Al Bumbledorf

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Al Bumbledorf is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Elder Headquarters located in the Ye Olde Toontowne playground.


Al Bumbledorf is a blue deer who wears the Green Wizard Hat, a blue Two-Tone Button-Up, and royal blue Side-striped shorts.

Story Appearances

Ye Olde Toontowne - In Ye Olde Toontowne's taskline Al Bumbledorf appears in the following tasks: Executing The Executives, Researching The Executed, and The Secret In The Dungeon. Additionally, Al Bumbledorf also appears in The Golden Penny sidetask and the At The Gate and Looming Lawbot Kudos Board Rank-Up Tasks. His dialogue during these tasks is as follows:

Executing The Executives

"Ah yes, [Toon Name]. I've been awaiting you."
"It is great joy that I lead you through these next steps of your training."
"This will allow you to unlock and discover new things that will aide you in your travels."
"Now, I presume you've learned about each and every department of Cog, and even potential extra information."
"This is good, but your training's not finished, unfortunately."
"For there are Cogs stronger than the rest. Somewhat unique in appearance."
"Executives, as they call them."
"As we understand every last detail about them, you may not, and this is where your training has brought you."
"Now these Cogs are stronger than normal, that is for certain."
"So I'm sending you to be trained by the proper team to prepare you mentally for such a daunting task."
"Seek Sir Prysin of Demon Slayers - For Hire. There you will learn from one of the most respected knights in Ye Olde Toontowne."
"Take his advice, and defeat executives, see what it takes to defeat them."
"Good luck, [Toon Name]."

After returning from Sir Prysin

"You've made your splendid return once again, [Toon Name]."
"I trust you've made great strides in battling these executives, yes?"
"The wisest Toons are ones who do not flee from battle, but rather take it head-on as a challenge."
"You, young Toon, are one of the wise ones."
"Now that you've experienced the circumstances taken to defeat them, you must research them properly just as you have the departments before."
"I must beckon you to see Constable Conrad. He runs the town's detective agency. It is named Witches Get Stitches, found on Noble Nook."
"I request you speak to him, defeat those executives and present your findings."
"From there you can work with the Toons of Ye Olde Toontowne to research these Cogs properly."
"This is all a part of your very special training, as we already know every last detail about these executives."
"Now go, you mustn't waste time. Us Elders will not get any younger, after all."

Researching The Executed

"My apprentice, welcome again to the House of the Elders."
"Do you have for me the findings of these executives?"
"Very interesting, but what's written here, it shows that these executives are no ordinary Cog."
"Increased health and increased strength, things no weary Toon would like to see cross their path."
"Of course, we knew this from the start."
"Hmm? Why do we keep mentioning this?"
"You see young Toon, we..."
"Haven't been straightforward with you."
"We may be the Elders, and as such are the wisest Toons in the lands, but this knowledge has all been new for our eyes."
"We've been working with the Toon Council to figure these Cogs out for the longest time, not long after the Cogs had started their arrival in our lands."
"But our last Elder had left us without word at that moment. And for a balance as delicate as ours had been for years, it was completely shattered."
"We were unorganized, and our plans were skewed. We tried continuing training with our last apprentice and had disastrous results."
"Our land was invaded, and we were unable to help. We panicked."
"With this having happened, we focused our efforts into managing the town, trying to maintain it to the best of our abilities."
"Our Toons may be able to pick the fight where they can, but many of us endure this robotic invasion."
"This town is old, older than you can imagine."
"We need your help, with one last task."
"Our buildings, our streets, our town is in need of care, attention that hasn't been brought to it since before the Cogs arrived."
"May you help us, and in turn we will allow you the documents you've given us to be taken to the hands of Flippy..."
"To allow for you and the Toons of the Resistance to begin the fight that's truly needed."
"I thank you, Ye Olde Toontowne thanks you."
"Not a Toon like you has roamed these streets. And finally we will be able to restore a lot of what gave our town it's charm."
"Seek Dagger. Work with him to repair our streets, our buildings, and repair our town."
"Allow for Ye Olde Toontowne to stand for as long as history will allow it."
"His shop is Taken for Granite!, found on Noble Nook."
"The town of Ye Olde Toontowne thanks you, [Toon Name]."

The Secret In The Dungeon

"[Toon Name], I am proud of your progress but I mustn't delay you..."
"There's been an issue here in the lands of Ye Olde Toontowne. And we need your help."
"It is something I must tell you about. A secret we've been keeping from everyone for a long time..."
"You see, these Cogs are nothing special to us, having invaded for some time now, but there was one that WAS special."
"A skeleton Cog unlike anything we've ever seen before, having only seen Cogs in their outer suits as they are on our streets."
"They came here with a plan in mind to brainwash our people. To turn Toons into mindless workers obeying their robotic orders."
"We foolded them into believing we were falling into their trap..."
"It allowed us three Elders to capture them and lock them away in the dungeon."
"Ever since that day we've kept that door in the dungeon locked, hoping nothing would ever have come from it."
"But we fear the cell we gave them will not last forever. And eventually they will get loose once more."
"We fear what may happen if that day were to come."
"Having seen your progress here, we've decided you are the Toon to give the final resolution to this issue."
"I must beg you to prepare yourself, get your gags, and step up to the sigil in front of the portcullis in the dungeon."
"I have bestowed upon you the ability to open it."
"Use these powers to enter the cell and face this Cog. Defeat it and save Ye Olde Toontowne from the very havoc they seek to cause."
"You must also say the word "portcullis" as you open it."
"We chose this as it turns out nobody in Ye Olde Toontowne knew what the word portcullis meant."
"Just say it in your mind, it's easier and it still works."
"Consider it a magic spell of sorts."
"We have faith in you, [Toon Name]. And we will wish you all the luck."

After defeating the Public Relations Representative

"Done so soon, [Toon Name]?"
"I can already feel the weight of the director's presence gone, for you've saved us."
"But I fear they will return. Never stop checking that dungeon door, for we will continually lock them away if they step inside our lands again."
"You will always have the power we gave you, [Toon Name]. This will not be the last of that director. I can already tell."
"But you yourself have saved the Toons of Ye Olde Toontowne from losing their spirit at the hands of the Cogs."
"And I trust that you'll continue to keep the dungeon empty when they return."
"I wish there was a magic word I could say to keep you here at this point..."
"For your talents far exceed any expectations from us Elders, especially my own."
"Well, to be completely honest..."
"There are at least five spells I can think of off the top of my head that'd keep you here for a while but..."
"Regardless! I must let you go and continue on your path with the Toon Resistance."
"But before you go, I need to say, on behalf of everyone in Ye Olde Toontowne, thank you."
"Thank you, [Toon Name], for helping the birthplace of Toontown. The very foundation. From our old buildings to our bumpy streets."
"From keeping our streets safe, to even repairing them, you've been here for us."
"You're always welcome in our lands."
"On behalf of all of the Toons in Ye Olde Toontowne, we wish you the best of luck on your future adventures."
"Now go ahead, young Toon, and see Flippy, for your work here is done."
"Fare thee well."

The Golden Penny

"Ah, [Toon Name], it's good to see thee!"
"An old penny thou bring? I'd love to have a gander, but it seems as though my vision isn't as good as it used to be."
"Could thou get me some glasses, [Toon Name]? Not just any plain glasses though, something fit for an elder such as myself."
"Perhaps one of those fancy monocles from Shark Watchers would do the trick!"

After recovering a monocle

"I must thank thee young Toon, this monocle will help me see clear as day!"
"Now, let me see that coin thou have brought to me for inspection."
"This isn't just any coin thoust got here, it is certainly special."
"I sense great luck emitting from its very being, but I fear I can't tell thee any more."
"Perhaps our resident sorcerer Merlin can tell you more. Good luck, [Toon Name]!"

At The Gate

"Well [Toon Name], thou art really doneth it."
"Thank thou for keeping the peaceth in Ye Olde Toontowne."
"Young Toon, thou are one of the most reliableth I know."
"Always holdeth thine wodden sword high."

Looming Lawbot

"Oh dear, the look on your face spells disaster. What is it, [Toon Name]?"
"Long memo? A Cog in the Playground?!"
"And you know where it's hiding?"
"This is truly terrible news... We must act quickly."
"With all your experience, having proven your mettle against those Cogs again and again..."
"We've asked so much of you already, but we must humbly request this one last favor."
"Remove this strange Cog looming above the Playground!"
"Keep your wits about you, and good luck up there."
"I sense you'll need it."

After defeating the Witch Hunter

"You've returned! And in once piece, at that!"
"Not that I had any doubts, given the trials and tribulations you have undergone during your time with us."
"He was summoned away? Then he may yet return..."
"In any case, the threat is no longer imminent... for now."
"We'll be keeping an eye on things in the meantime, but don't hesitate to visit us in the future."
"Hopefully this reward will make the scuffle worth your while, as a simple thanks will not suffice!"
"Even so, on behalf of myself and the other Elders..."
"Thank you for all your help, [Toon Name]."

The Brrrgh - In The Brrrgh's taskline Al Bumbledorf appears in the following task: Ye Olde Wizard. His dialogue during this tasks is as follows:

Ye Olde Wizard

"[Toon Name]! What my I do you the honor of on this fine day?"
"The Blizzard Wizard??"
"We don't speak of that name here. The nerve!"
"Not since he decided to leave us three to handle operations on our own, anyways..."
"He may be the fourth elder, and his homeplace may be here, but trust me, he hasn't returned. We would know."
"I don't think there'll ever be a day where you find Lil' Oldman Roaming these streets anymore."
"Now I urge you to run along. You won't find what you're looking for here."
"I wish you the best of luck, and I apologize for the unfortunate circumstances."
"May you find ease in your battles, [Toon Name]. It was great to see you again."

Misc. Appearances

  • Al Bumbledorf appears in a short comic posted on the Corporate Clash Twitter.

Unique Interaction Dialogue

Al Bumbledorf has unique dialogue when attempting to interact with him. This dialogue is as follows:

  • "Toons are stronger together and weaker when separate."
  • "I wonder what the boy is up to nowadays..."
  • "Trust me young one, I am older than I look."
  • "If you ever see a snake, take care of it immediately."


  • Al's hat will change from green to blue upon turning in a task to him.
