Merlin Ambrice
Merlin Ambrice is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Rayvenward School of Magical Arts located on Wizard Way in Ye Olde Toontowne.
Merlin Ambrice is a neon pink raccoon who wears a royal blue Striped shirt and tan Athletic shorts.
Story Appearances
Ye Olde Toontowne - In Ye Olde Toontowne's taskline Merlin Ambrice appears in the following task: Ye Olde Cog Bash! Additionally, Merlin Ambrice also appears in The Golden Penny sidetask and the Looming Lawbot Kudos Board Rank-Up Task. His dialogue during these tasks is as follows:
"Ah, yes! Welcometh to my class of the magical arts."
"I am Headmaster Merlin Ambrice, at thy service."
"Art thou mine own newest student?"
"No? Well, I expecteth great things from thee regardless."
"Dost thou seek Lawbots?"
"We can arrangeth that. They're very common around my class, after all."
"The Elders try to helpeth me, but it doesn't quite solveth mine own problems."
"They wanteth mine own classroom."
"What's that? Thou art asking because of mine own magic?"
"Ha! No, silly child. I doth not teacheth magic, I teacheth ABOUT magic!"
"But these Lawbots doth not realizeth that."
"They see mine own building... all they noticeth is mine own quills, parchment, and magic potential."
"But again, there's none here! Just the appreciation of it!"
"Imagineth saying "Pip, pip!", and witnessing a magical creature causeth damage to the Cogs for thee..."
"But to puteth it simply: if thou art here to helpeth me, thou should starteth by lowering the number of Lawbots in this town."
"If thou can do that, I willeth be forever grateful."
"Thank you, [Toon Name]."
"Greetings, young wizard!"
"What is this that thou hast brought to my shop?"
"A magical coin you say?"
"For all I know, some sort of hex has been cast on it from the Cashbots!"
"Bumbledorf himself said it may bring great fortune?"
"Hmm... I'm not so sure, but if thee can keep those curse bearing Cashbots off my street I can take a closer look."
After defeating 10 Cashbots
"Wonderful, you have returned!"
"While thou was banishing those dreadful Cashbots I had a look through my magic book."
"Well, I have good news and bad news."
"Unfortunately, this coin does not contain any magic like Bumbledorf suspected..."
"However, I found that it is actually a chocolate coin!"
"I know it's not as exciting as magical currency, but everyone loves candy; aren't I right?"
"I wonder if even the Cog whomst stole it loves candy."
"Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to brewing my potions. Run along now [Toon Name]!"
"Greetings, young grasshopper. Art thou a new student?"
"Ah, thou possesseth that determined sparkle in thine eye. Thou musteth be mine own helper senteth by Ye Olde Elders!"
"Things hath beeneth quite a mess arounde here, in this moment."
"Mine own worry lieth in that there may beeth trouble afoot! Recently, those Lawbots haveth been rather aggressive."
"Moresoeth than usual!"
"They hath paideth mine own school many a hostile visit, ransacking mine own humbleth school for all the supplies they can findeth."
"Ink, quills, parchment, everything!"
"What couldeth those machines most fiendish possibly needeth a supply so large of scribing supplies for?!"
"I knoweth those pesky Lawbots loveth legal writings, but this beeth pure insanity!"
"I begeth of thee... taketh down some of those colossal gray eyesores. Surely they are buildingeth a stockpile of mine own belongings within by now."
After recovering 3 Boxes of Writing Supplies
"Thou art backeth! How did it goeth?"
"Mine own beloved scribing supplies! So they did indeed hoardeth them within."
"But for what, I wondereth?"
"Ah, it seems one of those foul beasts lefteth a note within."
"A very, very long note."
"I can't readeth this."
"This language is nigh indecipherableth."
"However, I doth knoweth of one who may indeed be able to deciphereth it."
"Doth payeth a visit to Mad Ernage. His shop is Brain over Bronze - Metalworkers, downeth the street."
"That fellow would be ableth to geteth to the bottom of this if anyone, mad as he is."
"Maketh haste, and good luck!"
Misc. Appearances
- Merlin Ambrice appears in a short comic posted on the Corporate Clash Twitter.
- Merlin Ambrice is a reference to the Wizard101 character Merle Ambrose.