Patsy is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in The Holy Grail & Other Useless Dinnerware located on Knight Knoll in Ye Olde Toontowne.
Patsy is a beige deer who wears a red 19 shirt and maroon High Pockets shorts.
Story Appearances
Ye Olde Toontowne - In Ye Olde Toontowne's taskline Patsy appears in the following task: Ye Olde Cog Bash! Additionally, Patsy also appears in the The Royal Grail Kudos Board Rank-Up Task. Her dialogue during these tasks is as follows:
"Welcometh, kind stranger. Welcometh to mine own shop."
"I'm afraideth I doth not have the wares to slleth for Toons like thou, at the moment."
"Many a time hath the Sellbots waltzed through mine own doors and proved to causeth a tempest."
"Mine own goods must be scattered throughout the entire lands of Ye Olde Toontowne by now!"
"It is Sellbots thee seeketh, thee sayeth?"
"These rambunctious Sellbots hath been causing me many a problems for mine own ornate dinnerware sales."
"Ventureth out amongst the streets of the finest land in Toontown. Searcheth for these scoundrels."
"Dare sayeth, can thou teach them a lesson in trickery? I will thank thee so."
"Many blessings to thou, kind traveler."
"Greetings, Toon!"
"Doth thou wisheth to learneth the secrets of mine holy grail?"
"The gems are missing from mine holy grail!"
"What beeth a grail without thine gems?"
"Oh woe! Please do findeth mine own gems!"
After recovering a Maroon Gem from Executive Sellbots
"Fantastic, but we still haveth more gems to findeth."
"Please, findeth the other two!"
After recovering a Green Gem from Executive Cashbots
"Only one gem lefteth."
"Goeth and retrieveth it!"
After recovering a Indigo Gem from Executive Lawbots
"Ah! Wonderful!"
"All mine own lovely gems returned to the grail!"
"Now I may showeth you how to make Toons treateth thee like royalty!"
"Make sure they seeth the gems in mine own grail!"
"Yes, perfect!"
"Now you too may saveth a few extra Jellybeans on the streets of Ye Olde Toontowne!"