Mad Ernage

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Mad Ernage is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Brain Over Bronze located on Wizard Way in Ye Olde Toontowne.


Mad Ernage is a yellow bear who wears a maroon Pocket Polo and orange Big Pockets shorts.

Story Appearances

Ye Olde Toontowne - In Ye Olde Toontowne's taskline Mad Ernage appears in the following task: Executing The Executives. Additionally, Mad Ernage also appears in the Looming Lawbot Kudos Board Rank-Up Task. His dialogue during these tasks is as follows:

Executing The Executives

"Why, welcome to my establishment!"
"I'm Mad Ernage, and this is Brain Over Bronze Metalworkers."
"My speech? Ah yes, impressive, isn't it?"
"See, I have one core philosophy, and that's that the brain is the most important part of a Toon."
"So I've spent my time researching and studying the art of language, sometimes stepping outside of my boundaries to do so."
"People call me Mad Ernage solely because of this, but I scoff at those thoughts."
"In fact, I often prefer to tell them to get into the modern age."
"Wait.. Mad Ernage, modern age... it must be a sign!"
"I'll give you your metal or whatever it is you need..."
"Just go beat some Cogs up that are roaming around my shop and leave me to deduce the meaning behind this naming anomaly."

Looming Lawbot

"Salutations, whippersnapper! What can I do for you on this fine day?"
"Help translating a memo? You do know this is a metalworking shop and not a library, correct?"
"I'd pay Webster a visit, he's over on Noble Nook."
"Merlin requested you expatiate with me specifically?"
"I am in utter stupefaction; the neighboring shopkeepers are not fond of my intricate lexicon and dialect!"
"Seriously, the nerve! Calling me "barking mad" and all! No appreciation for the most profound of linguistics."
"Alright, fine. Let's see that memo."
"A memo is defined by its brevity. This is more akin to a novel."
"I'm going to need a trice to read through this."
"How about annihilating some of those malevolent machines in the meantime?"
"Their incessant cacophany makes it hard to focus."

After defeating 15 Cogs

"You've returned, and just in time."
"No wonder those scoundrels needed so much parchment, the author is a true rival to my own verbosity."
"Here's what I've surmized from this essay of a "memo.""
"It's urgent. The Cogs in this locale are assembling, and their stratagem is underway."
"They're looking to bring freedom to that Cog sealed in the dungeon."
"I'm afraid you must act quickly-they've already set up an outpost on one of the towers bordering the Playground!"
"What are you still standing here for? Visit Al Bumbledorf, posthaste!"


  • In reference to his taskline dialogue, Mad Ernage uses the standard set of generic NPC interaction dialogue instead of the set made for Ye Olde Toontowne NPCs.
