Dr. Brewce
Dr. Brewce is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in One Potion, Two Potions located on Wizard Way in Ye Olde Toontowne.
Dr. Brewce is a plum duck who wears the Alchemist Goggles, a Monocle, the Potions Bag, Loafers, a black Dress shirt, and royal blue Jean shorts.
Story Appearances
Ye Olde Toontowne - In Ye Olde Toontowne's taskline Dr. Brewce appears in the following task: Researching The Executed. His dialogue during this task is as follows:
"Whatever thee may seeketh, Dr. Brewce may very well keepeth."
"If it's a potion thou desireth, then a task I wilt requireth."
"Whilst a potion I can giveth, my clumsiness thou must forgiveth."
"My potion hath been losteth, whilst in a Cog's path that I once crosseth."
"Go findeth this strong robot on one's behalf."
"Now go my young Toon, I promise thee will completeth my task and delivereth thee potion on one's behalf."