Candie LaBrum

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Candie LaBrum is an NPC Toon who's located in the Toonseltown playground.


Candie LaBrum is a cream rabbit who has pink eyes. She wears the Spirit of Toonsmas Past's Outfit and uses the Transparent Cheesy Effect.

Story Appearances

Event Tasks - Candie LaBrum appears in the Toonsmas tasks: A Task from the Past and For Years To Come... Her dialogue during these tasks is as follows:

A Task from the Past

"You there, Toon!"
"[Toon Name]? Cool!"
"Listen, [Toon Name], I know we just met, but I have a favor to ask you!"
"You see, Toontown is a wacky world full of wacky things!"
"Those wacky things greatly interest me, so I want some."
"If you help me out and knock a few of these items off my list, I'll give you something in return! Promise!"
"You'll help me? Thank you! Let's see what's first..."
"A pair of Flunky Glasses!"
"I saw a Toon running around with some, and they said they got them from someplace called 'Sky Clan'."
"Could you swing by and grab me a pair?"
"Well, that's a bummer."
"What use is a playground if it's only temporary?"
"Is there any other way to get a pair?"
"Could you get me a pair then? I'll reward you generously!"
"Thanks, [Toon Name], you're the best!"

After obtaining Flunky Glasses

"You got them, [Toon Name]?"
"You're amazing! Your efforts won't go unnoticed!"
"Next, I'll need a bandana."
"You know, one from that 'Outback' thing that happened?"
"Oh... That's done, too?"
"Darn it."
"Well, is there any other way you could get me one?"
"There is?! Sweet!"
"Please get me one! I'll make it worth your while!"

After returning from Tex

"Thank you so much, [Toon Name]!"
"There's just one thing left on my list, then you can be on your way!"
"Don't worry, it's not a thing."
"It's a place!"
"I need a place to keep my collection!"
"Toontown is a big place, so surely there's somewhere I can keep my things, right?"
"Do you know of anywhere?"
"Well, that's better than nothing, I suppose."
"Could you go scope it out for me? I promise I'll actually reward you this time!"

After returning from Coral

"[Toon Name]!"
"It's the perfect place for all my things and future things to come!"
"It's amazing!"
"It has so much space!"
"It'll serve me well for centuries!"
"But I can't have it!"
"Can you believe that?!"
"A Bessie covered in barnacles told me my use wasn't 'practical' enough!"
"This barnacled Bessie also said that me moving in would make the building less sad and less vacant, completely removing the appeal!"
"I guess I can understand."
"At least I have my items, right?"
"And I have two more, thanks to you!"
"I may not be able to take up residence here, but I can always count on you for help if I visit again!"
"I should probably reward you now, huh?"
"Thank you so much for your help, [Toon Name]! You've done a lot for me!"
"Happy Holidays!"

For Years to Come...

"Hey, [Toon Name]!"
"I don't have anything else for you, unfortunately."
"I'm still fighting that barnacled Bessie for access to the Sad Vaca..."
"You have something for me?"
"From Corgi?!"
"Lemme see!"
"Ooh! They got me a..."
"Oh no... but these are the exact glasses I wanted from Sky Clan."
"And you've already gotten me the same pair!"
"Oof, well now I feel bad."
"I guess I was so excited to have a pair that I didn't tell Perez or Corgi."
"But I can't just reject their gift!"
"They knew how badly I wanted a pair."
"I have an idea!"
"Why don't you deliver these to Perez?"
"Tell him they're a gift from me!"
"That way I can enjoy the ones you got me, but also put Corgi's pair to good use!"
"Oh, and maybe don't tell Corgi I gave them away?"
"We can just let them think the ones you gave me are the ones they gave me."
"Thanks, [Toon Name]!"

After returning from Perez Cent

"Hey again, [Toon Name]!"
"Thanks for doing that for me!"
"While you were gone I actually whipped something up for you to take back to Corgi for me."
"As a thanks for their gift, you know?"
"You've been super helpful, [Toon Name]. Thanks a lot!"

Misc. Appearances

  • Shortly after the Toonsmas 2021 event, letters from the Spirits of Toonseltown were shown off on the Corporate Clash twitter.


  • Candie's name is a pun off of candelabra (or its plural form, candelabrum), which is a three-slotted candle holder.