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Dangalf is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Elder Headquarters located in the Ye Olde Toontowne playground.


Dangalf is a royal blue raccoon who wears the Black Wizard Hat, a lime Lightning Bolt shirt, and maroon Athletic shorts.

Story Appearances

Ye Olde Toontowne - In Ye Olde Toontowne's taskline Dangalf appears in the following tasks: Dangalf's Lessons, Ye Olde Missing Postage, and Cog Flu. His dialogue during these tasks is as follows:

Dangalf's Lessons

"Welcome young Toon."
"I am Dangalf, one of the three Wise Elders here in Ye Olde."
"I trust you've gained wisdom in your short time with us."
"I must admit, I said before that I was hesitant to train another Toon, but you seem special."
"Like you have a unique ability that excudes from you. An ability to overcome the obstacles thrown before you."
"See, as steady, focused, and ready as the best of the prodigies that came before us."
"You've reassured my stance, and maybe we can even allow for more Toons just like you to work with us."
"But your training is far from complete, and I can tell that you still have a long road ahead of you."
"Let us continue with your training."
"So you've already met, researched, and familiarized yourself with the Sellbots, Cashbots, Lawbots, Bossbots, and Boardbots."
"Unfortunately, there is more work to be done with the foul Bossbots."
"Organizing and sending postage is necessary."
"This is a service we mustn't go without. Marry Pastron requires thy assistance again."
"For a lack of connection in this degree is to send us back to an early age of Toon civilization. Barbaric in nature."
"Bossbots have taken a liking to these letters and packages, anything that comes through that office. Attempting to pilfer each and every thing they can."
"Go and help Marry, secure the post office, and in the process defeat and research these Bossbots responsible again."
"Good luck to you, young Toon. I will await your return here at the Elder's Headquarters."

Ye Olde Missing Postage

"Your return has been awaited by us. Welcome."
"I trust you've learned enough during your time with these Bossbots."
"Could you.. Tell me?"
"I mean."
"Nothing new here, young Toon."
"As for your training, thyself have succeeded beyond our expectations."
"However, you're much like the young caterpillar, slowly weaving its cocoon, for soon it will become the butterfly."
"You too must advance and become the butterfly in this case, [Toon Name]."
"You must research thy evils on each street and study thy differences."
"Now go, young butterfly. Seek Craig Plague on Plague! Plague! Go Away!"
"Good luck."

Cog Flu

"Perfect, the information, hand it over."
"Yes, this is wonderful, this will do perfectly."
"I mean... If we didn't already know this, of course."
"I will keep this information in my posession here with the Elders."
"Your training with me is complete, and you're ready to move onto Al Bumbledorf."
"Remember what I said young Toon, you're almost a fully fledged butterfly now."
"Now go and speak with Elder Bumbledorf, and become the butterfly you're meant to be."
"You're about to be finished with this training. I wish you luck on your future adventures."
"Good luck is upon you, [Toon Name]."

Misc. Appearances

  • Dangalf appears in a short comic posted on the Corporate Clash Twitter.