Mezzo Melodyland Streets

From Toontown Corporate Clash Wiki
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Mezzo Melodyland has four streets: Tenor Terrace, Alto Avenue, Soprano Street and Baritone Boulevard. Soprano Street is unique because it is connected to Cashbot Headquarters, which brings a lot of Cashbots onto the streets. Mezzo Melodyland has higher Cog levels than previous Playgrounds and is more challenging. The Buildings in these streets can go up to 6 stories.

Streets Cog Levels .exe Sellbotemblem.png Cashbotemblem.png Lawbotemblem.png Bossbotemblem.png Boardbotemblem.png
Alto Avenue 5 - 7 7.5% 50% 25% 0% 0% 25%
Baritone Boulevard 5 - 8 10% 10% 40% 0% 0% 50%
Soprano Street 5 - 8 25% 5% 80% 5% 5% 5%
Tenor Terrace 5 - 8 15% 0% 0% 40% 40% 20%

Note: Any shops listed below in bold need to be visited at some point during a Task.

Alto Avenue

Map of Alto Avenue

Alto Avenue connects to Loopy Lane in Toontown Central.

  • The Fisherman on this street is Fisherman Jed.

Toon Shops:

Baritone Boulevard

Map of Baritone Boulevard

Baritone Boulevard connects to Sleet Street in The Brrrgh.

  • The Fisherman on this street is Fisherman Larry.

Toon Shops:

Soprano Street

Map of Soprano Street

Soprano Street connects to Cashbot Headquarters.

The Fisherman on this street is Fisherman Freshie.

Toon Shops:

Tenor Terrace

Map of Tenor Terrace

Tenor Terrace connects to Lullaby Lane in Drowsy Dreamland.

  • The Fisherman on this street is Fisherman Walden.

Toon Shops: