Marty Python
Marty Python is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Installation Wizard located on Knight Knoll in Ye Olde Toontowne.
Marty Python is a lime bear who wears a sea green Two-Tone Button-Up shirt and aqua High Pockets shorts.
Story Appearances
Ye Olde Toontowne - In Ye Olde Toontowne's taskline Marty Python appears in the following task: Researching The Executed. His dialogue during these tasks is as follows:
"Perfect! Thou hast arrived!"
"Just in timeth to answereth mine own mathematical question!"
"What? Thou wanteth ME to answereth it?"
"Nay, this lodging is for Toons to answereth MINE own questions!"
"Okay, I admiteth, I am here to answereth thy questions..."
"But thou should've beheldeth the look on thy face!"
"Painted with such fright it was, more so than wheneth young Toons art first toldeth of the headless horseToon!"
"So thou needeth me to revealeth the history behind what these findings meaneth, aye?"
"NOTHING! It means nothing! Tut tut!"
"Unless, of course, thou provideth me with a potion capable of organizing these numerical findings."
"I shalt passeth thee onwards to Dr. Brewce."
"That gent be the Toon able to breweth the potion needed to organize these findings properly."
"His shop be 1 Potion, 2 Potions, Red Potions, Blue Potions on Wizard Way."
"Seeketh his mixture, useth it upon the Cogs, and bringeth me backeth the findings."
"Only then shall I be able to helpeth thee."
"Now leaveth. I must confuseth the next Toon yond seeks mine own wisdom!"
After returning from Dr. Brewce
"This potion looks splendid! Almost perfect enough to drinketh!"
"In fact, perhaps I'll just..."
"I joketh, again."
"But now I wilt sendeth thee out. Useth it on these executives thee seeketh researcheth on, and bringeth me thy findings."
"From there I shall rendereth it into something us Toons can understandeth!"
"Now goeth!"
After defeating 6 Executive Cogs
"I wilt be honest with thee, [Toon Name]."
"I hath kept a bite of thy potion with me, it seemed just simply too tasty!"
"But I hadst a fright upon drinking it at which many numbers did flasheth before mine own eyes."
"Series of zeroes and ones, constantly changing, liketh I wast almost madeth up of them!"
"Absolutely mad isn't it?"
"Regardless, taketh this, it enwheels the translated findings thou did provide to me."
"If thou pardons me, I may now just tryeth another sipeth!"