Mezzo Melodyland Streets
Mezzo Melodyland has four streets: Tenor Terrace, Alto Avenue, Soprano Street and Baritone Boulevard. Soprano Street is unique because it is connected to Cashbot Headquarters, which brings a lot of Cashbots onto the streets. Mezzo Melodyland has higher Cog levels than previous Playgrounds and is more challenging. The Buildings in these streets can go up to 6 stories.
Streets | Cog Levels | .exe | ![]() |
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Alto Avenue | 5 - 7 | 7.5% | 50% | 25% | 0% | 0% | 25% |
Baritone Boulevard | 5 - 8 | 10% | 10% | 40% | 0% | 0% | 50% |
Soprano Street | 5 - 8 | 25% | 5% | 80% | 5% | 5% | 5% |
Tenor Terrace | 5 - 8 | 15% | 0% | 0% | 40% | 40% | 20% |
Note: Any shops listed below in bold need to be visited at some point during a Task.
Alto Avenue
Alto Avenue connects to Loopy Lane in Toontown Central.
- The Fisherman on this street is Fisherman Jed.
Toon Shops:
- Ragtime Dry Cleaners - (Scott Poplin)
- Blues News - (Lowdown Sally)
- Four Score Antiques - (Abraham Armoire)
- Hard Rock Shop - (Metal Mike)
- For Good Measure - (Tootie Twostep)
- Full Stop Shop - (Patty Pause)
- Tenor Times - (Luciano Scoop)
- Plummeting Pianos - (Clumsy Ned)
- Dance Around the Clock Shop - (Happy Feet)
- Canto Help You - (Mel Canto)
- Riff's Paper Plates - (Riff Raff)
- Music is Our Forte - (Melody Wavers)
- Accidental Insurance - (Lightning Ted)
- Carry a Toon Movers - (Sluggo Songbird)
- Notations - (Cleff)
- Tuba Toothpaste - (Minty Bass)
- Flats Sharpened - (Gee Minor)
- Barbershop Quartet - (Harmony Swell)
- Chin Rest Pillows - (Viola Padding)
- Pitch Perfect Roofing - (Tony Deff)
- More Scores - (Moe Zart)
- Rests Rooms - (Attendant Abe)
- Happy Mandolins - (Mandy Lynn)
- Piccolo's Pizza - (Piccolo)
- Shave and a Haircut for a Song - (Barbara Seville)
- The Treble Chef's Cooking School - (Cliff Cleff)
- Do, Rae, Me, Piano Keys - (Fa)
- Tuning Forks and Spoons - (Offkey Eric)
- Dr. Fret's Dentistry - (Dr. Fret)
- Please Refrain - (Madam Manners)
- Club 88 - (Disco Dave)
- Catchy Toon Apparel - (Tom Hum)
- Casa de Castanets - (Carlos)
- Fifi's Fiddles - (Fifi)
- In Four-Four Time - (Metra Gnome)
- Tom-Tom's Drums - (Tom)
Baritone Boulevard
Baritone Boulevard connects to Sleet Street in The Brrrgh.
- The Fisherman on this street is Fisherman Larry.
Toon Shops:
- Toon Tunes - (June Loon)
- Lousy Lyrics - (Hedy)
- Double Reed Bookstore - (August Winds)
- Sing Solo We Can't Hear You - (Quiet Francesca)
- Vocal Chords Braided - (Thelma Throatreacher)
- Accordions, If You Want In, Just Bellow! - (Steffi Squeezebox)
- The Baritone Barber - (Barry)
- White Noise for Girls and Boys - (Holly Hiss)
- Haydn Go Seek Playground Supplies - (Jungle Jim)
- Name That Toon - (John Doe)
- Overture Understudies - (Penny Prompter)
- Madrigal Motor Homes - (Moe Madrigal)
- Harp Tarps - (Charlie Carp)
- Chopin Blocks And Other Kitchen Supplies - (Curtis Finger)
- Sonata Your Fault! Discount Auto Insurance - (Sid Sonata)
- Four-Part Harmonicas - (Wilma Wind)
- Canticle Your Fancy Gift Shop - (Leed Guitar)
- B-Sharp Fine Menswear - (Handsome Anton)
- C-Flat Tire Repair - (Gummy Whistle)
- Her and Hymn Wedding Planners - (Hedly Hymn)
- Hurry Up, Slow Polka! School of Driving - (Tim Tailgater)
- On Ballet! Climbing Supplies - (Tina Toehooks)
- Doppler's Sound Effects Studio - (Fran Foley)
- Etude Brute? Theatre Company - (Julius Wheezer)
- Zither Here Nor There - (Detective Dirge)
- Tina's Concertina Concerts - (Tina)
- I Can Handel It! - (Carl Concerto)
- Timbre! Equipment for the Singing Lumberjack - (Lumber Jack)
- The Schmaltzy Waltz School of Dance - (Corny Canter)
Soprano Street
Soprano Street connects to Cashbot Headquarters.
The Fisherman on this street is Fisherman Freshie.
Toon Shops:
- Jingle Bell Ringtones - (Rudolph)
- Rock N' Roll!!! Geologists - (Rocky)
- Viola! - (E. Piphany)
- Pipe Organs Medical Facilities - (Nurse Marie)
- V A P O R W A V E A E S T H E T I C S - (A.S. Thetic)
- Ivory: Extra Ticklish! - (Saul McArtney)
- Killer Queen Sized Beds - (Beddie Mercury)
- The Air Horn Refillery - (Annie Airhead)
- Sax On, Sax Off - (Sal)
- Franny's French Foghorns - (Franny)
- You! On! Kazoo! - (Kazoo Kid)
- Drum Solo Cups - (Leo Pulseman)
- Bagpipes Plumbing - (Peter Plunger)
- Soprano Street Pianos - (Susan Soprano)
- Web Solutions - (Clair)
- Gift Rapping - (Lil Cheese)
- Bee Flat Exterminators - (Barry B.)
- Bass Fishing and Tuning - (Tune A. Fish)
- Electric Triangle Lessons - (Ashley Acute)
- Pitch Correction - (Coach Tu Sharp)
- Mousical Instruments - (Mice Al Jackson)
- Max's Sax Wax and Tax Fax - (Max Collector)
- Simple Cymbal Symbology - (Simple Cynthia)
- All Your Bass Are Belong to Us - (Zero String)
- Pirates on the High C's - (Captain Soprano)
- Nothing But Treble - (Vacant Shop)
Tenor Terrace
Tenor Terrace connects to Lullaby Lane in Drowsy Dreamland.
- The Fisherman on this street is Fisherman Walden.
Toon Shops:
- Mr. Costello's Yellow Cellos - (Mellow Costello)
- Harry's House of Harmonious Humbuckers - (Harry)
- Quentin's Quintessential Quadrilles - (Quentin)
- Ziggy's Zeitlose Zukunftsmusik - (Ziggy)
- Fast Freddie's Fretless Fingerboards - (Fast Freddie)
- The Teli-Caster Network - (Telly Prompter)
- Wagner's Vocational Violin Videos - (Wagner)
- Flowery Flute Fleeces - (Flim Flam)
- Leo's Fenders - (Leo)
- The Borrowed Chord Pawn Shop - (Fran Fret)
- Lotsa Lute Savings & Loan - (Banker Bran)
- The Syncopation Corporation - (Randy Rythm)
- Ellie's Elegant Elegies - (Ellie)
- Con Moto Cycles - (Hanna Hogg)
- Coda Pop Musical Beverages - (Cammy Coda)
- Kazoology School of Music - (Rinky Dink)
- Lyre, Lyre, Pants on Fire! - (Luke Lute)
- Reggae Regalia - (Bob Marlin)
- Ursatz for Kool Katz - (Tabitha)
- Pachelbel's Canonballs - (Stubby Toe)
- Yuki's Ukeleles - (Yuki)
- The Ternary Pet Shop - (Dana Dander)
- I Can't Understanza! - (Dumb Dolph)
- Schumann's Shoes for Men - (Tim Tango)
- Common Time Watches - (Karen Clockwork)
- The Musical Master of Melody - (Major Player)
- Anna's Cruises - (Anna)
- Relax the Bach - (Moe Saj)
- Mixolydian Scales - (Sea Shanty)
- What a Mezzo! Maid Service - (Martha Mopp)
- Marshall's Stacks - (Marshall)