Rinky Dink

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Rinky Dink is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Kazoology School of Music located on Tenor Terrace in Mezzo Melodyland.


Rinky Dink is a yellow mouse who wears a purple Plain shirt and a citrine Polka Dot skirt.

Story Appearances

Mezzo Melodyland - In Mezzo Melodyland's taskline Rinky Dink appears in the following task: KAAAAZOOOOOOO! Her dialogue during this task is as follows:


"Why, welcome! Are you here to enroll?"
"You were told to help me? Why, did somebody ring about the dinkster?"
"Well regardless, I could use your help, as a matter of fact."
"It just seems like in these days Toons don't seem to appreciate the full value of the kazoo..."
"You want to make beautiful, beautiful music? Kazoo."
"You want to annoy the stink out of your pals? Kazoo."
"You just want a reason to have an unnecessarily high amount of attention? Kazoo!!"
"In fact, I even go to such lengths as getting gag shops to recognize the kazoo as an actual sound gag."
"Something a lot of Toons didn't recognize for the longest time!"
"So here's how you can help me."
"I'm going to hand you one of my kazoos."
"Now, you don't have to use it, but I want you to carry it on you while you take down some Cogs in stylistic fashion!"
"All I need you to do is tell Toons that your skills were taught to you through the teachings of the legendary kazoo."
"Now go, take down some of these Cogs and be the glorious postertoon I want you to be!"

After defeating 10 Level 6+ Cogs

"Wonderful! I bet those Toons are going to go WILD over kazoos real soon!"
"Now, I want you to target a pupil I've had my eyes on for a while."
"I was strolling down Soprano Street one evening when I witnessed a young Toon surrounded by Cogs."
"I nearly jumped into action with my kazoo until I saw himself wielding a kazoo of his own..."
"Masterfully blowing air into it in a manner that was at least a minor-grade annoyance to the robots around him!"
"The Cogs, never having faced such MILD kazoo-tastic trauma in their robotic lives simply walked past him down the street..."
"Continuing to terrorize the Toons of Soprano Street completely unfazed."
"Gosh, I sure haven't seen anything like that kid before..."
"I want you to recruit him!"
"He's over at his place on Soprano Street called You On Kazoo."
"Do whatever you must, he will be my protege!"

After returning from Kazoo Kid

"Did you do it?"
"OH FANTASTIC! Great work!"
"And you're signing up as well?"
"Well, you're no Kazoo Kid, but I'll take you on anyway."
"Wait, you're wanting out already?"
"Well, I don't care if you have tasks to do, you are enrolled for the kazoology program!"
"You have to at least pay the early termination fee if you're going to leave so soon."
"It's to uh..."
"It's to defeat one of those rampant ugly buildings blocking the view of my school!"
"Take care of one of them, and I'll set you free. Especially with my star pupil needing my undivided attention!"

After defeating a 4+ Story Cog Building

"A deal's a deal. You're free to go."
"I must say, that Kazoo Kid is a real charmer, by the way."
"It's only been one lesson, but we've learned how much we share our love of singing, dancing, pretending, aaaaand..."
"Thank you, [Toon Name]. My star pupil will now receive the kazoo training he's always deserved."
"Now I wish you luck on your tasks."
"See you around town!"