Fran Foley

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Fran Foley is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Doppler's Sound Effects Studio located on Baritone Boulevard in Mezzo Melodyland.


Fran Foley is a lime rabbit who wears a peach Plain shirt and the Snowflakes skirt.

Story Appearances

Mezzo Melodyland - In Mezzo Melodyland's taskline Fran Foley appears in the following task: LaughTrack.mp3. Her dialogue during this task is as follows:


"Why hello there, stranger."
"Or should I say..."
"Just kidding."
"Just bear with me, I tend to be a bit dramatic."
"When you live the life of a sound effect technician, you tend to be a bit over the top!"
"When you speak, you start getting the sense of sounds going on."
"Like the sounds of looooove..."
"Bow chicka wow-wow!"
"But do you know what sounds I've been wanting for the longest time?"
"Office supplies!"
"The sound of pens scribbling on paper, pages being flipped through... the gooooood stuff!"
"I really need you to go see Cleff at Notations Office Supplies on Alto Avenue, do whatever you must to get him to record these excellent sounds for me!"
"Thank you!"

After returning from Cleff

"I got Cleff in here earlier and recorded up some perfect sounding pen scribbles and page flips!"
"Thank you so much, [Toon Name]!"
"My collection is just about complete. You can tell Resistance Ranger Rhapsody not to worry about any more requests, I'm all set!"
"I'll let you go now, see you around!"