Doctor Squall

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Doctor Squall is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Out to See Optics located on Buccaneer Boulevard in Barnacle Boatyard.


Doctor Squall is a sea green deer who wears the Doctor's Headband, a Monocle, a red Pocket Polo, and brown High Pockets shorts.

Story Appearances

Barnacle Boatyard - In Barnacle Boatyard's taskline, Doctor Squall appears in the following task: I Can See Clearly Now... His dialogue during this task is as follows:

I Can See Clearly Now...

"Welcome, what can I have the pleasure of doing for you today?"
"Orders from Barnacle Bessie herself huh?"
"Well let's not waste any time."
"Let me just grab my trusty old telescope here..."
"Oh my."
"My lens is busted."
"I must've dropped it at some point recently."
"This is not good..."
"Okay, maybe, you know what, there was one of those robot Cog things walking around recently with glasses on."
"If you can get me the lenses from those glasses, I can probably fashion them to fit inside my telescope!"
"Thereby allowing me to get a gander at the horizon."
"I think it had a brown suit on, if that helps."
"Please try and hurry!"

After recovering A Glass Lenses from Flunkies

"Oh this just won't do, these lenses keep fogging up."
"I'm an optician, not a magician!"
"Maybe you can see Greggory Goggles. He runs his shop Goggle Defoggers over on Anchor Avenue."
"He's a man of many defogging talents, albeit normally goggles, but perhaps he can help with this situation as well."
"I'll leave with you my trusty telescope. Take it over to him and see if he can work his wonders on it."

After returning from Greggory Goggles

"Oh thank heavens! My telescope is in working order once more."
"Let me just take a quick peer around the pier here."
"While I get a good view, can you do me a quick favor and pick up my shoes?"
"I dropped them off next door at Soles Repaired While U Wait."
"Thank you!"

After returning from Flappy Docksplinter

"Oh wow! My shoes look brand new!"
"That Flappy Docksplinter sure does a great job!"
"Anyways, I got a great view of the horizon, oddly less foggy than usual, but it was still hard to see all the way out."
"However, I did see quite a commotion of Cogs that seemed to be coming from around Anchor Avenue."
"Naturally I couldn't see too much more however, unfortunately."
"I think it's best you tell this information to Barnacle Bessie."
"If you need any extra help, I'm always around."
"Good luck!"