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Sal is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Sax On, Sax Off located on Soprano Street in Mezzo Melodyland.


Sal is a citrine dog who wears a purple Dress shirt and purple Shorts with Belt.

Story Appearances

Mezzo Melodyland - Sal appears in the Fools Brass Kudos Board Rank-Up Task. Their dialogue during this task is as follows:

Fools Brass

"My instruments are gone, my wax is waned, and my tuning guides are out of touch!"
"Understand you the this must situation gravity!"
"Why do we call it Sax On when we Sax on the old notes sax off new notes hear the notes?"
"We must you get sax brass so me new instruments to make with brass to make new instruments out of brass to make new instruments with of brass."

After recovering 10 "Sax Brasses"? from Penny Pinchers

"This copper we need brass to make new instruments out of brass to make new instruments with of brass."
"Not copper copper no music just metal not song not music metal metal metal."
"Make brass with copper need zinc for copper to make copper with zinc brass brass for music played with brass from zinc and copper."

After Fishing up 5 Zinc Vitamins

"Yes zinc for me to make zinc and copper brass to brass with music from brass from zinc and copper."
"Very good you me zinc get you give me zinc I zinc get and copper and zinc me you give me use zinc."
"Me zinc copper brass, copper is brass, brass instrument music, music instrument from brass from zinc copper."