Kazoo Kid

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Kazoo Kid is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in You! On! Kazoo! located on Soprano Street in Mezzo Melodyland.


Kazoo Kid is a blue dog who wears the Cactus Cowboy shirt and coral High Pockets shorts.

Story Appearances

Mezzo Melodyland - In Mezzo Melodyland's taskline Kazoo Kid appears in the following task: KAAAAZOOOOOOO! His dialogue during this task is as follows:


"Oh, hey there."
"You want me to sign up for kazoology?"
"I would, but uh..."
"Lost... my kazoo?"
"Yeah, yeah, I lost my kazoo. I'm afraid I just won't be able to make it without that."
"...How did I lose it?"
"The Cogs stole it! I think..."
"I just couldn't bear to sign up without it."
"Sorry to break the news to you."
"Wait? You'll get it back?"
"No, no, no... It's not that neces-"
"You insist?"
"Ha ha, yeah uh, alright."
"I'll be here if you find it."

After recovering A Kazoo

"Okay, I gotta be honest, I still have my kazoo..."
"I'm actually surprised you found that one, to be honest."
"I know they want me to sign up, but... I can't."
"I'll tell you a secret."
"Sometimes I get a little... quiet, when I'm around lots of new Toons..."
"I can't go alone..."
"But wait! I'm not alone!"
"You'll sign up with me, right?"
"Run over and tell Rinky Dink that I'll sign up with you!"
"You know what, I think we're gonna be friends."
"Special friends!"
"And when I'm with friends, I like to have fun, fun, fun, fun, fun, FUN!"
"Now go sign us up..."