Sid Sonata

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Sid Sonata is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Sonata Your Fault! Discount Auto Insurance located on Baritone Boulevard in Mezzo Melodyland.


Sid Sonata is a tan kangaroo who wears a royal blue Bottom Stripe shirt and royal blue Flower shorts.


Sid Sonata can be given out by Rain as a 2 Gag IOU from the V.P. boss battle. He boosts the power of the next two Sound Gags used by 30 damage.

Story Appearances

Mezzo Melodyland - In Mezzo Melodyland's taskline Sid Sonata appears in the following task: Chop Shop Blues. Additionally, Sid Sonata also appears in Phonic Phraudulence Kudos Board Rank-Up Task. His dialogue during these tasks is as follows:

Chop Shop Blues

"Hi there! How would I be of assist-"
"Woah, what are these papers..."
"Okay, hold on, let me take a look."
"Wow, uh, yeah..."
"These papers have been expired for nearly seven years..."
"I often like to say "Sonata Your Fault", but this is literally the biggest issue I may have ever seen!"
"You have multiple motor homes here without correct registration of insurance... This is hilariously out of whack."
"But, I'll cut you a deal."
"You save me maybe a few jellybeans off one of those motorhomes, and take down some Legal Eagles, and I'll sign off on the insurance for these."
"Legal Eagles put shame to my business, which has a very serious place in this toony world."
"What's that? Oh! Neat! A flyer for a few jellybeans off!"
"Well, then it's just the Legal Eagles left then."
"Good luck, and take them down!"

After defeating some Legal Eagles

"Well then, [Toon Name]. Consider yourself in possession of some prestigious insurance forms!"
"Just sign on the first twelve pages and initial on the designated locations."
"If you want to bring it back later, feel free!"
"I'll be browsing that motorhome lot now! Thanks for the sweet deal!"
"Happy travels!"

Phonic Phraudulence

"Hey hey! Welcome back! You aren't here about motor homes again are you? What happened this time?"
"Oh you aren't? Great! What can I do for ya?"
"Insuring instruments? Theft? The apocalypse?!?"
"Oh but not the apocalypse? Alright well..."
"Well sorry but I don't deal in strings and brass."
"Unless you got me an instrument that goes vroom, I can't help ya."
"I'm only allowed to be an adjuster for vehicles, I'd need to get a license for small property."
"Unless you can get me one of them those permits, I can't help you. They shouldn't be too hard to find."

After recovering an insurance permit

"Well how did you manage to get that!?"
"These are almost impossible to get, what with all the new regulations in place after the invasion."
"Alright, alright, you've got my attention."
"I'm willing to cover these instruments for you if you can get me one last thing."
"I've got a permit for this alright, but I don't have the papers to prove that this isn't fake."
"Because, well... it is fake."
"This kinda paperwork isn't something you're gonna find on the street, but if you can work your magic, then I'll cut the deal."

After recovering some fraudulent paperwork

"Alright! Now we're talking!"
"Ok, I'm willing to help you out and cover these instruments for you."
"Just have them all send them my way, and I'll cover it. Shouldn't be too bad right?"


  • Prior to the v1.2.0 update, when called using an SOS card in battle, Sid Sonata would use Sound on all Cogs in battle dealing 60 damage to each using a Foghorn.
  • Prior to the v1.3.0 update, Sid Sonata was a 4-Star SOS Card who boosted the power of Sound Gags by 10% for the next 3 turns when called.
  • Sid Sonata's appearance has changed multiple times over the game's life. He was originally a peach Cat, then eventually became a tan Mouse, and was finally turned into a Kangaroo in the v1.2.0 update.
