Marry Paston
Marry Paston is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in the Platemail Post Office located on Noble Nook in Ye Olde Toontowne.
Marry Paston is a maroon cat who wears a yellow Dress shirt and a lime Pleated skirt.
Story Appearances
Ye Olde Toontowne - In Ye Olde Toontowne's taskline Marry Paston appears in the following tasks: Ye Olde Cog Bash! and Ye Olde Missing Postage. Additionally, Marry Paston also appears in the Fishing Fiasco Kudos Board Rank-Up Task. Her dialogue during these tasks is as follows:
"Welcometh, stranger."
"I trusteth thee has a most wondrous importance for being here, judging from thy looks, after all."
"I shall be honest with thee. Thou art not like one of us oldetowners."
"Young, bright, brimming with potential... Rarely doth I see a Toon like thee strolleth through these doors."
"What may I helpeth thee with on this day?"
"Bossbots? Aye, I'm very familiar with those folk."
"Days where Bossbots cometh art more frequent than not, unfortunately."
"I tryeth to protecteth all the post I can, but I'm just a mere lass. Some of these Cogs art frighteningly big."
"If thou could riddeth the paths of Ye Olde Toontowne of these Bossbots..."
"I wouldst feeleth as though thee were doing a service to us both."
"I wisheth to thee most wondrous ease and strength in thy battle ahead, [Toon Name]."
"Ah! A pleasant returneth!"
"I already feeleth a sense of relief overcoming me."
"But I still hath some issues I needeth to tend to, if thou art willing to help me."
"One of the shortest looking Bossbots I've ever seen cameth into the shop recently, and tooketh a package I wast meant to delivereth in the present day."
"It's unfortunate, as it's forced myself to puteth a halt to the ability for me to delivereth goods."
"If thou couldst searcheth the pathways for these bawbling Cogs and receiveth the package back..."
"Thou shall hath done the townspeople a valorous service."
After recovering A Package from Micromanagers
"Consider mine own shopeth open once more."
"Nay longer doth I feareth the fate of Bossbots upon me."
"I thanketh thee, [Toon Name]."
"Prithee, doth me one lasteth service in dealing with those fiendish Cogs?"
"Their unsightly architecture hath been plaguing this land as of recent, it hath becometh rather an eye-sore."
"Would thou doth a fair Toon the honor of defeating one of these buildings?"
"Valorous luck to thee, [Toon Name]."
"Ah! Well met [Toon Name]!"
"How mayeth I be of service to thee?"
"Ah, a package for Sir Owen?"
"Let me checketh."
"Oh, bother. It seems that may hath been stoleneth by a Shark Watcher!"
"They usually resideth within their Boardbot buildings."
"O' fair knight, shall thou rescue mine own package?"