Corgi Diem

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Corgi Diem is an NPC Toon who's located in the Toonseltown playground.


Corgi Diem is a black dog who has white eyes. They wear the Spirit of Toonsmas Future's Outfit and use the Transparent Cheesy Effect.

Story Appearances

Event Tasks - Corgi Diem appears in the Toonsmas task: For Years To Come... Their dialogue during this task is as follows:

For Years to Come...

"You there, [Toon Name]."
"Come here."
"I have a favor to ask of you."
"I need you to deliver some gifts for me."
"I foresee many Toons being happy, and it is surely a byproduct of this very conversation."
"If you help me, I will graciously reward you."
"Excellent, let's get started."
"First, I need you to deliver something to my dear Candie."
"She has been a good friend and good company for centuries."
"I'd like to show my appreciation to her."
"Please deliver her this, a gift from yours truly."

After returning from Candie LaBrum

"Welcome back, [Toon Name]."
"Did Candie enjoy her gift?"
"Excellent. That is nice to hear."
"Candie got me something as well?"
"Oh my, she got me a tee shirt. Well, I can't say I'll wear it, but it's nice."
"How sweet of her, she really is a dear."
"Now, I need you to bring something to my good friend, Perez."
"He can be a handful, but I do enjoy his presence."
"Thank you again, [Toon Name]. You are very kind."

After returning from Perez Cent

"Hello again."
"Oh, how lovely."
"I was hoping I could get my hands on some more of these."
"How thoughtful of Perez."
"There is another gift I'd like you to deliver for me."
"It's for Flippy, the lovely mayor of this town, for allowing us to stay for the holidays."
"Thank you, [Toon Name]."

After returning from Flippy

"[Toon Name], it is nice to see you once again."
"Did Flippy like his gift?"
"An official citizenship for myself, Candie, and Perez?"
"How thoughtful. He really didn't have to give me anything in return."
"I will have to thank him personally."
"Thank you very much for your help, [Toon Name]."
"I have one last gift to give, and it's for you."
"Have a wonderful rest of your holiday season."
"It was nice to meet you."

Misc. Appearances

  • Shortly after the Toonsmas 2021 event, letters from the Spirits of Toonseltown were shown off on the Corporate Clash twitter.


  • Corgi Diem's name is a pun off of 'carpe diem', a term in Latin meant to encourage people to live life to its fullest and not worry about the future.
  • Corgi Diem is nonbinary, as stated by both Technical Team member madibye, and the creator of the Spirits, former Creative Team member, Pandora.