Barnacle Bessie
Barnacle Bessie is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in The Lighthouse located on Lighthouse Lane in Barnacle Boatyard.
Barnacle Bessie is a lime duck who wears the Weight Hat, a Purple Bottom Stripe shirt, and a Lavender Polka Dot skirt.
Barnacle Bessie can be given out by Rain as a 1 Gag IOU from the V.P. boss battle. She boosts the power of the next used Drop Gag by 80 damage.
Story Appearances
Barnacle Boatyard - In Barnacle Boatyard's taskline Barnacle Bessie appears in the following tasks: Oh, Barnacles!, Unite the Buccaneers!, I Can See Clearly Now..., A Captain For Hire, and The Office. Additionally, Barnacle Bessie also appears in the A Misty Mystery Kudos Board Rank-Up Task. Her dialogue during this task is as follows:
"OH, thank Flippy!"
"I thought you were one of those Cogs for a second!"
"Please pardon me, I'm just really all over the place lately..."
"I've been on the Toon Resistance for a while..."
"And while I may be notable for my experience with drop gags, I really do prefer to keep my distance from any Cog."
"Ever since this swarm started, I've been fearing the day they made their way here to Barnacle Boatyard."
"You see, I've spent a lot of my toony life here, enjoying the docks, swimming in the water, water-skiing, boating, everything you could possibly imagine."
"It was a water paradise here. I didn't want anything bad to happen to it."
"And it didn't, not at least for a while anyways."
"It turns out the water all around Barnacle Boatyard made it quite tasking for the Cogs to make it here."
"But they've finally managed it, and their numbers have been increasing each and every day."
"Since then I've been promoted to ambassador and moved here into this lighthouse."
"I can see the Cogs coming in and be prepared to siren if something critical happens."
"But I'm not the only new promotion in this playground."
"With the big burst of Cogs, we all knew that I wouldn't be able to handle all the Cogs myself."
"We got the most experienced Toon we could get on short notice moved in, that being our HQ leader Resistance Ranger River."
"If only Resistance Ranger Rain didn't get caught up..."
"I've got a lot of sorting to do here, but the Cogs are roaming the streets more than ever."
"A lot of Toons here haven't experienced anything like them before."
"I need you to go talk to Resistance Ranger River in the playground headquarters and help her in setting Toons here up for success."
"I'm grateful you're here, [Toon Name]. Welcome to Barnacle Boatyard."
"Good luck!"
"Back so soon?"
"You really are good."
"So what's this? A chart showing the Cog's activity since their arrival, according to Art?"
"Well it's a stretch to assume that ALL of the footprints are still exact, but it does give us something to go off of."
"I've got a plan, however."
"I want you to go to Doctor Squall."
"He's a very reliable optician that specializes in his own viewing telescopes."
"I want you to take this chart to him and have him scan the horizon all around Barnacle Boatyard."
"This is the first step in figuring out where these Cogs came from, and just how we might be able to slow them down."
"His shop is Out to See Optics on Buccaneer Boulevard."
"Thank you for your assistance, [Toon Name]."
"Around Anchor Avenue, huh?"
"That must be it!"
"The Cogs must've found their way around to the other side of Barnacle Boatyard and have been getting in through Anchor Avenue."
"I need someone to set sail on the ocean and see what they can find, and there's only one Toon for the job."
"I need you to go over to his shop here on Lighthouse Lane."
"Get him to head out and sail around and see what he can find."
"This is critical, [Toon Name]. Our fate is in your hands."
"That confirms it. Anchor Avenue is the weak link in the fence."
"I need you to investigate for me. Carefully head out to Anchor Avenue and take down some of the strongest Cogs you can find."
"I need to know if this wave of Cogs is durable for us."
"Once you do that, please inform the HQ Officers of just what's happening. They'll need to be aware of the situation."
"Thank you, [Toon Name]."
"You're back."
"That's already promising."
"This means we can send the Barnacle Boatyard Buccaneers in to keep this wave of Cogs in check, right?"
"...No? What do you mean no?"
"This is awful!"
"First off, I now have to consider hiring new officer for Anchor Avenue, but not only that, I now fear the Cogs may keep coming..."
"I need for you to stock up, be careful, and enter that office and take down whoever's running it."
"This is important and you're all we got, [Toon Name]."
After defeating the Director of Land Acquisition
"You made it back! Oh thank the heavens."
"So tell me everything you can, this is important. We need to know so that we can send our best in to keep this thing stabilized."
"Director of Land Acquisition, hmmm...?"
"This makes a lot of sense."
"They came here and set up this office up as a way of allowing Cogs to finally get into Barnacle Boatyard..."
"In their neverending plan to acquire as much of our land as possible..."
"But... why?"
"Well, either way, we're going to have a lot on our hands from now on."
"But I just have to say some things to you, for everything you've done."
"Thank you so much."
"You know, even though things have been hectic here, from mere Cogs to even offices, you stepped in for all of us and exceed all of our expectations."
"You showed me how to be a true leader, how to organize a strong team, how to plan ahead, and how to take down these Cogs."
"Especially when a lot of us weren't too experienced!"
"Are you sure you don't want to stick around and take a few... hundred more Cogs down with us?"
"Maybe a few more offices too?"
"In all seriousness, thank you."
"You've brought us from a playground of terror, fright, and inexperience and watched the winds turn us into a town ready to win against these Cogs."
"You're capable of just about anything for us Toons. I can see it in you, [Toon Name]."
"If you ever drop by and need a partner to help use Drop on some Cogs, I've always got a spare minute or two."
"But for now, I'm unfortunately going to have to let you go."
"Flippy recently got the memo out on some extremely big plans. Things bigger than us."
"They'll need you."
"You left us in a great place, now go and do more great things for others."
"Good luck out there, [Toon Name]."
"See you around the boatyard."
"You Resistance members are lifesavers, let me tell you."
"I hope you understand how much I appreciate your help."
"You've surely seen the boat docks near my lighthouse, right?"
"Well... just a while ago, a strange Cog started lurking around these docks."
"The area's been closed off to ships for quite some time, but I still see that Cog near the docks."
"It's out there now, and let me tell you-that fog is impenetrable."
"I can't see my own hands held out in front of me!"
"Though I do know what'll help get a good look at that thing!"
"I'll have you pay a visit to Greggory Goggles at Goggle Defoggers."
"His defogging machine is top of the line! The shop is over on Anchor Avenue."
"I'll try to keep watch to make sure that Cog doesn't go anywhere."
"Be quick! We don't know what more they could be capable of beyond just fog..."
After returning from Greggory Goggles
"What took you so long? You won't believe what's happened! Suddenly it began to rain, business as usual, but then..."
"It turned black! And the water has that unmistakable sheen and smell..."
"Oil, without a doubt! This Cog has got to go."
"That noxious rain is no good for us, or the waters around here!"
"You have the machine, right? Excellent!"
"I'll head on out to deploy it, but it'll take time given how thick the coverage is."
"I know, let's make use of the downtime while we have it to reduce their hold on the area!"
"Take out some of those Cog buildings around here."
"Careful though, the boardwalk is slick from the oil."
After defeating 2 Cog Buildings
"Right on cue! The fog has just about cleared, for now."
"Should be quite a bit safer to head down there and give that troublemaker what for."
"Be wary though, we still don't know what they're capable of."
"If the fog and strange rain was truly their doing..."
"You may be in for quite the fight."
"Remember: hold nothing back! Get that dock back under our control."
"Good luck out there, and be careful!"
After defeating the Rainmaker
"You did it [Toon Name]!"
"The dock is safe once again, and looks like the fog has cleared!"
"Well, it's clearer than it was."
"Hey there, why the long face?"
"...She didn't want to fight?"
"Didn't mean to cause any trouble...?"
"Phooey. That toxic rain and dangerous weather was her doing."
"She can linger elsewhere-somewhere that isn't my doorstep!"
"Well, at any rate, she's gone... For now."
"I'll head over to Greggory's to give him his machine back."
"Thanks for helping me get all this sorted out. Here's a little something for all your running around town."
Event Tasks - Barnacle Bessie appears in the ARG Task. Her dialogue during this task is as follows:
"Hello there! How arrrrrrgh ya?"
"Get it, because like, arrrgh, and..."
"You know what, it doesn't matter."
"Let's see this document you've got here."
"It looks like one of those "cease and desist" things that those metalheads like to give out."
"But it looks completely different!"
"It came from a, errrr, M. Monsoon?"
"I don't know why I received this, but I suspect that the Cogs are up to something."
"This is probably the doing of those dastardly Lawbots."
"See if you can recover some legal documents from them."
"That might shed more light on this situation."
After recovering some Legal Documents
"You got the documents?"
"Great! Let's look at them."
"Let's see, jury duty, jury duty, jury duty..."
"Nothing about an M. Monsoon."
"Well, that was pointless."
"Maybe the Bossbots have something to do with it!"
"They send out orders to the other departments."
"Try to get some of those orders!"
"They might hold the secret to this document."
After recovering some Orders
"More documents! Let's look at them."
"Go to this place, go to that place, go play golf..."
"No M. Monsoon here either."
"This is very strange."
"Neither the Lawbots nor the Bossbots have anything to do with this mystery!"
"That's it! The Boardbots!"
"They're the only ones that can overrule the Bossbots."
"That dastardly Cog on Anchor Avenue is probably trying to expand his reach!"
"We can't let him do that!"
"Take him out and see if he has anything to do with this."
After defeating the Director of Land Acquisition
"What did you find?"
"Seems like we might have to wait to figure out this one."
"I'll have to up security at the Lighthouse until things get resolved."
"Thanks for your help, even if we didn't really get anywhere."
"You can have this paper as a memento."
"Please let me know if you happen to find out anything else."
Unique Interaction Dialogue
Barnacle Bessie has unique dialogue when attempting to interact with her. This dialogue is as follows:
- "Never go out alone in the fog!"
- "Have you tried water-skiing? I highly recommend it!"
- "It is thanks to Doctor Dimm I have the best lighthouse lights!"
- Prior to the v1.2.0 Update, when called using an SOS card in battle, Barnacle Bessie would use Drop on all Cogs in battle dealing 220 damage to each using the now removed Toontanic Gag.
- If summoned before v1.1.0, Bessie would instead use Pianos.
- Prior to the v1.3.0 update, Barnacle Bessie was a 5-Star SOS Card who boosted the power of Drop Gags by 20% for the next 3 turns when called.
Art of Barnacle Bessie and the Rainmaker made for National Lighthouse Day