Blacksmith Estoc
Blacksmith Estoc is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Hilt and Blade Weaponry located on Knight Knoll in Ye Olde Toontowne.
Blacksmith Estoc is an aqua dog who wears the Anvil Hat, Goggles, the Pirate Sword, Alchemist Shoes, a black Guayabera shirt, and tan Jean shorts.
Story Appearances
Ye Olde Toontowne - In Ye Olde Toontowne's taskline Blacksmith Estoc appears in the following task: Executing The Executives. Additionally, Blacksmith Estoc also appears in the Reinforced Training Kudos Board Rank-Up Task. His dialogue during these tasks is as follows:
"Aye, welcometh to mine own smith'ry."
"What is it I can doth for thee?"
"A sword? Yes, I can doth this for thee."
"But at a material's cost, it'll hath to be."
"If thou can defeateth the towering residency of these evil Cogs..."
"Thou shouldst be able to bringeth backeth the materials thee did needeth for a personalized sword."
"Bringeth me the materials, and thee'll receiveth the sword."
After recovering Some Sword Materials from a Cog Building
"Victorious returneth I see?"
"I giveth thee most wondrous credit. Many a Toon in this town couldst not matcheth the fortitude of thee."
"As did promise, a sword crafted from the materials of the building just for thee."
"Many wishes to thee on thy battles, [Toon Name]."
"Salutations, [Toon Name]."
"Oh? The wizards senteth thee to aid me in Gag training?"
"Wonderful! Though, all I currently knoweth how to wieldeth is Drop Gags."
"May thou assisteth me by bringing backeth information on the weaker Cogs in yonder Central?"
After defeating 4 Cogs in Toontown Central
"Yes, I seeth."
"So I shouldeth only enGageth weaker Cogs with weaker Gags, otherwise they shall not traineth properly?"
"Now, could thou doeth the same with some stronger foes?"
After defeating 2 Level 6+ Cogs
"There iseth one final enemy mine curiosity shall desireth."
"I have seeneth the Cogs who doneth fancy robes."
"The wizards calleth them executives."
"Could thou go out and slayeth a few for me?"
After defeating 3 Executive Cogs
"Thank thou so much."
"I thinketh I am finally ready to useth my Drop Gags effectively."
"Should thou ever be around Ye Olde Toontowne again, shall we traineth together?"
"After all, training with friends is safer!"