Timmy Riddle

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Timmy Riddle is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in The Dungeon located in the Ye Olde Toontowne playground.


Timmy Riddle is a sea green pig who wears the Witch Hat, the Skull Eyepatch, Alchemist shoes, the Busted! shirt, and Vampire shorts.

Story Appearances

Ye Olde Toontowne - In Ye Olde Toontowne Timmy Riddle appears in the Dungeon Duty sidetask and the Good Toons or Bad Toons? Kudos Board Rank-Up Task. His dialogue during these tasks is as follows:

Dungeon Duty

"Pssst! You wanna learn some magic?"
"If you help old Timmy Riddle out here, I can teach you a thing or two. Some real magical stuff."
"You see, I was a real hotshot for a while, a prodigy."
"The Elders back in the playground trained me on their own, and it worked well enough."
"I started learning their magic, and then I found out there were some bogus rules they enforced."
"When training, no magic is to be done out of sight. No magic that affects other Toons, all kinds of things that I thought were just silly..."
"So what if I made Al's nose huge for a day, or if I made Glada's hat shrink?"
"Or firing the Gag Shoppe's catapult, making it rain pies over the entire playground."
"They were just harmless pranks, right?"
"Well not to them..."
"They locked me up here and threw away the key."
"Now of course I did a little magic here and popped the door open, but they casted a spell upon the doors at the top of the dungeon."
"I can't get out of here, [Toon Name]. And it drives me nuts."
"But hey, this is my fate, so be it."
"So I want you to do some things for me."
"Simple stuff really. Making me more comfortable, helping me out, the usual stuff you'd expect from a locked-up prisoner."
"So let's start with comfort."
"I want money bags."
"No, not for buying stuff..."
"For laying my head on!"
"Go and fight some of those Money Bags roaming around up there and bring me back some of their money bags."
"I need to find comfort in something and these empty floors and plain walls don't have anything."
"Now go."

After obtaining 5 Money Bags

"Hey, that's impressive. Those are some nice sacks of cash you've got there, [Toon Name]."
"Perfect for resting my head on. Plenty of time to catch up on naps in this place, after all."
"So now let's talk eats. I haven't had a decent bite to eat in a while, and I'm starving!"
"Don't get me started on the nutritional garbage the elders conjure up for me, I can't stand it!"
"I want you to go see Steamed Bams at the aptly named Dungeon Luncheon over on Noble Nook."
"Bring me back some grub, I need something freshly made..."

After returning from Steamed Bams

"My, my, my! This sure looks good."
"But it doesn't have any utensils, and I'm no barbarian."
"I'm excited for my feast, but I have to eat it like a civil Toon!"
"Go and collect metal pieces from one of those Cog buildings I've seen above ground."
"I can transform that stuff into forks and spoons with the flick of a finger."
"Once you do that for me, then you'll get your magic spell. And trust me, it's an eye-opening one."
"Don't come back without those mechanical pieces!"

After obtaining Some Mechanical Pieces

"There we are. Perfect."
"You're lucky, if you took any longer I'd make your feet grow five sizes bigger."
"Now, are you ready for this magic spell?"
"It's a spell that even the Elders don't know about. Not a single Toon here in Ye Olde Toontowne does for that matter."
"There's more to the eye than what there is."
"With just a magic spell, I can send you back to the dark ages of Ye Olde Toontowne."
"Sort of, at least."
"It's your lucky day, [Toon Name]. I've just casted it upon you."
"Check you book, you can summon the spell whenever you wish."
"Turning color into gray, darkness of the past, or back again."
"Now, don't tell the Elders what you did, and don't let them know I got this door open."
"If they find this out, they might just stick me back behind that gate thing over there, and I don't care much to find out what that is."
"See you around, [Toon Name]."

Good Toons or Bad Toons?

"Hey! Are you here for some magic tricks?"
"Oh, Rob N. Hood sent you?"
"I see, he wants me to cast that spell?"
"Rob always was one for trouble."
"Look, magic is not that simple. We need components."
"First, I need some numbers. Number Crunchers usually keep a few on them."
"Go quick! And don't get caught!"

After recovering some numbers from Number Crunchers

"Perfect. Next, I will need some thread."
"Those Needlenose Cogs always seem to carry some."
"Go fetch a few pieces, will you?"

After recovering some thread from Needlenoses

"And the last thing I need for this spell..."
"Is a golf club from a Yesman."
"They actually make really good makeshift wands."
"Go figure."

After recovering a golf club from a Yesman

"And now, bring this enchanted golf club to Rob N. Hood!"
"This should be one great trick."
"Hopefully the village elders don't find out."

Misc. Appearances

  • Timmy Riddle appears in a short comic posted on the Corporate Clash Twitter.

Unique Interaction Dialogue

Timmy Riddle has unique dialogue when attempting to interact with him. This dialogue is as follows:

  • "Spare change?"
  • "Have any extra snacks?"
  • "Can you ask them to turn the heat up in here? It's freezing!"
  • "Diddly-deed, diddly-dood! You are now enchanted to give me some food!"


  • Prior to the v1.2.5 update, Timmy Riddle wore just the Witch Hat, an orange Button-Up shirt, and blue Feather shorts.
  • Timmy Riddle's name is likely based on Tom Riddle, the real name of Lord Voldemort from the Harry Potter series.