Linda Landlubber

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Linda Landlubber is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Disembark! Tree Surgeons located on Buccaneer Boulevard in Barnacle Boatyard.


Linda Landlubber is a sea green koala who wears the Doctor's Headband, the Nerd Glasses, a lime tinted Nurse Shirt, and lime tinted Nurse Shorts.

Story Appearances

Barnacle Boatyard - In Barnacle Boatyard's taskline, Linda Landlubber appears in the following task: A Captain For Hire. Additionally, Linda Landlubber also appears in the Straight to Boardwalk sidetask and the Sandcastle Savings Kudos Board Rank-Up Task. Her dialogue during these tasks is as follows:

A Captain For Hire

"Hi there! Welcome to Disembark!"
"I handle all things trees in Barnacle Boatyard."
"I'd be glad to help you out with your hull situation, but unfortunately the Cogs took all my fine woodcutting tools."
"If you fight some of those stronger looking ones, I'm sure you can get them back for me."
"If you do that, I'll owe you and repay you in the finest wood selections for your hull."

After recovering 3 Woodcutting Tools

"That's them alright!"
"Let me just whip up your order real quick."
"Just a chop, a zip, a zap, and voila!"
"Some perfect hull pieces."
"Good luck to you on your adventures!"

Straight to Boardwalk

"Oh, hello!"
"I'd be happy to help you with your wood needs."
"I just need a couple things to make this work."
"One, keep the Cogs away from my machines while I process the wood..."
"And two, some easy payment for the labor and goods!"
"It's all yours after that. Sound good?"

After delivering 50 Jellybeans to Linda Landlubber

"Thank you very much!"
"Here's your wood. There's quite a bit extra. I had a lot leftover!"
"These new woodcutting tools are working so lovely."
"See you around!"

Sandcastle Savings

"Hey again, [Toon Name]! Got any more tree-related needs? Tools?"
"Sure, I can lend you some tools..."
"If you can help me out with some Cog problems, that is."
"Can you go defeat a few outside?"

After defeating 6 Cogs

"Thanks so much! Here are those tools you wanted."
"No need to return them-they're disposable."
"What did you need them for again?"
"A... sand castle...? These are surgical tools."
"Oh. Clyde's on a budget again?"
"Ok. Well... good luck!"