Flappy Docksplinter

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Flappy Docksplinter is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Soles Repaired While U Wait located on Buccaneer Boulevard in Barnacle Boatyard.


Flappy Docksplinter is a periwinkle cat who wears the Alchemist Goggles, a sienna tinted Old Boot shirt with slate blue Bottom Stripe sleeves, and sea green High Pockets shorts.

Story Appearances

Barnacle Boatyard - In Barnacle Boatyard's taskline, Flappy Docksplinter appears in the following tasks: I Can See Clearly Now... and A Captain For Hire. His dialogue during these tasks is as follows:

I Can See Clearly Now...

"You're here about Doctor Squall's shoes?"
"Finally, at least someone is."
"I'm not a cobbler!"
"The word SOLE has multiple meanings!"
"I repair the sole of a captain's ship cabin, not fix someone's stinky old shoes!"
"I'm just going to leave them with you. Drop them off at Doctor Squall's place when you can."
"I apologize for the inconvenience."

A Captain For Hire

"I told you, if this is about Squall's shoes again, I'm NOT a cobbler!!"
"Oh, this is actually about a ship repair?"
"Fantastic! I can do that!"
"But I'm going to need some wooden planks."
"If you can go around and defeat some of those robots, I do believe they quite often rip up the planks around Barnacle Boatyard."
"It's kept us quite busy, in fact."
"Just recover a few while I assess the full damage of Melville's ship and we'll start from there."

After recovering 3 Wooden Planks

"These will do nicely."
"So I did see other structural damage to the hull, but it looks quite odd."
"Almost like a beaver's been gnawing on it..."
"Either way, I'm going to send you across the street to Linda Landlubber."
"She runs her shop Disembark! Tree Surgeons."
"She'll be able to give us some more defined pieces to repair this hull with."
"Just get those back from her and we'll be in good shape."

After returning from Linda Landlubber

"These are definitely top notch. Linda did a great job."
"I'll go right ahead on fixing up the rest of Melville's ship now."
"Go ahead and swing by and let him know it'll be ready by the time he gets out to it."
"Good luck to you!"