Steamed Bams
Steamed Bams is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in The Dungeon Luncheon located on Noble Nook in Ye Olde Toontowne.
Steamed Bams is a dark yellow cat who wears a maroon Feather shirt and maroon High Pockets shorts.
Story Appearances
Ye Olde Toontowne - In Ye Olde Toontowne's taskline Steamed Bams appears in the following task: Ye Olde Cog Bash! Additionally, Steamed Bams also appears in the Dungeon Duty sidetask. His dialogue during these tasks is as follows:
"Ah, new traveler, welcometh!"
"I hopeth thou art prepared for a mem'rable eating experience!"
"Mine own roast wast ruin'd by any of those wretch'd Boardbots!"
"It appears they foundeth mine braiser and sabotaged it with their fiendish supply of oil!"
"Those bootless Boardbots doth find it appropriate to carry oil to every one of their pointless board meetings."
"Perhaps thee taketh some of those Cogs down for me while I... prepareth mine braiser once more."
"Traveler, welcometh!"
"I desire thou art prepared for a mem'rable eating experience!"
"Oh, ho, ho! How I findeth it delightfully devilish to sayeth that to each customer."
"Looking for a meal to go, art thee?"
"I can doth that for a price, or a task."
"What doth thee prefer, traveler?"
"Task. Most wondrous choice!"
"I pride myself in exchanging meals for those who doth most wondrous work for the community."
"So just head out and defeat the stout Cogs invading our lands."
"At which hour thee've hath reached the pointeth thee cannot square any longer, returneth to me."
"I shall giveth thee a feast to enjoy."
"Good luck traveler."
After defeating 20 Level 5+ Cogs in Ye Olde Toontowne
"Here thee go traveler, I desire thee findeth it a memorable eating experience!"
"Visiteth anytime thee'd liketh to go again!"