Constable Conrad
Constable Conrad is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Witches Get Stitches located on Knight Knoll in Ye Olde Toontowne.
Constable Conrad is a tan bear who wears a bright red Feather shirt and slate blue Big Pockets shorts.
Story Appearances
Ye Olde Toontowne - In Ye Olde Toontowne's taskline Constable Conrad appears in the following task: Researching The Executed. His dialogue during these tasks is as follows:
"Welcometh to the most wondrous detective agency thee'll findeth in Ye Olde Toontowne."
"Pressing matters did geteth the best of thee, I presume?"
"Well, as the finest constable in the landeth, I regard myself as the only Toon capable of assisting thee properly!"
"What troubles doth be bothering thee, fine Toon?"
"Executive Cogs. Aye, I shall concureth. Those Cogs art most certainly a pain for mine own job."
"I shall alloweth thee to doth as any effective detective wouldst doth."
"I bestoweth upon to thee mine own parchment and mine own quill."
"From which thee shall defeateth these executives and noteth every finding thee can."
"I shall then confereth with thee upon them, allowing for us to gaineth valuable insight."
"I casteth upon you my good fortunes."
After recovering Some Executive Promotion Papers from Executive Cogs
"Welcometh backeth, now alloweth me to seeth these findings."
"Aye, these findings art indeed good, but there's a lot of math here."
"I may be a detective, but proficient in mathematics, I am not."
"I shall refereth thee to Marty Python. That gent is one of the wisest Toons in all of the lands, and shall helpeth thee."
"His shop be Installation Wizard - Handcoded Computing on this very street."
"I doth sincerely hopeeth mine own assistance wast useful to thy discoveries, fellow Toon."
"I shall be here if thee needeth any further assistance."