Jongleur Jocelyn

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Jongleur Jocelyn is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Jesters and Jousters located on Knight Knoll in Ye Olde Toontowne.


Jongleur Jocelyn is a royal blue bat who wears a maroon Flower Stripe shirt and a purple Bottom Stripe skirt.

Story Appearances

Ye Olde Toontowne - In Ye Olde Toontowne's taskline Jongleur Jocelyn appears in the following task: Executing The Executives. Her dialogue during these tasks is as follows:

Executing The Executives

"Welcome to mine own shopeth, what can I doth for thee on this blessed day?"
"Armour? I can doth this, but I'd liketh payment for it, and not in jellybeans."
"These Cogs cameth and did stealeth mine own juggling sticks, which is a disappointing experience for a jongleur liketh myself."
"I tryeth mine own best to juggle metal armour, but I findeth it's just too heavy and hard to doth so."
"Oh how I misseth mine own juggling sticks..."
"If thou can findeth all three and then assisteth my dear acquaintance Mad Ernage, I shall work with thee on getting thy armor situated."

After returning from Mad Ernage

"Oh a pleasent surprise, thee did get the metal-- and my Juggling Sticks!"
"It's a shocketh, yond gent is absolutely barking mad I may say."
"I can't understand a single thing that gent's talking about half the timeth!"
"This is quality metal I wilt sayeth."
"I grant to thee thine request'd piece of armour."
"I wish thee luck in thy battles. Good luck kind Toon."