
12 65
13 70
14+ 75
14.exe+ 80
Field Specialists
Cog Level TgtDefense
3 2
4 5
5 10
6 15
7 20
8 25
9 30
10 35
11 40
12 45
13 50
14+ 55
14.exe+ 60


  • Executive Cogs always have the TgtDef of a Cog level above them. For example, a Level 8.exe will have the TgtDef of a regular Level 9.
  • Because Executive Cogs must have a dodge rate of a Cog above them, anything above the Level 14 defense cap must be higher to follow the rule. This results in Executives at or above Level 14 having 70 defense.
  • For Field Specialists, decrease the above number by 10. This cannot go lower than 2.
  • For Operations Analysts, increase the above number by 10. This cannot exceed 80.
  • Both Field Specialists and Operation Analysts can adopt the traits of Executive Cogs allowing them to increase damage and dodge rate!
  • Certain Cogs, such as Regional Managers, have a fixed TgtDef number. For example, the Prethinker will have 30 defense compared to a regular Level 12's 55 defense.

Bonus Accuracy

In order to receive bonus accuracy, commonly referred to as "stuns", a Toon must accomplish what is known as a PrevHit.

In order for a PrevHit to be applied, the following conditions must be met:

  • The previous attacks hit; and
  • The current attack must be from a different track than the previous hits; and
  • The previous attacks affected the group; or
  • The current attack affects the group; or
  • The current and previous attacks affect the same target; and
  • The track is not Toon-Up

Assuming the above conditions are met, PrevHits are calculated like so:

20 * [number of previous hits to a given Cog in the current round]

Sues and Fires will contribute to this bonus, but IOUs do not.
