Ye Olde Toontowne Tasks
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Ye Olde Toontowne is the third neighborhood which the player can complete tasks in. There are also sidetasks available for Toons to work on.
Mainline Tasks
Flippy's Plans
- Visit Flippy at Toon Hall in Toontown Central (392 XP, 11 JBS)
Ye Olde Basics
- Visit Glada The Good at Toon HQ (392 XP, 11 JBS)
Ye Olde Cog Bash!
- Visit Patsy at The Holy Grail & Other Useless Dinnerwear! on Knight Knoll (392 XP, 11 JBS)
- Defeat 5 Sellbots Anywhere (392 XP, 11 JBS)
- Visit Moneyer Mason at the Half-Bean Bank on Knight Knoll (392 XP, 11 JBS)
- Defeat 6 Cashbots Anywhere (392 XP, 11 JBS)
- Visit Merlin Ambrice at Rayvenward - School of Magical Arts on Wizard Way (392 XP, 11 JBS)
- Defeat 6 Lawbots Anywhere (392 XP, 11 JBS)
- Visit Marry Paston at the Platemail Post Office on Noble Nook (3918 XP, 111 JBS)
- Defeat 7 Bossbots Anywhere (885 XP, 25 JBS)
- Visit Steamed Bams at The Dungeon Luncheon on Noble Nook (885 XP, 25 JBS)
- Defeat 7 Boardbots Anywhere (885 XP, 25 JBS)
- Visit Glada The Good at Toon HQ (4424 XP, 125 JBS)
Dangalf's Lessons
- Visit Dangalf at Toon HQ (887 XP, 25 JBS)
Ye Olde Missing Postage
- Visit Marry Paston at the Platemail Post Office on Noble Nook (887 XP, 25 JBS)
- Recover A Package from Micromanagers Anywhere
- Return to Marry Paston at the Platemail Post Office on Noble Nook (887 XP, 25 JBS)
- Defeat A Cog Building Anywhere
- Return to Dangalf at Toon HQ (4434 XP, 125 JBS)
Cog Flu
- Visit Craig Plague at Plague! Plague! Go Away! on Wizard Way (1182 XP, 33 JBS)
- Recover 3 Information from The Cogs on Knight Knoll
- Recover 3 Information from The Cogs on Noble Nook
- Recover 3 Information from The Cogs on Wizard Way (1182 XP, 33 JBS)
- Deliver Some Information to Dangalf at Toon HQ (4727 XP, 133 JBS)
Executing The Executives
- Visit Al Bumbledorf at Toon HQ (594 XP, 17 JBS)
- Visit Sir Prysin at Demon Slayers - For Hire! on Wizard Way (594 XP, 17 JBS)
- Visit Jongleur Jocelyn at Jesters and Jousters - Armor Suppliers on Knight Knoll (594 XP, 17 JBS)
- Recover 3 Juggling Sticks from The Cogs in Ye Olde Toontowne (594 XP, 17 JBS)
- Visit Mad Ernage at Brain Over Bronze - Metalworkers on Wizard Way (594 XP, 17 JBS)
- Defeat 3 Level 5+ Cogs Anywhere
- Return to Jongleur Jocelyn at Jesters and Jousters - Armor Suppliers on Knight Knoll (4157 XP, 117 JBS, Conquistador Helmet)
- Visit Blacksmith Estoc at Hilt & Blade Weaponry on Knight Knoll (1790 XP, 50 JBS)
- Recover Some Sword Materials from A Cog Building in Ye Olde Toontowne
- Return to Blacksmith Estoc at Hilt & Blade Weaponry on Knight Knoll (5371 XP, 150 JBS, Pirate Sword)
- Visit Sir Prysin at Demon Slayers - For Hire! on Wizard Way (401 XP, 11 JBS)
- Defeat 3 Executive Cogs Anywhere (401 XP, 11 JBS)
- Return to Al Bumbledorf at Toon HQ (401 XP, 11 JBS)
Researching The Executed
- Visit Constable Conrad at Witches Get Stitches - Town Detectives on Knight Knoll (401 XP, 11 JBS)
- Recover Some Executive Promotion Papers from Executive Cogs Anywhere
- Return to Constable Conrad at Withces Get Stitches - Town Detectives on Knight Knoll (401 XP, 11 JBS)
- Visit Marty Python at Installation Wizard - Handcoded Computing on Knight Knoll (401 XP, 11 JBS)
- Visit Dr. Brewce at 1 Potion, 2 Potions, Red Potions, Blue Potions - Brewery on Wizard Way (401 XP, 11 JBS)
- Recover A Stolen Potion from Level 6+ Cogs Anywhere
- Return to Marty Python at Installation Wizard - Handcoded Computing on Knight Knoll (401 XP, 11 JBS)
- Defeat 6 Executive Cogs Anywhere
- Return to Marty Python at Installation Wizard - Handcoded Computing on Knight Knoll (401 XP, 11 JBS)
- Visit Al Bumbledorf at Toon HQ (4007 XP, 111 JBS)
Ye Olde Restoration Project
- Visit Dagger at Taken for Granite! - Cobble For Sale on Noble Nook (402 XP, 11 JBS)
- Defeat 7 Cogs Anywhere
- Return to Dagger at Taken for Granite! - Cobble For Sale on Noble Nook (402 XP, 11 JBS)
- Visit Magus Bizzy at Witchcraft? Hobby Helpers on Wizard Way (402 XP, 11 JBS)
- Defeat 3 Back Stabbers Anywhere (402 XP, 11 JBS)
- Investigate the Wizard Way Tunnel
- Return to Magus Bizzy at Witchcraft? Hobby Helpers on Wizard Way (402 XP, 11 JBS)
- Visit Bailey at Draw-Bridge Art Academy on Noble Nook (402 XP, 11 JBS)
- Defeat 8 Level 4+ Cogs Anywhere
- Return to Magus Bizzy at Witchcraft? Hobby Helpers on Wizard Way (402 XP, 11 JBS)
- Visit Joan of Park at Horse-drawn Karts - For Classical Racers! on Wizard Way (402 XP, 11 JBS)
- Defeat 5 Executive Cogs Anywhere
- Return to Magus Bizzy at Witchcraft? Hobby Helpers on Wizard Way (4017 XP, 111 JBS)
- Visit Gentry Gary at A-FORT-Able Housing on Noble Nook (402 XP, 11 JBS)
- Defeat 5 Level 5+ Cogs Anywhere (402 XP, 11 JBS)
- Visit Cleric Cecily at Dark Ages - Sleep Studies on Noble Nook (402 XP, 11 JBS)
- Recover 8 Wiring from The Cogs Anywhere
- Return 8 Wiring to Gentry Gary at A-FORT-Able Housing on Noble Nook (402 XP, 11 JBS)
- Visit Magus Bizzy at Witchcraft? Hobby Helpers on Wizard Way (402 XP, 11 JBS)
- Visit Percy Lane at Royal Thrones Toiletries on Wizard Way (402 XP, 11 JBS)
- Recover Some Furniture from Movers & Shakers Anywhere
- Return to Magus Bizzy at Witchcraft? Hobby Helpers on Wizard Way (402 XP, 11 JBS)
The Secret In The Dungeon
- Visit Al Bumbledorf at Toon HQ (402 XP, 11 JBS)
- Defeat the Public Relations Representative in Ye Olde Toontowne
- Return to Al Bumbledorf at Toon HQ (4018 XP, 111 JBS)
Trained and Ready
- Visit Flippy at Toon Hall in Toontown Central (1207 XP, 33 JBS)
- Visit Professor Pete at the Toontown School House in Toontown Central (1207 XP, 33 JBS)
- Recover 5 Metal Framing from The Cogs Anywhere
- Return to Professor Pete at the Toontown School House (4827 XP, 133 JBS, Daffodil Gardens Profile Background)
Ye Olde Toontowne Tasks Completed!
Task Script
Ye Olde Toontowne Sidetasks
Sidetask | Reward | Reward Image |
Dungeon Duty | Ye Olde Toontowne Filter Effect (Not currently available) |
Midlife Crisis | Poetic Nametag Transparent Cheesy Effect |
Not-So-Tall Tales | Small Head Cheesy Effect | |
Page Studying 101 | Knight Outfit | |
Used To Be An Adventurer | Teleport Access | |
The Golden Penny | Casting Profile Pose |