Sluggo Songbird

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Sluggo Songbird is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Carry a Toon Movers located on Alto Avenue in Mezzo Melodyland.


Sluggo Songbird is a sienna duck who wears a sea green Plain shirt and sea green Shorts with Belt.

Story Appearances

Lawbot HQ - In the Lawbot HQ directives Sluggo Songbird appears in the following directive: Docket Dilemma. Their dialogue during this directive is as follows:

Docket Dilemma

"...Oh. Hello... There..."
"Yes... I can help you... Where would... You like..."
"...For these dockets... To be put?"
"L...Lawbot Headquarters? Interesting... Choice... But it... can be done..."
"...But... I would need you... To get rid of... Those Lawbots for me... So me and my..."
"...Crew can move... the dockets... without any... issue..."

After defeating 20 Cogs in Lawbot HQ

"Thank you... The dockets... are where you want... them..."
"Have a... good... day..."