Sir Prysin
Sir Prysin is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Demon Slayers located on Wizard Way in Ye Olde Toontowne.
Sir Prysin is a coral deer who wears an aqua Button-Up shirt and sienna Fiery shorts.
Story Appearances
Ye Olde Toontowne - In Ye Olde Toontowne's taskline Sir Prysin appears in the following task: Executing The Executives. Additionally, Sir Prysin also appears in the At The Gate Kudos Board Rank-Up Task. His dialogue during these tasks is as follows:
"Sir Ehntor Prysin, at thy service."
"So thou wanteth to defeat stout executive Cogs?"
"Well any respectable knight knoweth it all starts with a suiteth of armor!"
"I wilt sendeth thee apace to Jongleur Jocelyn."
"From there she can fiteth thee into proper armor, and thus can alloweth for us to fight!"
"Her shopeth is Jesters and Jousters - Armor Suppliers on Knight Knoll."
"Suiteth up and prepareth thyself for the wrath of battle!"
After returning from Jongleur Jocelyn
"Ah! You hath made your returneth."
"Thou service has been greatly appreciated thus far."
"Perhaps one couldst even say thou art becoming quite an impressive knight."
"I assigneth thee one last task, to proveeth thyself a mighty conqueror of the executive kind."
"Thineth the numbers of these fiendish foes."
"Go! Raineth thy fury upon them!"
"Welcometh, youn Toon."
"Ah I seeth, the Wizards senteth thee to me."
"They must see greateth potential in thee, [Toon Name]."
"Well, let us see whateth thee art made of."
"Go slayeth 5 executive Cogs."
"Fare thee welleth."
After defeating 5 Executive Cogs
"Ah, so thou art strongeth."
"Goodeth. In order to properlyeth ivestigate this issue, we needeth information."
"The Lawbots have been acting boldeth lately."
"See if thou might geteth a memo from one of those Conveyancers."
After recovering a Memo from Conveyancers
"Hmm, let me looketh."
""Ugh, this location is pathetic!""
""The Cogs are weak, the Toons art weaker.""
""It wouldst taketh nay effort to removeth those Toons...""
""...and turneth this place into something decent...""
""Obviously, I shall taketh on this responsibility.""
""Nay other Cogs art as suitable as I to sorteth and removeth filth from the streets...""
""I, on the other handeth, hast an impeccable record for quality controleth...""
""...and requireth outsourced employees for a successful evaluation.""
""The operations analysts and fieldeth specialists from Lawbot HQ art proving themselves quickly.""
""I originally doubted their ability to meeteth mine own demands...""
""...but they've proved to beest a powerful asset against Toons and their meddling.""
""Signed, H. Grayelle.""
"This seemeth serious [Toon Name]."
"But I feeleth thee are up to the tasketh."
"I believe in thy strength."
"The Gatekeeper should be on patroleth soon. Go swiftly and be safeth."