Craig Plague
Craig Plague is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Plague! Plague! Go Away! located on Wizard Way in Ye Olde Toontowne.
Craig Plague is a brown raccoon who wears a royal blue Dress shirt and brown Big Pockets shorts.
Story Appearances
Ye Olde Toontowne - In Ye Olde Toontowne's taskline Craig Plague appears in the following task: Cog Flu. His dialogue during this task is as follows:
"Doth pardon me, I seemeth a tad under the weather as of late."
"If only the run-of-the-mill average flu wouldst stand ho as to coming round so oft."
"What is't thee seeketh, mine own guest?"
"Ah, invasions. Aye I knoweth all thee couldst knoweth about these."
"Many a time hast an invasion swarm'd through these streets."
"I seeth the Cog invasion much alike the slightly-annoying-throat-tickler attacketh of the fusty ages."
"Tad nasty infection that's an outright pain in the pantset pocket, if thee asketh me."
"But fighting these invasions art simple."
"Thee wilt studyeth what is happening, noteth the things thee seeth, and then findeth the weakness, or the most wondrous way to treateth it."
"Much liketh a sickness, thee findeth the soft spoteth in these Cogs roaming around, and giveth those folk a swift kicketh!"
"I trusteth thee has it from here, friend."
"Good luck to thee on thy adventures."
- Craig Plague is visually identical to Thea Troubadour.