Magus Bizzy

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Magus Bizzy is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Witchcraft? Hobby Helpers located on Wizard Way in Ye Olde Toontowne.


Magus Bizzy is a grey deer who wears a lime 19 shirt and royal blue Shorts with Belt.

Story Appearances

Ye Olde Toontowne - In Ye Olde Toontowne's taskline Magus Bizzy appears in the following task: Ye Olde Restoration Project. His dialogue during this task is as follows:

Ye Olde Restoration Project

"Welcometh, mine own fellow gloved Toon."
"I am Magus Bizzy, hobby enthusiast."
"Some even calleth me a magician for how well I exceedeth in crafts and hobbies of any kind."
"Archery, Building tables, even jousting!"
"I'm a real wizard -- at hobbies!"
"Now my friend, what hobby might thee seeketh assistance with?"
"Restoring Ye Olde Toontowne to its former glory?"
"Consider me in, but after thou help me, of course."
"I've dealteth with a major pain in mine own backeth for some timeth, constantly stabbing at a moment's noticeth."
"Cometh to findeth out this entire timeth it wast the Backstabbers poking me with their pens!"
"I must pleadeth with thee to defeateth these Backstabbers."
"For once thou defeateth those Cogs, I shall oblige in directing thy restoration projecteth."
"Then proceedeth to visiteth thee Wizard Way tunnel and inspecteth it to seeth if it be true any repairs art needed."
"Thanketh thee, [Toon Name]."

After investigating the Wizard Way tunnel

"How is the tunnel, [Toon Name]."
"Just as I did expect, it needeth a fresh coat of painteth!"
"Thou must visiteth Bailey at the Draw-Bridge Art Academy on Noble Nook."
"She is the most gift'd Toon in Ye Olde Toontowne in this regard!"
"Visiteth her, and thou shall face the lass capable of restoring the tunnel!"

After returning from Bailey

"One task finished. Now to more, my friend."
"Perhaps thou shouldst visiteth Joan of Park at Horse-Drawn Karts on this street."
"She'll has't the resources did need to lie all-new cobble up and down the streets."
"If thou can convinceth her to useth her horse-drawn karts, of course."
"Go, [Toon Name]. Thou shall accomplisheth thy task. I knoweth of it."

After returning from Joan of Park

"Two tasks completeth. At this rateth Ye Olde Toontowne shall becometh Ye New Toontown."
"Or perhaps Ye Slightly Refurbish'd Toontown."
"Regardless, the next step be housing, and restoration of buildings alike."
"Beseeketh the aid of Gentry Gary, who resides in A-FORT-Able Housing on Noble Nook."
"May thou findeth ease in enlisting his help in restoring our town!"

After returning from Gentry Gary

"I'm impressed, [Toon Name]."
"For taking instructions from a mere hobbyist, thou sure art turning it into something meaningful!"
"As we speaketh of meaningful, alloweth's doth something meaningful for the new buildings that are constructed soon."
"Let's hath you go to Percy Lane at Royal Thrones Toiletries hither on Wizard Way."
"Worketh with him to provideth the new locations with all the toiletries they'll ever need!"
"Perhaps this shalst cometh in handy whilst thou visit. A simple strength potion Dr. Brewce gaveth me as a gift. Thou deserveth to taketh this with thee, for all thy hard work."
"Nice worketh so far, [Toon Name]."

After returning from Percy Lane

"Fantastic, thou hast done a most wondrous job!"
"Streets... buildings... yep! That's all there is in Ye Olde Toontowne!"
"If there is any extra worketh, resteth assured I'll be there to taketh care of it. I knoweth thou art a busy Toon, [Toon Name]."
"Stayeth safe on thy travels, and good luck!"

Lawbot HQ - In the Lawbot HQ directives Magus Bizzy appears in the following directives: Crossword Crisis and Needle Nonsense. His dialogue during these directives is as follows:

Crossword Crisis

"I welcome thee to my shop, fair Toon."
"I am one of the best crafters in this wide land. For any inquiry you have, I will be able to assist you in it."
"Crossword puzzles, you say?"
"Though I have the skills to assist thee, I have run into a conundrum."
"My ink usually wouldst come from one of those dastardly, ghoulish Cogs."
"Alas, with the new form they have taken as of recent, that is no longer a possibility."
"If thou couldst find me some ink, it wouldst be my pleasure to give thee all the puzzles thou wouldst need."
"Rumor has it the best ink comes from the base of the most dastardly Lawbots."
"Attempt to sneak in and take this mighty ink, and return to me whence thou has it."

After defeating a Lawfice

"Hmm, this ink is of fine quality. However, it is not enough, nor is it of the quality of which the stories tell."
"Pray attempt to break into the toughest Lawbot office, the ink must reside within."

After defeating the Chief Legal Officer

"Hast thou brought the mighty ink?"
"By the council!"
"This is the finest ink I have ever seen!"
"The legends and myths were true!"
"With this mighty ink, I shall make the finest puzzles for you!"
"This may take some time. Perhaps fill the time by removing some of those grey towers outside."

After defeating some 5+ Story Cog Buildings

"Ah, thou returnest once more!"
"Whilst thou wast away, I was able to make many a puzzle for thee."
"I believe that these may be the finest puzzles ever made."
"Takest these, and enjoy the challenges they will bring."
"'Twas mine pleasure, have a fine day."

Needle Nonsense

"Welcomest to my fair shop. If my memory doth not fail me, thou wast here but just a short time ago."
"Well, it would be mine pleasure to assist thee once more. What do you inquire to acquire?"
"Knitting needles? Well, I would love to assist thee, however, I am out. There hath been an increase in demand as of late."
"I do, luckily, know another place thou couldst try."
"In the playground of flowers, there can be found a shop just for needles and crafts."
"I think perhaps they could assist you in your quest."
"Go there, and thou may find what you seek."