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Rhapsody is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in the Toon HQ located in the Mezzo Melodyland playground.


Rhapsody is a sienna duck who wears the Resistance Ranger outfit.

Story Appearances

Mezzo Melodyland - In Mezzo Melodyland's taskline Rhapsody appears in the following tasks: Can Anybody Find Moe..., Tracing Tasty Treasure, LaughTrack.mp3, KAAAAZOOOOOOO!, Chop Shop Blues, and The Show Must Go On. Their dialogue during these tasks is as follows:

Can Anybody Find Moe...

"Oh no, no, no. If you have an issue, get in line. I'm utterly swamped..."
"Wait, you're here to HELP?"
"Well that's a change for the best!"
"Moe Zart's been a bit of a shut-in lately. So we haven't managed to get a hold of him..."
"We'll talk about getting in contact with Moe Zart soon, but for now..."
"I have a bunch of things you could help me with!"
"Let's see... First up..."
"I've gotten reports of littering going on around in Mezzo Melodyland, and I've heard time and time again that it's coming from Jungle Jim."
"Can you please go speak to him about this? His shop is Haydn Go Seek Playground Supplies on Baritone Boulevard."
"When you finish up with that, come right back, I got plenty more tasks to hand out!"

Tracing Tasty Treasure

"Oh, sorry, just here trying to not PANIC while I have all these tasks needing to be done!"
"I need you to go see Fran Foley over on Baritone Boulevard. She runs Doppler's Sound Effects Studio."
"She's been begging me non-stop for access to more sound effect materials."
"I don't have stuff just lying around, you'd think this was a place full of music with how often she asks me!"
"Go help her out and get her off my back, it'd be so appreciated."


"Oh great, you're back!"
"Please, head over to Rinky Dink at her shop "Kazoology School of Music" on Tenor Terrace."
"She's been pestering me about getting students to enroll, especially some specific Toon..."
"If you could help and get her off my back, it'd be really great."
"Thank you!"


"Thanks for tackling these issues. Now, I got a real sticky situation for you to work on."
"I've been getting complaints from all around Mezzo Melodyland about Moe Madrigal selling faulty motor homes to Toons around town."
"I've been really meaning to get to this lately but it's not easy come, easy go..."
"Can you deal with this monstrosity for me, [Toon Name]?"
"Thank you, you're a big help."
"His shop is Madrigal Motor Homes on Baritone Boulevard."
"Good luck!"

Chop Shop Blues

"You're really taking all these tough tasks away from me."
"It feels like a weight being lifted off of my shoulders!"
"Any way the wind blows right now doesn't really matter to me!"
"But, there is one last thing that we mentioned before that stops my theoretical wind..."
"Moe Zart..."
"He's been struggling lately to cope with the Cogs..."
"As such he's sulked and locked himself inside his shop. A shut-in, as I said before."
"No messages being returned, no leadership, no direction..."
"I've been trying my best to handle everything, but it's almost like I'm inside an impossible game trying to multitask everything everywhere..."
"It makes me wonder sometimes if this is the real life..."
"...Or if it's just fantasy..."
"As much as I'd love to make you do every new task that comes in, it'd probably be best if you spoke with Moe Zart yourself."
"He's over in his shop More Scores Sporting Goods on Alto Avenue."
"Good luck, and let me know if you manage to get him speaking again, or even outside that shop!"

The Show Must Go On

"Back already?"
"You've been helping me left and right!"
"An HQ officer by the name of Snow dropped by just a minute ago. They've been looking for you."
"They're one of the HQ Officers that work with Resistance Ranger Rocky."
"Apparently there's been some incidents that have happened over at The Brrrgh."
"They said they REALLY needed some help, so they reached out to Flippy."
"He said Flippy told him his best Toon was doing work for Toons here in Mezzo Melodyland. That Toon being you."
"On behalf of Resistance Ranger Rocky and the Toon of The Brrrgh, they need your help, [Toon Name]."
"I thought about keeping you here, but you've done me such a favor already that I couldn't possibly ask you to stay much longer."
"I want to say good luck to you, [Toon Name]. And thank you for your help to all of the Toons of Mezzo Melodyland."
"So please, as soon as you can, visit them in The Brrrgh. Speak with Resistance Ranger Rocky. They'll let you know what to do from there."
"Be safe!"


  • Rhapsody is based off of the British rock band Queen, but is primarily titled as one of their lead singles, "Bohemian Rhapsody."
    • Their dialogue picks off lyrics from the song.