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Ellie is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Ellie's Elegant Elegies located on Tenor Terrace in Mezzo Melodyland.


Ellie is a aqua cat who wears a cream Bottom Stripe shirt and the Blue & Gold skirt.

Story Appearances

Mezzo Melodyland - Ellie appears in the Cookie Conundrum Kudos Board Rank-Up Task. Her dialogue during this task is as follows:

Cookie Conundrum

"Well, hi there, my name's Ellie. What's yours?"
"I see, [Toon Name]. I'll try to remember that."
"Anyway, here's my problem!"
"I didn't want to tell Toon HQ about it!"
"I thought there would be no way they'd take my problem seriously!"
"There's such an overwhelming aroma in the area recently..."
"Yes, it smells just like freshly baked chocolate chip cookies, doesn't it?"
"I can't stand it though!! It's so distracting!!"
"How am I supposed to compose those elegant elegies I'm known for in an environment like this?"
"I need to put a stop to it, and I have an idea of who might be the culprit."
"It's gotta be Marshall, the guy who owns the pancake house down the street!"
"Why, I bet he came up with a brand new recipe for chocolate chip pancakes that smells just like warm cookies!!"
"But I need him to keep the smell down! Go try and talk some sense into him, [Toon Name]!"

After returning from Marshall

"Well? Did you get him to stop?"
"Oh, hmm. So he's not actually the one behind it, is he?"
"Hmm... what to do..."
"Oh, I know who it must be! I bet it's that lady down the street... Flim Flam, I think her name was?"
"Well she specializes in making "Flowery Flute Fleeces", or so I hear."
"I bet she concocted some flower that smells so overpoweringly like those sweet chocolate chip cookies..."
"Yes, yes, I bet that's exactly what happened!!"
"Go tell her to knock it off! I can't stand this smell anymore!"

After returning from Flim Flam

"Huhhh? What's this??"
"Flowers?! For ME?!?"
"Aww, you shouldn't have, [Toon Name]!"
"Wait, they're actually from Flim?"
"Oh, I see now, so she wanted to clear her name, huh?"
"Well, now I feel so bad for accusing her..."
"Tell you what, let me take those back to her!"
"Still, my problem isn't solved just yet..."
"Hmm... what to do..."
"There's only one other thing that comes to mind."
"Recently, I saw a peculiar-looking Cog roaming down the street."
"Here, I'll show you what it look like."
"Kinda reminds you of an old granny, right?"
"And old ladies like baking cookies, right...?"
"Ahh, who am I kidding? There's no way a Cog would be interested in such a thing, right?"

After recovering A Cookie Recipe from the Mouthpiece

"So you encountered the Cog too, huh?"
"Interesting... so her name was the Mouthpiece... No wonder she looks like an old-timey telephone!"
"You managed to defeat her, as well?"
"And... she dropped a recipe for chocolate chip cookies when you defeated her?!"
"My goodness, I didn't think a Cog would be the one behind all this!"
"Well, you don't mind if I take that recipe, right? I'll give you something in return for it!"